Exam 2 Flashcards
What is the flow of the heart from Right Atrium?
Right Atrium > Tricuspid valve > Right Ventricle > Pulmonary artery > Lungs > Pulmonary veins > Left atrium > mitral valve (bicuspid) > Left ventricle > semi-lunar valve> aorta> To body
What is the first blood vessel to receive oxygenated blood?
Coronary arteries
Name two of the branches off the left coronary artery
Left anterior descending artery and circumflex artery
T/F. The pulmonary artery holds deoxygenated blood
True. Pulmonary artery has deoxygenated blood until it goes into the lungs and becomes oxygenated and carried out by the pulmonary veins.
The myocardium has what muscle fiber type? and What characteristics of the myocardium make it that fiber?
Type I (slow twitch).
High capillary density. Lots of mitochondria. Lots of exchange and work aerobically.
What part of the intercalated discs hold them together?
Cardiac muscles fibers are connected by _____________ ___________
Intercalated discs
What allows flow of electricity from cell to cell in the intercalated disc?
gap junctions: rapidly conduct action potentionals
What is anticipatory rise?
Physiological response to an anticipated exercise or event
What do muscle chemo and arterial chemo receptors do? and where are the main 2 arterial chemo receptors located?
senses pH level or H levels.
Arch of aorta. Biforcation of common carotoid artery
What hormones affect heart rate and contractility?
Catacholomines: dopamine, norepinephrine, and epinephrine.
What in the process of the SA node in the heart?
SA Node is where impulse starts, RA fills up with blood, stretches the muscle, stretching the SA node, once its stretched, it sends off the impulse.
What is the assumed relationship of workload and heart rate?
A linear relationship. As workload increases, the heart rate rises as well.
T/F. One sub-max testing is an accurate measure of fitness level.
False. One test is a ballpark figure. Training for 3 months and take the same test again under same conditions, shows measure if improved or not.
Follow up test in future to see what has changed.
T/F. The vagus is sympathetic.
False. Parasympathetic.
T/F. As workload increases parasympathetic nerve activity increases.
False. Sympathetic (Fight or flight) increases HR etc.
With increased fitness, resting and sub-max HR ________
because of an ________ Stroke volume.
Decreased. Increased.
T/F. Max heart rate differed between someone who was unfit then became fit.
False. Max Heart rate is the same. Though it is harder for the fit person to reach their max heart rate, it is the same.
What is stroke volume?
How do you calculate it?
Amount of blood pumped with each contraction of the myocardium.
Ending Diastolic Volume (EDV) - Ending Systolic Volume (ESV) = Stroke Volume (SV)
Diastolic - At rest right before contraction.
Systolic -
Around what %workload does your HR start to level off?
What are the causes of increased stroke volume?
Increased volume of heart allows greater diastolic filling of blood.
Slower HR gives more time to fill the heart
Improved contractility
Increased levels of catacholamines leading to a higher force production.
Which direction does the heart contract?
Starting from the apex of the heart and up out of the ventricles.
During exercise what hormone increases in the heart? And how will it be affected by that hormone?
Catacholomines will increase force production, increasing stroke volume.
Cardiac Output (q) is calculated by?
q in Liters = Heart Rate (HR) x Stroke Volume (SV)
What is the direct method of measuring cardiac output?
Fick method by measuring arterial blood gas and mixed venous blood.
What is the indirect method of measuring cardiac output?
CO2 breathing.
What is cardiac output at rest?
4-6 liters/min
Why do men have a bigger cardiac output than women?
Men have bigger hearts
T/F. Cardiac output at a submaximal cardiac output is the same between a fit person and unfit person.
The amount of blood pumped out of the left ventricle with each beat is called?
Ejection fraction.
What is the name of the disease when someone is not able to pump out as much blood?
Congestive Heart failure.
What are the 3 major functions of blood?
Transportation of nutrients, temperature regulation, and acid-base (pH) balance.
T/F. 90% of plasma is water.
Does the hematocrit go up or down in an athlete?
Since the athlete has more RBCs, meaning more liquid, it will go down.
For every 100mL of blood, you will carry ______ of oxygen
What is only artery to carry deoxygenated blood?
Pulmonary artery.
What is the only vein to carry oxygenated blood?
Pulmonary vein
Failure of the veins lead to…
Vericose veins
Systolic pressure is the pressure in the arteries as your heart ______
How does systolic blood pressure change during exercise?
it increases in direct proportion to the intensity of exercise
Diastolic blood pressure is when the heart is ______