Exam 2 Flashcards
Positive staircase effect
Also known as the bowditch effect
As the heart rate doubles, the tension increases stepwise
with each beat more Ca is accumulated by the SR until a maximum storage level is reached
Postextrasystolic potentiation
when an extra beat is generated, the tension developed for the next beat is greater than normal
Cardiac glycosides
drugs that produce the positive inotropic agents
Effect of cardiac glycosides (steps)
- The Na-K ATPase is inhibited at the extracellular K binding site
- Less Na is pumped out of the cell and the Na concentration inside the cell is increased
- The function of the Ca-Na exchanger is altered
- Less Ca is pumped out of the cell by the Ca-Na exchanger and intracellular Ca concentration increases
- Continue to increase tension
Use of cardiac glycosides
treatment of congestive heart failure
Frank Starling Relationship
ability of the heart to change its force of contraction and therefore stroke volume in response to changes in venous return
Preload (Frank Starling Relationship)
left ventricular end-diastolic volume
resting length from which the muscle contracts
Afterload(Frank Starling Relationship)
aortic pressure
velocity of shortening of cardiac muscle is maximum when afterload is zero
velocity of shortening decreases as afterload increases
Function of ventricles
- stroke volume is the volume of blood ejected by the ventricle on each beat
- Ejection fraction is the fraction of the end-diastolic volume ejected in each stroke volume which is a measure of ventricular efficiency
- cardiac output is the total volume ejected by the ventricle per unit time
Stroke volume
the volume of blood ejected on one ventricular contraction
Stroke volume (equation)
Stroke volume = end-diastolic volume - end-systolic volume
End-diastolic volume
volume in the ventricle before ejection (mL)
End-systolic volume
Volume in the ventricle after ejection (mL)
Ejection fraction
the effectiveness of the ventricles in ejecting blood
Ejection fraction (equation)
Ejection fraction = stroke volume/end-diastolic volume
Cardiac output
total volume of blood ejected per unit time
Cardiac output (equation)
Cardiac output = Stroke volume (volume ejected per minute mL/min) X Heart rate (beats/min)
Positive inotropic effect (Frank Starling Relationship)
uppermost curve, produce increases in stroke volume and cardiac output for a given end-diastolic volume
Negative inotropic effect (Frank Starling Relationship)
produce decreases in stroke volume and cardiac output for a given end-diastolic volume
Fick principle
there is conservation of mass
Atrial Systole (A)
- atrial contraction
- preceded by the p wave
- contraction of the left atrium causes an increase in left atrial pressure
- left ventricle is relaxed during this phase
- ventricular blood volume increases
Isovolumetric ventricular contraction (B)
- ventricles contract
- ventricular pressure increases
- Ventricular pressure is constant
- QRS complex
- mitral valve closes
- 1st heart sound
Rapid ventricular ejection (C)
- ventricles contract
- ventricular pressure increases and reaches maximum
- ventricles eject blood into arteries
- ventricular volume decreases
- aortic pressure increases and reaches maxium
- ST segment
- Aortic valve opens
Reduced ventricular ejection (D)
- Ventricles eject blood into arteries
- ventricular volume reaches minimum
- aortic pressure starts to fall as blood runs off into arteries
- T wave
Isovolumetric ventricular relaxation (E)
- Ventricles relaxed
- ventricular pressure decreases
- ventricular volume is constant
- aortic valve closes
- second heart sound
Rapid ventricular filling (F)
- Ventricles relaxed
- Ventricles fill passively with blood from atria
- ventricular volume increases
- ventricular pressure low and constant
- mitral valve opens
- third heart sound
Reduced ventricular filling or diastasis (G)
- ventricles relaxed
- final phase of ventricular filling
Cardiac and vascular function curves
the cardiac function curve is cardiac output as a function of right atrial pressure
the vascular function curve is venous return as a function of right atrial pressure
Unstressed volume
volume of blood that produces no pressure (in veins)
Stressed volume
volume in blood that produces pressure by stretching vessel walls (arteries)
Blood volume 0-4L
all volume unstressed
Blood volume >4
some blood in stressed volume and pressure increases
Increased blood volume about 4L
No change in unstressed volume but changes in stressed volume
Mean systemic pressure
Value for pRA when VR=0
increases when BV increases
decreases when BV decreases
Positive inotropic effect (CV function curve)
Cardiac function curve has a higher slope so steady point moves up and left
increased contractility
Negative inotropic effect (CV function curve)
Cardiac function curve has a lower slope so it shifts down
decreased contractility
Increased blood volume (CV function curve)
Vascular function increases so line shifts up
increased systemic pressure
Decreased blood volume (CV function curve)
Vascular function decreases so line shifts down
decreased systemic pressure
Increased TPR (total peripheral resistance)
Vascular and Cardiac function decreases so both curves shift down
Decreased TPR (CV function curve)
Vascular and cardiac function so both curves shift up
Mean arterial pressure (Pa)
driving force for blood flow and it must be maintained at a high constant level of approximately 100 mm Hg
Mean arterial pressure (equation)
Pa = cardiac output (mL/min) X TPR (mmHg/mL/min)
Pa regulation
regulated by the neural system (high-pressure baroreceptors) and hormonal (renin/Angiotensin/aldosterone)
pressure sensors located within the walls of the carotid sinus and the aortic arch and relay information about blood pressure to cardiovascular vasomotor centers
Increases vs decreases in arterial pressure (baroreceptors)
stretch the baroreceptors and increase the firing rate in the afferent nerves
decreases do the opposite
functions of the smallest blood vessels, the capillaries and the neighboring lymphatic vessels
How are solutes and gases exchanged across the capillary wall?
