Exam 2 Flashcards
What percentage of total protein is ribosomal protein?
Copy numbers of rRNA per type of cell
Archaea: 1 copy
Prokaryotes: 8 copies
Mammals: 100s of copies
What does increased gene dosage for rRNA increase?
ribosomal mRNA
NOT riboprotein
So riboproteins are involved in feedback inhibition of rmRNA
Binds and causes pseudoknot which blocks the ternary complex
Ribosomal protein autogenous translational repression
What is rate limiting in ribosome synthesis?
Synthesis of rRNA
Core Promoter Structure
Consensus at -10
Near consensus at -35
Spacing optimal 17 bp (actually 16 bp)
UP Element
Upstream promoter
Third recognition element for RNAP
Three RNAP recognition elements
- -10
- -35
- UP elements
Composition of P1
Fis sites - UP - -35 - -10
Small DNA binding protein
Positive transcription factor for rRNA promoters
Binds at 3 sites in P1 and recruits RNAP
10x effect
Correlates to growth like ribosome concentration
Impacts cell division, sigma S, amino acid biosynthesis, quorum sensing and virulence
Transcription factor that binds RNAP
Essential for regulation of rRNA promoters through ppGpp and iNTPs
Reduces lifetimes of rRNA promoter open complexes
DksA Mutant
Doesn’t shut down rRNA transcription in stationary, increasing in fresh medium, respond to aa starvation or show growth rate dependent regulation
How does DksA impact ppGpp?
Increases apparent Km of ppGpp for RNAP
Increases impact on open complex lifetime
How does DksA impact iNTP?
Increases concentration required for transcription
RNAP interacts with host factors and undergoes allosteric change that allows it read through rho-dependent terminators within rRNA genes
Termination at rho independent sites are not affected
Stringent Response
During amino acid starvation
Shutoff of RNA synthesis
Produced in idling reaction between ribosomes and ppGpp synthase
Stringent Response is dependent on what?
Charged tRNAs, not AA pool
ppGpp synthase
Relaxed Response
RelA null allele
No ppGpp accumulation in response to AA starvation
In fact decrease in ppGpp levels
reversible ppGpp synthase and hydrolase (to GDP)
Guanosine pentaphosphate
ppGpp degradation
null allele = hyperproduction
Magic spot
Down regulates DNA replication, fatty acids, cell wall, lipids, ribosomal proteins, elongation factors, stable RNA
Up regulates stress proteins, amino acid biosynthesis, proteolysis, glycolysis, survival genes, oxidative and osmotic stress genes
Nucleoside diphosphate kinase
Creates precursor for ppGpp
How does ppGpp stop transcription of rRNA?
Binds at promoter P1
How could ppGpp negatively regulate?
- Open complex stability
- Promoter clearance
- Open complex formation
- Pausing during elongation
- Competition between ppGpp and NTP substrates
- Base pairing with cytosines
When do and which promoters require higher concentrations of NTPs?
P1 promoters
What pieces of evidence support that NTP concentrations are not saturation for rRNA promoters in vivo?
- RNAP mutants requiring higher concentrations of iNTPs
2. Promoter mutants that no longer needed high concentrations of NTPs
What is one way you can control rRNA promoters in vivo?
Control the concentrations of GTP and ATP
How do Bacillus subtilis promoters differ from E. coli?
- Less dependence on UP elements and alpha CTD
- No Fis
- All promoters initiate with GTP
- ppGpp works indirectly by decreasing GTP
ppGpp deficiency genotype
- No growth w/o aa
- Filament formation
- Decreased survival
- Decreased virulence
- Decreased expression of sigma S genes
What is the largest group of metal resistance systems?
Efflux pumps
What are the two types of efflux pumps?
- ATPases
2. Chemiosmotic cation/proton antiporters
4 generalizations about metal resistance
- Highly specific
- No general mechanism for all heavy metal ions
- Resistance on plasmids in every group tested
- Resistance is usually efflux pumping or enzymatic conversion
Where genetically are efflux pumps found?
On both plasmids and chromosomes
Which metal resistance systems are highly conserved in bacteria and which aren’t?
Arsenic and mercury are conserved
Cadmium is not (evolved 3 times)
What are the 3 evolutionary paths of cadmium resistance?
- ATPases in G+ bacteria
- Antiporters in G- bacteria
- Metallothionein in cyanobacteria
Metal homeostasis
Metals are not free atoms in cell cytoplasm, they are bound to carriers
Thiol titration
Metals have natural affinity for sulfur.
R group of cysteine readily binds metals, blocks thiol use for normal function
Metal chaperones
Metals can be associated with chaperones and delivered to efflux pumps or enzymes
Metal Uptake
Poorly understood
Via import pumps that lack discriminatory activity?
