Exam 2 Flashcards
Why do we use Transmission Based Precautions?
Transmission Based Precautions are used when the route of transmission cant be stopped by the use of standard precautions alone
Airborne Precautions
Used for clients with an infection that is transmitted by air-borne droplets smaller than 5 microns
(i.e.- measles, varicella, and TB)
Methods for Airborne Precautions
- Place client in a private and negative air pressure room
- Place client with someone who has the same disease
- Wear respiratory device (N95) when dealing with TB
- Susceptible people should not enter the room of chicken pox or measles without a mask
- Limit mvmts of client outside the room
Why do we use Droplet Precautions?
- Used for clients with an illness transmitted by droplets LESS THAN 5 microns
(i. e.-diphtheria, m. pneumonia, pertussis, mumps, rubella, flu, pneumonia, and scarlet fever)
Methods for Droplet Precautions
- Place client in private room
- Place client with someone who has the same disease
- Wear a mask when working WITHIN 3 FT
- Limit mvmt of clients outside of the room
Why do we use Contact Precautions?
- used for clients with an illness that is easily transmitted by contact with the client and items
(i. e.-GI, skin, respiratory, skin, and wound)
Methods for contact precautions
- client in private room
- client placed with someone that has same illness
- wear gloves and cleanse when leaving room (C. Diff REQUIRES soap and water)
- wear a gown when there is a possibility of contact with infected surfaces (remove while still in room)
- limit mvmt outside of room and sharing of equipment
What is the most effective way to prevent the spread of infections?
hand hygiene!
What are other ways to prevent disease?
-educate on importance of immunizations
-good hygiene
-adequate rest and nutrition, hydration
-pulmonary hygiene and prevent skin breakdown
-aseptic technique
-healthcare worker precautions
(disinfecting and sterilizing, isolation precautions, isolation practices, PPE)
Illness Management
- identify body system and the effects the infection is having on that body system
- Observe the manor of presentation
- Identify the causative agent and treat accordingly
What clues are provided by a WBC lab test?
-provides clues about the infecting organism and the bodies immune response to it (>10,000)
Why are cultures used?
Used to identify probable microorganisms by their characteristics. Afterward the microorganism is tested with different antibiotics to determine which one is most effective through sensitivity testing (takes 24-48hrs)
What is Serological testing and what is it used for?
Indirect way of identifying infection by looking at our antibodies (hep B, HIV)
Antibiotic peak and trough levels
Are used to measure the blood levels of the prescribed medication, making sure it reaches therapeutic range, and a range high enough to kill the microorganism
(Done by radiology, lumbar puncture, ultrasound, and urinalysis)
What are some potential complications from a surgical procedure?
- wrong person surgery
- right person, wrong site
- right person, wrong surgery
- right person, right sight, wrong surgery
What is Asepsis?
the absence of an illness producing microorganismm (this is primarily achieved through hand hygiene)
What is Medical Asepsis?
the use of precise practices to REDUCE the number, growth, and spread of microorganisms (the clean technique)
-this applies to common nursing tasks
What is surgical asepsis?
the precise practice to eliminate ALL microorganisms from an area or object to prevent contamination(sterile technique)
What is something you should check for prior to any asepsis practice?