simple diffusion
How do lipid soluble molecules pass through the capillary wall?
endothelial cells (o2, CO2, steroid hormones, fatty acids)
How do water soluble molecules pass through the capillary wall?
between the cells (H2O, glucose, ions, amino acids, small peptides)
Fluid exchange
Osmotic pressure and hydrostatic pressure
osmotic pressure
solute gradient influences direction and magnitude of water molecule movement
Hydrostatic pressure
pressure exerted by a fluid when gravity is acting on it
fluid can exert a pressure on fluid around it
Starling equation
fluid movement across a capillary wall is determined by the net pressure across the wall
Starling equation (equation)
J= K[(Pc-Pi)-(Pic-Pii)] K = hydraulic conductance (mL/min X mm Hg) Pc = capillary hydrostatic pressure (mmHg) Pi = interstitial hydrostatic pressure (mmHg) Pic = capillary oncotic pressure (mmHg) Pii = interstitial oncotic pressure (mmHg)
Net filtration pressure
pressure that promotes filtration - pressure that promotes reabsorption
when the net fluid movement is out of the capillary into the interstitial fluid
when net fluid movement is from the interstitium into the capillary
Hydraulic conductance
water permeability of the capillary wall
capillary hydrostatic pressire
force favoring filtration out of the capillary
Interstitial hydrostatic pressure
force opposing filtration, nearly 0 or slightly negative
capillary oncotic pressure
force opposing filtration
determined by the protein concentration
interstitial oncotic pressure
force favoring filtration that is determined by the interstitial fluid protein concentration
Lymphatic system (purpose)
responsible for returning interstitial fluid and proteins to the vascular compartment
lymphatic capillaries
possess one-way flap valves which permit interstitial fluid and protein to enter but not leave the capillaries
thoracic duct
empties lymph into the large veins
Increase in interstitial fluid volume
Causes of edema
- can form when there is increased filtration
- when lymphatic drainage is impaired (can happen when lymph nodes are surgically removed or irritated
local control
primary mechanism utilized for matching blood flow to the metabolic needs of a tissue
Neural or hormonal control
mechanisms as the action of the sympathetic nervous system on vascular smooth muscle and the action sof vasoactive substances such as histamine, bradykinin, and prostaglandins
the maintenance of a constant blood flow to an organ in the face of changing arterial pressure. If pressure increases the radius must increase
Active hypremia
blood flow to an organ is proportional to its metabolic activity
Reactive hyperemia
increase in blood glow in response to a prior period of decreased blood flow
Myogenic hypothesis
stretching smooth muscle in arteriolar vessel wall occurs with increased pressure - stimulates smooth muscle contraction
increased Pressure = increased stretching = vasoconstriction = increased resistance = decreased blood flow = decreased pressure
Metabolic hypothesis
O2 consumption = O2 delivery
metabolism produces metabolites which act as vasodilators
increased metab = increased metabolites = vasodilation = decreased resistance = increased blood flow = increased O2 delivery
Neurological control
sympathetic innervation of vascular smooth muscle
whether to vasodilate or vasoconstrict depends on the type of receptors (alpha 1 = vasoconstriction)
(beta 2 = vasodilation)
Hormonal control
many locally produced molecules can act as vasoconstrictors or vasodilators
Coronary control
Primarily local metabolites and small contribution of sympathetic innervation
Stimulus is chemoreceptive; low O2
Cerebral control
Primarily local metabolites and small contribution of sympathetic innervation
Stimulus is chemoreceptive; high CO2
Pulmonary control
Stimulus is chemoreceptive; low O2
Hypoxia = vasoconstriction
Shunts blood from regions of low ventilation to regions of higher ventilation
Renal control
Combination of local and sympathetic
Skeletal muscle
Combination of local and sympathetic
At rest: primarily sympathetic
During exercise: primarily local metabolites
Increased O2 consumption (metabolic hypoth)
Build up of lactate (metabolic hypoth)
Sympathetic to regulate temperature control
Local hormones released during trauma (histamine produces inflammatory response symptoms)
Temperature Regulation