Cd2+ ATPase motifsd
G+ Cd2+ binding Aspartyl kinase Phosphatase Membrane channel
P-type ATPases
All contain aspartyl kinase and phosphatase
Only transport ATPases that have a covalent phospho-protein intermediate
Binds to cad promoter/operator
Inducibly regulated by divalent cations
Family of metal binding proteins
ArsR, SmtB, CadC
- Respond to metals
- Repressors
- HTH with metal binding cys residues
Menkes Syndrome
Encode P-type ATPase
Lethal X-linked disease of copper starvation
Accumulates in upper intestinal mucosa but doesn’t move into blood
Copper requiring proteins are nonfunctional including superoxide dismutase
Wilson’s Disease
Copper overload
Impacts liver
Cadmium resistance Alcaligenes
Czc: efflux pump (chemiosmotic divalent cation/proton antiporter)
Mutations give Zn resistance
Czc system components
Cadmium resistance
- CzcA: Basic inner membrane transport protein
- CzcC: outermembrane protein
- CzcB: membrane fusion proteins that bridges cell membrane
Enterococcus cop system
In response to both copper starvation and excess
CopA: uptake ATPase
CopB: efflux ATPase
CopY: repressor activated by intracellular Cu+
CopZ: anti-repressor
Levels of copper and Cop system response
Low: CopY is inactive
Medium: CopY is active
High: CopY is inactivated by CopZ
ars operons
Found in G+ and G- Reduce As(V) to As(III), which is more toxic
Components of ars operon
ArsR: transcriptional repressor ArsD: regulatory throttle protein (upper limit) ArsA: membrane associated ATPase ArsB: Arsenite transport protein ArsC: Arsenate reductase
What two ars genes are missing from E. coli chromosomes and staphylococcal plasmids?
ArsA and ArsD
ArsD has little impact
What makes ArsA special?
Converts ArsB chemiosmotic complex into ATPase
Membrane transport that can switch between primary and secondary active transport is novel
Can transport antimonite
Homodimer - 4 ATP binding sites
How do staphylococcal and gram negative arsenate reductases differ?
Staphylococcal derives reducing power from thioredoxin
G- derive reducing power from glutaredoxin
What is one way that arsenate can diffuse out of cells?
Metal inactivation by volatilization
Methylation of As to volatile species
What is the most toxic metal in humans?
Mercury causes neurological and immunological dysfunction
What is the trend for mercury resistance across domains?
Bacteria: MIC=100uM
Archaea: MIC=300 nM
Eukarya: MIC=submicromolar
What is the mercury mechanism of toxicity?
Decreases RNA synthesis by blocking transcription
Depletes mRNAs
mer operon Genes
MerR: Regulation (repression and activation) MerP: periplasmic binding MerT: Transport MerA: Mercuric reductase MerD: Regulation
Mercuric reductase
Hg2+ > Hg0
Unique positive acting activator protein that twists and bends the DNA region in the presence of Hg2+, allowing RNAP to bind
Bind at inverted repeats
Needed to help TBP and TFB
Organomercurial lyase that breaks carbon-mercury bond in toxic substrates suck as phenylmercury acetate
Narrow spectrum mer systems
Systems with MerA but not MerB
Broad spectrum mer systems
Systems with MerA and MerB
Confer resistance to organomercurials
Baseball glove model
MerT and MerP
Bind Hg2+ by a pair of vicinal cysteins in merP, followed by passing Hg2+ from cysteine pair to cysteine pair in MerT and finally to MerA
Chemical toxicity of uranium
Greatest risk
Interacts with phosphate groups of DNA
How is uranium present in oxic environments?
Soluble salts of uranyl ion
When reduced from U(VI) to U(IV) it immobilizes
Important uranium reducing Bacteria
Shewanella (MtrA/SO3300)
Terminal electron acceptor, cytochrome mediated
Mutations in uranium reducing cytochromes negatively impacts
Fe(III) reduction rates with acetate as e- donor
Interact with insoluble terminal electron acceptors through pili
Electrons flow from cell to electron acceptor
Implied by localization of precipitated UO2
Reduce Fe(III) or Mn(IV) for sure, uranium probably
What can cause uranium oxidation?
Interaction with Fe(III), generating U(VI) and Fe(II) (coupled to oxidation of Fe(II) by nitrogen oxides created by nitrate reduction in bacteria)
Humic substances, siderophores and bicarbonate
Side effect of silver
Irreversible discoloration of the skin resulting from subepithelial silver deposits
What metal can coat catheters?
