Exam 2 Flashcards
How does the perception of music differ from the perception of speech in terms of their hemispheric lateralization and brain areas involved? Is there any overlap between areas for perceiving (non vocal) music and areas for perceiving speech?
- Both speech and music appear fairly early in development, follow a relatively fixed sequence and take sounds from the immediate environment as their input
- mechanisms in the right cerebral hemisphere including pitch-specialized cortical areas are important for both perception and production of pitch, while the left auditory cortical system is specialized for speech sounds that don’t require the same accuracy in pitch tracking
- While both speech and music incorporate pitch variation, it has particular qualities in music that distinguish from speech - its organization as discrete scales in music while in speech, pitch changes tend to be continuous
What are some differences between humans and non-human primates might account for our unique appreciation of music?
- In order to link discrete auditory events so encode and decode meaning, need a working memory system. Monkeys limited in their capacity to retain auditory events in their working memory, while humans can relate once sound to another that come seconds or minutes later
- Musical sounds in the animal kingdom are limited to biologically significant vocalizations and thought to be limited to an adaptive role toward territory defense and mate attraction rather than abstract enjoyment
- When given a choice, non-human primates generally prefer silence over listening to music
- monkeys can distinguish between consonance and dissonance but don’t seem to find consonant sounds more pleasurable
- Connectivity between mesolimbic reward system and frontal regions
Both humans and other primates seem to keep track of pitch, why is pitch relevant?
Sensitive to the perceptual quality of pitch. Pitch results from periodicity and has biological significance because almost exclusively produced by vocal tracts of other animals in nature, compared to aperiodic natural sounds like wind or water
Tracking pitch would be useful for species to navigate an acoustic environment
Violations of pitch might activate right inferior frontal gyrus
Parabelt regions assemble pitch into melodies
Why does music cause pleasure?
- Reward value for music can be coded by activity level in NAcc whose functional activity with auditory and frontal areas increases as a function of increasing musical reward
- Pleasure in music comes from interactions between cortical loops that enable predictions and expectancies to emerge from sound patterns and subcortical systems responsible for reward and valuation
- Widely believed that pleasure people experience in music is related to emotions induced by that music
- Each time a sequence of sounds is heard, templates are activated to fit the incoming auditory information, which will lead to a series of predictions that will be either confirmed or violated and will determine its reward level to the individual
- Cerebral cortex and the striatum work together to make predictions about potentially rewarding future events and assess the outcome of these predictions
what experiments did authors conduct?
- Experiment: had participants select highly pleasurable music and continuously rate their experience of pleasure while listening to it. measured sympathetic nervous system activity (heart rate, respiration rate, skin conductance, body temp). Found a positive correlation between ratings of pleasure and increases in SNS activity occurring simultaneously - link between objectives objective indicators of arousal and subjective feelings of pleasure
- as measure of peak emotional arousal, had participants bring in music that gives them chills. Found that ventral striatum and brain regions associated with emotion were recruited as function of increasing intensity of the chills response, showing that mesolimbic reward system could be recruited by an abstract aesthetic
- Experiment: Compared dopamine release in response to pleasurable versus neutral music, and found that strong emotional responses to music lead to dopamine release in the mesolimbic striatum.
- scanned people with fMRI as they listened to new music. Assessed reward value of each piece of music by giving individuals chance to purchase it in an auction paradigm Found that activity in mesolimbic striatal areas, especially NAcc was most associated with reward value of musical stimuli.
What brain areas were activated by chill-inducing music?
- Found that ventral striatum and brain regions associated with emotion were recruited as function of increasing intensity of the chills response, showing that mesolimbic reward system could be recruited by an abstract aesthetic
- Also activity in dorsal striatum during the period immediate preceding the chills - phase of anticipation
What brain areas were activated by Highly rated novel music?
• For highly rated novel music - Found that activity in mesolimbic striatal areas, especially NAcc was most associated with reward value of musical stimuli. Also auditory cortices in superior temporal gyrus (STG) showed increased functional interactions with NAcc during processing of musical sequences with high reward value. Also increased connectivity of frontal cortex with NAcc during highly rewarding music processing
What does the brain use for energy? How is this different from the rest of the body?
Brain uses glucose for energy, and only glucose. Body can use glucose, protein or triglycerides
What is ghrelin?
Ghrelin is a peptide hormone released in the fasting phase and an endocrine signal for hunger. Produced and released by the empty stomach and increases before meals. Binds to receptors in the hypothalamus to help stimulate eating behavior
What other types of signals facilitate feeding?
Other metabolic signals that arise in the fasting phase if it persists long enough:
Top-down influences change how brain pays attention to hunger - eg. hearing someone talk about food
depriving cells of lipids, low levels of triglycerides. Liver perceives low triglycerides and concentrations of fat. Liver has receptors that detect low availability of fatty acids and send this info to brain through vagus nerve.
hypoglycemia (fall in blood glucose level) is stimulus for hunger. Brain receives glucoprivic hunger signal from the liver through the vagus nerve. Brain also has signals in the medulla that monitor the availability of nutrient inside BBB
what type of information signals mammals to stop eating?
- Short-term satiety signals tell brain you’ve had enough food
- Main signal to stop eating is distention of the stomach - will not feel full until stomach is distended
What type of information is carried by the Vagus and splanchnic nerves?
- Splanchnic nerves convey info about nutrient contents of stomach
- Vagus nerve conveys info about the stretching of the stomach walls to the brain
what role does duodenum play in stopping a meal?
