exam 2 Flashcards
domestic violence
consistent and intentional pattern of behavior that increases over time
legitimate access to or control of systems and institutions sanctioned by the state
persistent tension and dominance of one’s needs over another
my sisters place
organization which strives to end domestic violence and human trafficking through comprehensive services, advocacy, and community education
guiding principles of MSP
create a world where everyone can be free from gender based violence and engage in relationships that embrace the principles of respect equality and safety
economic system characterizedby the private ownership of the means of production, personal profit, and competition
economic system by which the means of production is publicly owned by the people for their collective benefits
North American Fair Trade Agreement passed in 1994 to increase national trade/trading of goods over national borders
Capital Flight
investment overseas, plant relocation, and mergers
Structural Transformation
fundamental change in the economy resulting from several powerful contemporary forces; technological breakthroughs in microelectrics, the globalization o the economy, capital flight, and the shift from a manufacturing economy to one based n information and services
Effects of Structural Transformation
businesses are more successful but need less workers, americans are working more hours but machines are replacing more of their jobs, and factory production is increasing but factory employment is decreasing
Contingent work
employment arrangement whereby employees work as temporaries or independent contractors freeing employers from paying fringe benefits
Sunrise industry
new and growing industry especially in electronics or telecommunications
Sunset industy
old declining industry
Great Recession
from about 2007 to 2009/2010 when debt began to increase do to easy credit an a high percentage of sublime loans. Tax revenues decreased due to a serious budget shortfall which gave employers a reason to reduce or eliminate worker benefits and caused the american dream to be more of a dream than a reality
standard of living below the minimum needed for the maintenance of adequate diet health and shelter
the process by which people are increasingly interconnected economically, politically, culturally, ad environmentally
Global Trade
Flow of goods across borders and the integration of peoples and nations
Subprime Loans
loans given to those with questionable credit records
Unemployment Rates
3.5% unemployment as of sep 2018 not including youth unemployment or discouraged workers
part time or fewer hours than desired
Discouraged Workers
People who have not actively sought work in four week
Scientific Management
efforts to increase efficiency by breaking down work into specialized tasks, the standardization of tools and procedures, and the speeding up of repetitive work
Control of workers
processes to maintain safe and successful factory work, scientific management, through bureaucracy, and by monitoring worker behavior
Separation of people from themselves, others, and products they create
Dangerous working conditions
typically in sweatshops or low wage facilities where the area is overcrowded with workers, underpaid, long shifts, and dirty or lack of bathrooms
substandard working environment where labor laws are violated
workers join together to form union to cover them and provide job security and higher wages