Silver resistance genes
SilRS: sensor/responder FilE: periplasmic Ag(I) binding protein 2 efflux pumps: SilP: P-type ATPase SilCBA: Chemiosmotic Ag(I)/H+ exchange system
Binds Ag(I) between two His residues Can bind 5 Ag
Only in Synechoccus cyanobacteria
Related to small, thiolate-rich metal binding proteins of animals
SmtA protein contains 9 cysteine residues that bind divalent cations in N-terminal and C-terminal clusters
Preference of cation binding in metallothioneins
- Zn2+
- Cd2+
- Cu2+
Uptake and efflux of Zn
Regulated without connection to SmtB
5 Strategies of Metal Resistance
- Enzymatic Conversion
- Reduced sensitivity
- Permeability barrier
- Intra/extra-cellular binding
- Efflux
Inductively coupled plasma mass spec
Metal based approach to identify metalloproteins on a genome wide scale
Terminator sequences functional component
Intrinsic terminators
GC rich palindrome
Poly-T and poly-U form an RNA stem loop
Extrinsic terminators
Homohexamer donut-shaped
Facilitates dissociation of RNAP-DNA-mRNA complex
N-terminal RNA binding domain
C-terminal ATPase domain
Translocates by ATP hydrolysis, unwinding RNA-DNA hybrid
Rho-dependent terminator sites
- RUT (rho-utilization site)
- Termination sequence (pause RNAP)
Over 200 bp
Nonsense mediated polarity
Ability of nonsense mutations to reduce downstream gene expression
Only occurs in prokaryotic organisms
Coupled transcription and translation
NMP located near what tend to be more polar?
The 5’ end of the gene (upstream)
In what bacteria is rho essential?
E. coli, Rhodobacter and Caulobacter
In what bacteria is rho nonessential?
Bacillus and Staphylococcus
Antibiotic that inactivates rho
Experimental tool
Increase basal level of tryptophanase operon
Relieved polarity
tna operon
Tryptophan-induced relief from rho-mediation termination in leader region
Catalyze tryptophan from indole
Basal level is low
Bacterial protein that modulates elongation and termination through interaction with RNAP and rho
Bridges Rho and RNAP
Controls RNAP pausing and termination
Bacteria and Archaea
Anti-termination factor
Decreases rate of rho-dependent termination
Archaea and extrinsic termination
In Methanogens upstream sequence influenced susceptibility to downstream termination site
Analogous to rho and RUT sites
Halobacterial bop gene shows strong transcriptional polarity
NMP in S solfataricus
Sso mer operon NMP
Nonsense mutation at 12 codon of MerH
Mercury sensitive phenotype, same as MerA disruption mutant
Reintroduction of MerH elsewhere did not restore WT
MerH is important for downstream expression
Transcription terminator in Sso
At merHA junction Two transcripts: HA and H Thermometer 80°C: primary secondary structure is at MerHA junction 37°C: numerous secondary structures
Transcription Termination in Archaea
Polarity NMP Terminators Rho is missing NusA and NusG are present RNAP is different
Domains of RNAP
Alpha: interacts with promoters
Beta: RNA synthesis
Sigma regions
- Binds promoter when bound to RNAP
- Binds -10 pribnow box
- Binds -35 element
Sigma programming depends on
- Affinity
- Abundance
- Interference
Sigma 32
30°C > 42°C
Sigma 32 genes are turned on
Increased cellular concentration through enhanced synthesis and stabilization
rpoH RNA thermometer
Small region downstream is responsible for high levels of expression (+)
Large region is required for thermal regulation, repression at low temps (-)
Clp System
Degrades sigma S
ClpX: substrate binding
ClpP: proteolysis
RssB mediates recognition by binding both sigma S and ClpX
Undergoes N-terminal aspartate phosphorylation to activate sigma S binding
Acetyl phosphate decreases in starvation
Anti-sigma factors
Bind conserved regions
Phage T4 AsiA
Alt protein ADP ribosylates alpha subunit of RNAP and decreases -35 affinity
AsiA binds sigma-70 blocks 4.2- -35 binding
Mod protein overcomes by providing RNAP alternate contact
Sigma 28
Flagellar assembly Class 3 genes are delayed FlgM binds FliA until basal body is complete Basal body secretes FlgM Free FliA transcribes Class 3 genes
Archaeal transcription
Eukaryotic Pol I
alpha-amanatin resistant
Eukaryotic Pol II
Alpha amanatin sensitive
Eukaryotic Pol III
Variable in response to alpha amanatin
Eukaryotic Pol II Enzyme order
- TFIIA (helps TFIID bind promoter)
- TFIIB assigns direction and recruits RNAP
- TFIIF and PolI
- TFIIE (clearance and further melting)
- TFIIH and TFIIJ (help create bubble)
Archaeal Polymerase
Pol II like
12 subunits which are orthologs of Pol II
Archaeal general transcription factors
- TBP, no TAFs
- TFIIB (TFB) directionality
- TFIIS fidelity
- TFIIE-alpha stimulation of promoters
TBP evolution
Encoded in metazoan genomes for differentiation
TBP-interaction proteins
N terminal domain like TAF, stimulate transcription
ATP/GTP binding P loop, homology to helicase RuvB
Found in Archaea TAF like
3 Ways to Repress Transcription
- Block RNAP
- Prevent activation
- Prevent elongation
Lactose is composed of
Galactose + Glucose
Formers tetramer
Represses in absence of lactose
Lac genes
LacZ: B-galactosidase
LacY: permease
LacA: transacetylase
Converts lactose to allolactose
CAP binds
alpha-CTD of RNAP
Cooperative binding with DNA looping
CAP impacts
Lactose and arabinose operons
How can repressors stop RNAP binding?
