exam 2 Flashcards
Define an extremophile
An organism that can thrive in extreme environments, like space (like tardigrades), high heat (thermophiles), high pressure (barophiles), etc.
Know the different categories of extremophiles covered in class
- halophiles thrive in extremely salty environments
- Lichen thrive in high radiation (not the technical name for them?)
- Aerobes thrive in oxygen (humans)
- Thermophiles thrive in high temps
- Psychrophiles thrive in low temps
- Acidophiles thrive in extremely acidic environments
- Alkaliphiles thrive in extremely basic environments
Be able to interpret growth curves for different environmental parameters
lower limit, its optimum where it grows best, and a upper limit (salinity chart on Halophiles)
What would liquid water on Mars be like?
Temp below freezing but would remain liquid due to the fact that it’s saturated with salt
What evidence is there of flowing water on Mars?
The picture showing the streak pattern on the surface that indicates flowing water
Can life as we know it survive on Mars?
No. It’s too cold and has lower pressure.
With regards to temperature both hot and cold, what prevents a cell from growing?
- Hot temperatures cause the cell membrane to break apart
- Cold temperatures, membrane becomes less fluid so things can’t get through it. Cell stops functioning
From an extremophile perspective what is unique about Mono Lake, Rio Tinto, The Via Luz cave, The Dead Sea?
Only halophiles live in extremely salty environments such as these.
Which domain is generally the best at surviving in extreme environments? The worst?
archaea is best at surviving them, eukarya is worst
Be able to describe the basic structure of DNA.
- The two strands of the “backbone” are wound in the shape of double helix
- Two strands are connected with four bases (T, A, C, G)
- T only attaches to A
- C only attaches to G
Who discovered the structure of DNA.
- Rosalind Franklin
- Didn’t get credit, but Watson and Crick did
What is lateral gene transfer?
- cells give genes to cells
- exchange to genes within us
How do microbes impact our bodies?
- Gut bacteria tell their hosts what to eat in order to help it advance
- The microbiome may yield a new class of psychobiotics for treatment of anxiety, depression, and other mood disorders
What is the Cambrian explosion?
-happened about 0.5 GYA during the Cambrian period, major groups of animals first appeared on fossil records at this time.
What are the characteristics of LUCA?
-thermophile, lives in the water, autotroph