Exam 2 Flashcards
Clotho, Lachesis, Atropos
Weaver, lengther or whatever, cutter
Bro Zeus
god of sea
“ earthquakes
“ horses and bulls
Looks like Zeus (middle aged, beard)
Sometimes more disheveled hair
Poseidon animal
“Sea” horses
Few stories with him as main character, just agent (flood)
Creatures associated with Poseidon
Cyclopes, Medusa, Pegasus, Scylla
… and Galatea (and Acis)
Tried to get her. Ugly cyclops, beautiful Neiriad, daughter of pos
Combing hair with rake, 100 reed pan flute, excuses for one eye
Polyphemus smash Acis with mountain
Blood - Sicilian river - became spirit
“Young” god
Bow and arrow or lyre
youthful male existence
Son of Zeus and titan Leto
Apollo’s Domains
Apollo’s birthplace
Leto fled there, reluctantly allow her
Eilytheia (goddess of childbirth) kept away by Hera, eventually bribed to help
Apollo at…
… Delphi
Killed the Python with bow and arrow at the tender age of 4 days
Must be purified
Established oracle
Explain replacement of old belief at site (Ge-Themis/Earth-goddess worship)
Site of Pythian Games (major Panhellenic festival)
Site of major oracle in Greek world (tied with Oracle of Dodona - Zeus)
Key site for receiving Apollo’s prophecies (through Pythian priestess)
Pythian priestess
Debate about what role she served
Lots of autonomy
High place at Delphi owes to older tradition associated with Python (perhaps an earlier Earth-goddess type)
Castilian Spring
Where Apollo killed Python
Place of purification for travelers and Pythian priestess
Apollo’s Relations
Both heterosexual and homosexual
Several end tragically
Male youth - young love/lust
Laurel crown for poets and athletes
…And the jealous Zephyr (West Wind)
Threw discus, wind pushed it and killed Hyacinthus, blood flowed and made flower
Sibyl of Cumae
Depicted as raving, when inspired by the god
- not ready, raged, until he controlled her
Theme that god’s gift = bad
Concubine of Agamemnon
Given gift of prophecy by Apollo if she gave herself to him
Changed mind - Apollo asked for kiss, spit in her mouth, no one believes her fortunes
Apollo’s epithet
“Phoebus” - “shining”
Connected to Helios
Apollo and Helios
Can’t remember
Son of Helios and Cyrene
Approaches Helios to learn birthrite
Grants him wish on Styx
Ride chariot, can’t control, scorched Lybia, threatens Olympus, Zeus kills him, horses return to the West
Gnothi Seauton
“Know thyself”
Know your place
Saying at Oracle of Delphi
Winged shoes
Traveler’s hat
Caduceus (messenger’s staff - don’t shoot the messenger) *
Young god
Hermès Domains
Herald/messenger of the gods (primary role) god of boundaries god of thieves Guide for travelers god of herds (livestock) Trickster god
Hermès as messenger
Intermediary between humans and gods (mainly Zeus)
Helps Zeus cheat
Function mirrors contemporary Greek and a Roman heralds
Homeric Hymns
Origin stories
Hermès origin story
Child of Zeus and Maia (daughter of Atlas)
Invented lyre from tortoise while in cave
Theft of Apollo’s cattle
I’m a baby!
Gave lyre to Apollo
Prophecy? Nah. Okay, best buddies
Edge of boundaries and able to move freely from one to another
War helmet
Shield (aegis of Zeus) with Gorgons
Long peplos (dress)
Perennial virgin
Athena’s Domains
Textile production
Military strategy
Patron of heroes
Athena’s origin
Daughter of Zeus and Métis (“Cunning”)
Zeus heard prophecy from Gaia son with Métis overthrow him
Zeus swallows Métis
Zeus was assisted by Hep to deliver - ax to head
Athena and Arachne
Didn’t acknowledge Athena’s assistance
Visits, ignores advice
Athena tap - humans being punished by gods
Arachne - gods behaving badly
Athena beats her, she hangs herself, turns her into spider