Duodenum can release CCK hormone to tell brain to stop eating, and distension of duodenum can also produce feelings of satiety
Duodenum is part of the small intestine where initial absorption of significant amounts of nutrients occurs. Controls rate of stomach emptying by secreting peptide hormone CCK
What is cholecystokinin?
- A peptide hormone that causes gallbladder to contract which injects bile into the duodenum. Secreted in response to presence of fats and causes pylorus to constrict and inhibit gastric concentrations, which keeps stomach from giving duodenum more food
- Signals from CCK receptors are transmitted to brain through vagus nerve telling brain that duodenum receiving food from the stomach
what other chemicals help to terminate eating?
•Peptide YY (PYY) is produced by cells in gastrointestinal tract and released by small intestine in amounts proportional to amount of calories that were just ingested
There are receptors for types of nutrients that are consumed - small intestine can keep track of amount of calories consumed
•Insulin - absorptive phase of metabolism accompanied by increased level of insulin in blood. Insulin permits organs other than brain to metabolize glucose, and promotes entry of nutrients into fat cells. Brain doesn’t need insulin to metabolize glucose but has insulin receptors to detect presence of insulin in the blood, which tells brain body is probably in absorptive phase of metabolism
what role does leptin play in feeding behavior?
- Leptin is a peptide hormone that is normally secreted by well-nourished fat cells. Increases metabolic rate and decreases food intake - acts as anti-obesity hormone
- Sent by body to regulate hunger and feeding behavior in long-term. Signals there’s enough energy stored so can stop eating - low levels of leptin will increase hunger
What brain regions play roles in feeding behavior?
- Brain stem contains neural circuits that can detect hunger and satiety signals and control at least some aspects of food intake
- Lateral hypothalamus involved in initiating eating, and ventromedial hypothalamus involved in regulating satiety
- arcuate nucleus
What types of feeding neurons are observed in the hypothalamic arcuate nucleus?
Neurons sensitive to hunger signals: ghrelin, environmental cues
Neurons sensitive to satiety signals: taste pathways, insulin, CCK, leptin
What role does NPY play in feeding?
- A neurotransmitter that is extremely potent stimulator of food intake
- Cell bodies of most neurons that secrete NPY are found in arcuate nucleus
- Glucoprivation and ghrelin activate the orexigenic NPY neurons
- NPY neurons in arcuate nucleus of hypothalamus receive input from glucose-sensitive neurons in the medulla, and they’re the primary target of ghrelin in the hypothalamus
What is the difference between sensation and perception?
- Sensation - hierarchical, physiological processes involved with taking in information - Involves the cells of the nervous system that are specialized to detect stimuli from the environment
- Perception - psychological processes involved in organization and interpretation of sensation -Perception is a winner-take-all: once you perceive one thing, your brain inhibits perception of other contrasting things - The conscious experience and interpretation of information from the senses and involves neurons in the CNS
What is meant by bottom-up versus top-down processing?
•Bottom-up: from stimulus to neural activity to identification (“physical”), aka “data-driven”
•Top-down: influence from expectations, knowledge and surrounding context on what we sense and perceive (“psychological”), aka “knowledge-driven”
-Taking info from schema, modified by conditions that are already there
•Expectations and attention influences what bottom-up signals are amplified or diminished. Starting point for top-down is perceptual awareness, and this can be directed in different places which influences how you process bottom-up signals
Understand the levels of analysis associated with psychophysics, sensory physiology and cognitive neuroscience.
Psychophysics - studies quantitative relationship between stimuli and perception
Sensory physiology looks at the relationship between the stimulus and processing the stimuli
Cognitive neuroscience involves how the processing of stimuli leads to perception of the stimulus
absolute versus difference threshold
Absolute threshold - smallest amount of stimulus energy necessary to detect a stimulus
Difference threshold - smallest difference between two stimuli that a person can detect
common features of all sensory systems
1) receive a physical stimulus
2) Transduce the physical stimulus into an electrochemical signal
3) Movement of a signal along sensory pathways from periphery to brain
4) Form whole perceptions of objections out of many such signals
stimuli are detected by sensory receptors that alter, through various processes, the membrane potentials of the cells - Being able to translate a sensory cue into electrochemical signal of the brain
Understand the general organization of sensory systems.
Each sensory system has a distinct group of pathways and stations in the brain:
•Pathways: nerves (PNS); tracts (CNS)
•Stations: relay ganglia (PNS); relay nuclei (CNS)
connections of thalamic nuclei (thalamic nucleus –> input –> output)
- ventral posterior lateral nucleus: input is body, output is primary somatosensory cortex
- ventral posterior medial nucleus: input is head (skin and tongue), output is primary somatosensory cortex
- lateral geniculate nucleus: input is retina, output is primary visual cortex
- medial geniculate nucleus: input is inner ear, output is primary auditory cortex
What is meant by the term “accessory structure”? What are some examples?
Parts of the sensory systems that gather external stimulus energies and “create” the proximal stimulus which reaches the sensory receptor cells
Eg. hair, skin, ear, nose, tongue, eye, eyelids, etc.
What are the four classes of sensory receptors cells, and what type of information can be carried in each class?
Mechanoreceptors: activated by mechanical energy, mediate touch (pressure energy), proprioception (muscle and joint displacement energy), hearing (sound wave energy), balance (gravity energy), pain
Proprioception - body’s understanding of where your body is in space, knowing how far you have to move your arm before it hits the table
Chemoreceptors: activated by chemical energy, mediate taste, smell and pain
Thermoreceptors: activated by thermal energy, mediate temperature and pain
photoreceptors : activated by electromagnetic energy, mediate vision
what is a sensory receptor cell
a specialized neuron or specialized epithelial cell that converts physical energy into changes in membrane potential