set point is 98.6 F or 37 C
Thyroid hormones (temp)
increased metabolic rate which increases heat
Autonomic regulation (temp)
sympathetic neurons inhibit cutaneous blood flow)
Sympathetic regulation of brown fat metabolism
Brown fat packed with mitochondria, can generate heat by using energy for metabolism
Brown fat content low in adults, high in babies
skeletal muscle contractions
Stimulant for fever
pyrogen a pathogenic fever-causing agent that targets the hypothalmus
Metabolic change for fever
for every 1 F above ~7% increase in metabolic rate
Atrioventricular valves
designed so that blood can only flow in one direction from the atrium to the ventricle
systemic circulation
pumps blood into the lungs
cardiac output
rate at which blood is pumped from either ventricle
venous return
rate at which blood is returned to the atria from the veins is the venous return
the principles that govern blood flow in the cardiovascular system
- aorta is largest
- function is to deliver oxygenated blood to the organs
- thick walled with elastic tissue, smooth muscle and connective tissue
- volume of blood is called stressed volume
- smallest branches of the arteries
- made up of smooth muscle
- site of highest resistance and where resistance can be changed
alpha 1 adrenergic receptors
cause contraction or constriction of smooth muscle
increase contraction decrease unstressed volume
beta 2 adrenergic receptors
cause relaxation of smooth vascular muscle
increase diameter and lower resistance
- thin walled, lined with a single layer of endothelial cells
- site where nutrients, gasses, water, and solutes are exchanged between the blood and the tissues
Venules and Veins
- thin walled with endothelial cell layer, elastic tissue, smooth muscle, and connective tissue
- have large capacity to hold blood
- largest percentage of blood in the cardio vascular system (unstressed)
Velocity of blood flow
v= velocity of blood flow (cm/s)
Q = flow (mL/sec)
A= cross-sectional area (cm2) pir2
Blood flow is determined by (2)
pressure difference between the two ends of the vessel
pressure is the driving force, the ristance is the impediment to flow
Magnitude of blood flow (equation)
q = flow (mL/min)
delta P = pressure difference (mmHg)
R = resistance (mmg/mL/min)
Magnitude of blood flow relationship to delta P
directly proportional
Direction of blood flow
determined by the direction of the pressure gradient and is always high to low
Blood flow relationship to resistance
increasing resistance decreases flow and vice versa
Total peripheral resistance
resistance of the entire system vasculature
Poiseuille equation
R = resistance
n = viscosity of blood (proportional to resistance)
l = length of blood vessel (proportional to resistance)
r4 = radius ^4 (inversely proportional to resistance)
Series resistance
Arrangement of all blood vessels within an organ
Series resistance (equation)
Rtotal = Rartery + Rarterioles + Rcapillaries + Rvenules +Rveins
Where does the greatest decrease in pressure occur in series resistance and why?
Arterioles because the contribute to the largest portion of the resistance
Parallel resistance
distribution of blood flow
total resistance is less than any of the individual resistances
no loss of pressure
What happens when you add resistance to a parallel circuit?
the total resistance decreases not increases
Laminar flow
streamlined flow
velocity of flow is the highest int he center of the vessel and lowest towards the vessel walls
Turbulent flow
the fluid streams do not remain in parabolic profile; mix radially and axially
Reynolds #
predicts either laminar or turbulent
Reynolds # (equation)
N=pdv/n p = density d = diameter v = velocity n=viscocity
Reynolds number results
<2000 then the blood is laminar
20003000 then the flow is probably turbulent
>3000 then it is turbulent
decreased hematocrit (red blood cells)
due to turbulent blood flow murmers occur
high cardiac output
blood clots in the lumen of a vessel narrows the diameter of the vessel
occurs when blood travels at different velocity in the same vessel
highest at vessel wall
lowest at center
decreases blood viscosity
Compliance of blood vessels
C= V/P C= compliance or capacitance (mL/mmHg) V = volume (mL) P = pressure (mmHg) greater in veins than arteries
Compliance and volume relationship
increased compliance means increased volume
Where is the highest pressure?
