Exam 2 Flashcards
Types of water erosion
- sheet
- Rill
- Gully
- Stream bank
Sheet Erosion
uniform removal of thin layers of soils over the whole soil surface.
Rill Erosion
small visible erosion channels that can be erased by normal tillage operations
Gully Erosion
Erosion channels to large to be erased by normal tillage operations.
-Ephemeral Gullies
Ephemeral Gullies
Natural water courses that can persist even after large scale mechanical fillings
Active Gully
Bare vertical walls
little vegetation
active head cutting
Inactive gully
Vegetated, somewhat rounded walls, no head cutting.
Stream bank Erosion
Usually around outside bends, moves material a long distance from origin
Water Erosion Damage
- Soil loss
- Nutrient loss
- Texture change
- Soil Structure Damage
- Productive capacity is reduced
- Field Dissection
- Engineering Structure damage
- Water Pollution
- Siltation of lakes and stream channels.
Terminal velocity
- maximum speed of falling against air resistance
Energy of water
-Falling raindrops have more energy than running water
Principles of water erosion control
- reduce raindrop impact on the soil
- reduce runoff volume and velocity
- increase the soils resistance to erosion
Types of soil movement
- Suspension
- Saltation
- Surface creep
damages of wind erosion
- loss of soil
- Textural changes
- Nutrient loss
- Abrasion
- Air Pollution
- Deposition
factors effecting wind
- Soil resistance
- surface ridges
- climate
- topography
- length of exposed area
- vegetative cover