Exam 2 Flashcards
What is the correct order (most to least important) of the hierarchy of the physiologoical and behavioral needs of large grazers that affect patterns of landscape use?
Thirst > heat/cold > hunger > nighttime > rest
Which of the following species or class of livestock will make better use of rougher terrain, thereby increasing utilization of pastures?
A) angus bulls > angus heifers
B) Goat wethers (castrated males) > mother beef cows
C) Domestic sheep > mother beef cows
D) Mother beef cows > yearling steers
E) A and D
F) B and C
B and C
Which of the following terms fits this definition- “those areas that provide resources and conditions necessary for occupancy, survival, and reproduction by wildlife species
A) habitat quality
B) Habitat selection
C) habitat availability
D) Habitat
Describe the general seasonal habitat for each of the 4 seasons below, based on wild ungulate needs in temperate areas of the world.
1) Winter
2) Spring
3) Summer
4) Fall
- Winter: vulnerable to disturbance, weight loss, increased predation, low elevation
- Spring: selection of birthing areas, increased forage availability, medium elevation
- Summer: selection of lactation sites, antler development, high elevation
- Fall: critical for weight gain, avoidance of hunting, migration to winter ranges, medium elevation
According to the following chart, what traits characterize forage plant species classified as preferred forage species, avoided, or those used proportional to their residual herbage mass (i.e. availability) by grazing animals in the landscape?
A) preferred forage plants have high dietary electively, but not as much herbage mass as plants used proportional to their availability i the landscape
D) Avoided plants have equal availability as proportions plants, but have lower diet electively
E) Two characteristics about preferred plants compared to avoided plants is 1) they have lower herbage mass and 2) they have higher diet electivity
List four species of wild ungulates in North America that are memebers of the deer family.
- elk
- moose
- mule deer
- white tailed deer
- caribou
T/F: Nutrients in rangeland forages typically increase for a short window following a fire, but then return to pre-fire levels within a few years
T/F: Cattle weight gains are typically lower under patch-burn compared to traditional grazing systems regardless of whether they incorporate burning
What percentage of time did cattle and bison spend grazing recently burned grazing units at Tallgrass prairie preserve in eastern Oklahoma?
Results of poor grazing distribution include which of the following?
A) low harvest efficiency because a portion of the pasture is underutilized
C) Development of erosion problems in heavily used areas
List the 4 general approaches to manipulating livestock distributions.
- enticements
- burning
- fertilization
- salting
- shade
- supplements
- water
- deterrents
- fencing
- grazing systems
- hazing
- herding
- change kind or class of animal
- pasture configuration
Which of the following statements is true concerning elk feedgrounds in western wyoming?
B) 7,000 elk are fed on the National Elk Refuge near Jackson on an average year
C) On average, between 73-84% of the elk in the WGFD Jackson region are fed each year
Primary findings from the research that Ganskopp et al. published in 2001 from their study that manipulated cattle distribution with salt and water in thre <825 ha arid-land pastures from May-Sep 1999 in southeastern Oregan included the following. Please recall treatments included water and salt together and water moved or salt moved.
A) Distance of cattle from water (mean 1.16 km) was not affected by treatments
C) Mean distance of cattle from salt increased 1.03 km, when salt and water were together, to 1.73 km when salt and water were separated. This implied that cattle made less effort to remain near salt
The following figure depicts results of selection for categorical cover types (aspen, conifer, mountain brush, sagebrush, meadlow) by adult female elk across for seasons in northcentral utah from 1993-1997.
1) Which cover type was preferred by elk in 3 of the 4 seasons?
2) Which cover type was consistently equal to its avalability across seasons?
1) Aspen 2) conifer
Which home range estimater is depicted below?
What are some of the data that can be obtained from GPS transmitters attached to animals such as wild horses?
Movements home range size seasonal habitat selection survival or mortality data
Which ecological term describes release of population regulation on ungulate populations when predators are removed from a grazing system?
What is the most widely distributed large mammalian predator in the western hemisphere?
Mountain lion
T/F: Black bear population are declining across most areas of North America
Which year were wolves reintroduced in Yellowstone National Park
What is true about the distribution of coyotes in North America?
C) Coyotes had colonized in the Great Lakes states by the early 1900s
D) coyotes were found in Canada as far north as the Arctic Ocean
Which of the following is not true concerning predation on livestock
Predation by livestock incurs a larger economic impact on western rangeland-based livestock operations than the economic impact incurred by poisonous plants
Which of the following non-lethal tools may be effective in reducing predation on livestock?
- Use of livestock guard dogs
- Tying fladry on pasture fences
- Secure livestock in pens at night
- Use noise makers such as cannons near livestock
You live in a yurt in the foothills west of Boulder CO; this area also includes abundant mule deer and wild carnivore populations. Your neighbor raises a small flock of dairy goats. Your neighbor knocks on you door one morning to tell you that 6 of her 8 goats where killed over night. You inspect the animals with her and find the following evidence to detect which carnivore may have killed her goats. 1. There are bite marks all over the bodies 2. none of the goats had been eaten 3. you find several large (>3” width) rounded tracks with toes spread apart and claw marks showing. Which carnivore is most likely the culprit?
Domestic dog
You live in a yurt in the foothills west of Boulder CO; this area also includes abundant mule deer and wild carnivore populations. Your neighbor raises a small flock of dairy goats. Your neighbor knocks on you door one morning to tell you that 6 of her 8 goats where killed over night. You inspect the animals with her and find the following evidence to detect which carnivore may have killed her goats. 1. There are bite marks all over the bodies 2. none of the goats had been eaten 3. you find several large (>3” width) rounded tracks with toes spread apart and claw marks showing. Which carnivore is most likely the culprit?
Domestic dog
There are approximately 100 cases of brucellosis transmitted to humans each year in the US. What are the pathways for transmission of brucellosis to humans?
- Through skin abrasions while in contact with infected animals
- Drinking milk or eating dairy products from unpasteurized milk from infected animals