Exam 2 Flashcards
God of good luck, businessmen, thieves, and practical jokes. Son of Zeus
Mother of Hermes. Had Hermes with Zeus
What did Hermes do right after he was born?
He killed a turtle and used the guts to make strings. He used the strings to make the first Lyre.
Who’s cattle did Hermes find and what did he do?
The Cattle of Apollo. He walked them backwards so the tracks looked like they were going into the pen. He took two and sacrificed them.
What did Hermes do when Apollo shook him?
He created a thundercloud.
What did Apollo want in exchange for the two cows that Hermes sacrificed?
The Lyre he made.
What is the name of the son of Hermes and Aphrodite?
What happened when Hermaphroditus got into the pool in the woods?
A Nymph wrapped around him and prayed to the gods to join together with him and they literally became attached.
Resulting being of Hermaphroditus and the Nymph
Three rules when Gods interact with Humans:
Always in disguise.
Sex always results in pregnancy.
Divinity is recessive so only two gods can make a god.
How was Dionysus born?
Semele was pregnant with him but Zeus put the fetus in his thigh when he killed Semele. He was born from Zeus, making him divine.
God of wine or wet food.
Female followers of Dionysus
Male followers of Dionysus
Dionysus’s hometown.
King of Thebes. Didn’t accept Dionysus as a god so he was cursed.
Told Pentheus to accept Dionysus as a god. When he was a kid, hit a snake that was mating on the head and became female and later hit another and became male.
According to Tiresias, which gender enjoys sex more?
What gift did Zeus give to Tiresias?
The gift of prophecy
Who thought that Pentheus was a lion and pulled him down from a tree and ripped him apart.
Maenads and his mother Agave.
King in Turkish area, returned a worshipper of Dionysus to Dionysus, who then granted him any wish. Wished that everything he touched turned to gold.
God of shepherds. Half human, half goat. encountered a Nymph. Chased after her but the nymph prayed to the gods and turned into a reed. Who was it and what was the instrument he made?
A nymph not assigned to a particular place. Would go talk to Hera and Zeus would go have affairs. What was the Nymph’s name and what did Hera do to get her to stop talking?
Echo, made it so that she could only talk by repeating what someone said.
Who did Echo encounter and prayed that he would fall in love with someone who wasn’t interested in them? what happened to him?
Narcissus, fell in love with his own reflection and eventually starved to death.
Excessive self-love
Which god doesn’t have a separate roman name?
Apollo’s twin.
Who gave birth to two gods and was worshipped all over the world?
Who didn’t worship Leto because she had 14 children, and all of them survived child ilness? What did Leto do to her?
Niobe, a human princess. Leto and Apollo killed all 14 of her children and Niobe turned to stone.
God of prophecy, art, music, and athletics
The center of the Earth, Apollo’s main place of worship because he fought and killed a serpant there.
Oracle of Delphi, predicted things.
King of Lydia, which was to the west of Persia. Invented money, Asked oracle if he should attack Persia. Who is the king, what did the oracle say, and what happened when he attacked.
Croesus. Oracle said that an empire would be anhialated. Croesus lost the battle and Lydia was overtaken.
What happened when the Persian king put Croesus on a bonfire?
Croesus prayed to Apollo and mit rained, saving him. The Persian king made him an advisor.
A woman Apollo wanted to sleep with. Gave her the gift of prophecy. Asked to live one year for every grain of rice in her hand. Who was it and what happened to her?
Sibyl. She didn’t ask for eternal youth so she withered and was just a voice in a bottle.
A woman Apollo tried to sleep with. Asked for the gift of prophecy. Refused to sleep with Apollo. Who was it and what did Apollo do when she didn’t sleep with him?
Cassandra. Apollo spit in her mouth, making it so no one ever believed her prophecy.
A woman Apollo tried to sleep with. Another man was intersted in her and she was interested as well. Apollo didnt understand why. Who was it and what was her reason for being with the human and not Apollo.
Marpessa. Said the man would grow old too and Apollo wouldnt so he would just leave once she is old.
A woman Apollo wanted to sleep with. Cupid shot her with a lead arrow and Apollo with a gold one. Prayed to the gods to take away her beauty. Who was it, what did each arrow do and what happened after she prayed to gods?
Daphne. Gold arrow made Apollo burn with desire. Lead arrow made Daphne repulsed by Apollo. When she prayed to the gods, she became a Laurel Tree.
A boy that Apollo enjoyed doing athletics with. Apollo threw a discuss up in the air and it landed and killed him. Who was it and what did Apollo do after he killed him.
Hyacinthus. Made the Hyacin flower in honor of him.
Woman Apollo slept with. Had an affair with someone else. Apollo found out she was pregnant with his child. Who was it, what was the childs name?
Coronis. Apollo saved the baby, Asclepius.
Was raised by a centaur because Apollo gave him to him. had the gift to bring things back to life. Killed by Zeus because of his power. Who was the centaur and the child?
the centaur was Chiron and the child was Asclepius
A satyr who challenged Apollo to a music contest and lost. in the contest the winner got to do anything they wanted. Who was it and what did Apollo do to him?
Marsyas. Apollo had his attendants skin him alive.
Was given ass ears by Apollo because he was the only one that thought Pan won the music competition. Everyone found out he had ass ears because his barber whispered it into the ground.
Goddess of nature, wilderness, and hunting. A virgin goddess.
Stumbled across Artemis naked when he got lost while hunting. Who was it, what did Artemis do to him and how did he die?
Actaeon. Artemis turned him into a deer but left him his conciousness. His sent was picked up by his groups hunting dogs and the mawled him to death.
Son of Theseus, the king of Athens. Didnt grow up with a mother. foun d sex revulting which angered aphrodite. Who was it, who did aphrodite make fall in love with him, and what happened to him?
Hippolytus. Aphrodite made his step-mom Phaedra fall in love with him. He was revulted and she got angry so she told her husband Theseus that he tried to rape her. Theseus cursed him and Posideon sent a bull to kill him.
What happened to Callisto?
She was a virgin and follower of Artemis. She was raped as Zeus who was disguised as Artemis. Artemis discovers she was pregnant and banished her from the following group. Hera was jealous that she was pregnant so she turned Callisto into a bear. Her son grew up and found her while hunting. Zeus turned the son into a bear. They became constellations.
A hunter that tried to rape Artemis. Who was it and what was his constellation next to and why?
Orion. Artemis put his constellation next to Scorpio so he was forever stung.
Goddess of wisdom, technology, and strategy. Born from Zeus’s had after he swallowed her mother.
Athena’s Mom
Characteristics of Athena when she was born.
Fully grown. Wearing armor. Zeus’s favorite child.
When Posideon and Athena competed to be the patron god of Athens, what did each do and who won.
Posideon created a Salt Spring but it was useless. Athena made an olive tree and a way to make use of it. Athena won.
The worship place of Athena in Athens. Means the virgin’s place.
Thought she was a better weaver than Athena and challenged her. Who was it, what did she make, and what did Athena do to her?
Arachne. She made a tapestry that depicted gods having sex with humans. Athena made it so she would weave forever by turning her into a spider.