Binding a site that overlaps the binding site of RNAP Lamba CI LexA p4 LacI
How does LacI impede RNAP?
Allows binding to promoter
Allows short abortive transcripts, but inhibits promoter clearance
Binds to -70, flanked by cyclic AMP receptor proteins at -40 and -90
Doesn’t overlap RNAP binding site
Low sequence specificity high abundance proteins
Block transcription at promoter by covering relatively large DNA regions at a nucleation site
p6 from phage phi29
DnaA (oligomerizes)
Repressors that block transition for closed to open complex
Unable to open DNA strands at -10 region
Group I: bind sites that overlap with RNAP
Group II: bind sites that do not overlap with RNAP
Repressor inhibiting promoter clearance
- RNAP is stalled at +6 to +12 when binding consensus element too tightly
p4 interacts with alpha-CTD - Promoter clearance is inhibited when repressor binds downstream from RNAP
Histidine operon
E. coli and S. typhimurium
Histidine biosynthesis
ATP + PRPP > IGP > Histidinol phosphate > histidinol > histidine
40 molecules of ATP per histidine
What are the three ways histidine biosynthesis is regulated?
- Allosteric control of enzymes
- Attenuation
- ppGpp
ATP phosphoribosyl transferase (first step) is feedback inhibited by histidine
Binding and inhibition are cooperative
AMP and ADP inhibit
His attenuation needs
- presence of his residues in leader sequence
- mutually exclusive secondary structures
- RP pausing
What secondary structure terminates his operon?
EF and poly U terminate (caused by a lack of stalling in leader peptide)
His antiterminator
Anything that prevents EF
DE is physiological antiterminator (caused by stalling)
Histidine excess
EF termination structure forms
Histidine Limitation
No attenuator forms
DE antiterminator
Histidine superattenuation
AB, CD and EF
Upstream stalling
His Unlinked Mutations
- hisR: tRNAhis mutants in hisR promoter - less charged tRNA - stimulates starvation - antiterminator
- hisS: histidyl tRNA synthase
- hisT: pseudourine synthase, decrease function of tRNA
- hisW: gyrA decreased gyrase activity, decrease strength of hisR promoter
- hisU: ribozyme that results in decrease tRNAhis
Tryptophan operon repression
Low: no repression, dimer repressor cannot bind
High: repression, dimer binds
Tryptophan attenuation
Leader sequence has trp encoded
Starvation - stall - 2 and 3 form, no termination
Abundance - no stall - 1 and 2, 3 and 4 form, terminator hair pin
UMP > CTP in pyrimidine nucleotide biosynthesis
High CTP: pyrimidine excess, SD is obscured dur to mRNA binding
Low CTP: no mRNA binding, SD is available to ribosome
G+, Bacillus subtilis
Ring-shaped multimer of 11 subunits
binds RNA segments containing NAG repeats
Gene expression decreases, overlaps antiterminator sequence
Shine Delgarno is hidden in hairpin
Anti-TRAP protein
deficiency of charged tRNATrp
Gene expression increases
Tryptophan synthase genes
TrpA and B
T box mechanism
Uncharged tRNA pairs with leader RNA, favoring formation of RNA antiterminator structure
Lacks tryptophan - insensitive synthesis
Leader has tRNATrp sensing
rtp operon response to tRNA Trp
Charged: Transcription stops due to terminator loop
Mild charge: transcription proceeds, but RNAP inhibits rtpA translation
Severe charge deficiency: Ribosome stalls and doesn’t block translation