What effect does aging have on arteries?
makes them stiffer, less distensible and complacent
Mean pressures high to low
aorta (100) large arteries arterioles capillaries venules veins
Arterial pressure
pulsations in the arteries reflect the pulsate activity of the heart
Diastolic pressure
lowest arterial pressure during a cardiac cycle and is the pressure in the arteries during ventricular relaxation when no blood being ejected from the left ventricle
Systolic pressure
highest arterial pressure; pressure in arteries after blood has been ejected from the left ventricle
systolic - diastolic
Mean arterial pressure average
mean = diastolic + 1/3 pulse pressure
Pulsations in arteries vs aorta
larger arteries have greater pulsations due to pressure waves pushed backwards into artery branches
plaque deposits in the arterial walls decreasing the diameter of arteries
systolic, pulse, and mean pressure to increase
Aortic stenosis
aortic valve is narrowed, less blood enters the aorta
systolic, pulse, and mean pressure decrease
Aortic regurgitation
aortic valve is incompetent, one way flow of blood is ruined and flow goes backwards into the ventricle
Pulmonary vs systemic resistance
pulmonary resistance is much lower than systemic resistance
contractile cells
constitute the majority of atrial and ventricle tissues and are working cells of the heart
Conducting cells
constitute the tissues of the SA note, atrial internodal tracts, the AV node, the bundle of His, and the Purkinje system
SA node
action potential initiated here
Atrial internodal tracts and atria
action potential moves from SA node through these to the atria
AV node
receives action potential
slow conduction ensures that the ventricle has sufficient time to fill before they contract
Bundle of His, Purkinje system, and ventricles
Action potential leaves the AV node and enters the bundle of His then the left and right bundle branches and then smaller bundles of the purkinje system
Action potential in His-Purkinje system
extremely fast which is efficient for contraction and ejection of blood
Spread of action potential
SA node-atrial internodal tracts - av node - bundle of His - purkinje system
normal sinus rythm
the pattern and timing of the electrical activation of the heart are normal
Qualifications for normal sinus rythm
The action potential must originate in the SA node
The SA nodal impulses must occur regularly at a rate of 30 - 100 impulses per minute
the activation of the myocardium must occur in the correct sequence with correct timing and delays
Long duration of action potential
-150 msec in atria to 250 msec in ventricles to 300 msec in purkinje fibers
long refractory periods
Action potential in His-Purkinje system (Phase 0)
rapid depolarization (upstroke)
- opening of Na channels with inward Na current
- potential reaches +20mV
- called dV/dT: rate of change of the membrane potential
Action potential in His-Purkinje system (Phase 1)
initial repolarization (net outward current)
- Na channels close due to repolarization
- inward Na current ceases
- outward K current due to K moving out of the cell during the upstroke
Action potential in His-Purkinje system (Phase 2)
Plateau (stable, depolarized membrane potential)
- increase in Ca due to current inward (slow)
- L-type channels are inhibited by Ca channel blockers
- outward k current to balance Ca invlux
- net current is 0
- Ca induced Ca release
Action potential in His-Purkinje system (Phase 3)
- decrease in Ca (inward)
- increase in k (outward)
- at the end the outward current is reduced because repolarization brings the membrane potential closer to the K eq. potential
Action potential in His-Purkinje system (Phase 4)
electrical diastole
-inward and outward currents are =
Action potential in SA node (phase 0)
- increase in Na current
- result of an inward Ca current
Action potential in SA node (phase 1-2)
Action potential in SA node (phase 3)
-increase in K outward current
Action potential in SA node (phase 4)
spontaneous depolarization
- automacity of SA node
- -65 mV
- slow depolarization due to inward Na current
- sets heart rate
Latent pacemakers
includes cells of the AV node bundle of His, purkinje fibers
suppressed when SA node drives the heart rate(overdrive suppression)
ectopic pacemaker
SA node firing rate decreases or stop completely
intrinsic rate of firing of one of the latent pacemakers should become faster than that of the SAnode
Conduction of action potentials from the sa node to the rest of the heart is blocked due to disease
Conduction velocity
speed at which action potentials are propagated within tissue (m/sec)
determines how long it takes for the action potentials to spread to various locations in myocardium
the capacity of myocardial cells to generate action potentials in response to inward depolarizing current
Absolute refractory period
most of the duration of the action potential
no second impulse can be conducted no matter how strong
Effective refractory period
longer than absolute
can generate another action potential but needs a really strong stimulus
supranormal period
begins when the membrane potential is -70 mV and continues until the membrane repolarizes to -85 mV
sympathetic stimulation increase heart rate
parasympathetic stimulation decreases the heart rate
positive chronotropic
negative chronotropic
dromotropic effects
increase in conduction velocity is positive due to SNS
decreasse is due to PNS and is negative
P wave
depolarization of aorta
PR interval
160 ms
depolarization of atria to depolarization of ventricles
QRS complex
depolarization of ventricles
T wave
repolarization of ventricles
Heart rate
Measured by counting the number of QRS complexes there are per minute
excitation-contraction coupling
cardiac action potential -inward Ca flow increase in Ca concentration (inward) Ca binds to tropnin C Cross bridge cycling - tension or relaxation