exam 2 Flashcards
4 Types of friendship support
- Informational support: advice and guidance of problems
- Instrumental support: offering help
- Companionship support: rely on someone as a companion in social situations (going with you to an event)
- Esteem support: cheering you on when you succeed and consoling you when you fail
chum- Sulliva
Around 10 years of age need for intimacy and friendship intensifies which leads to the development of a chum= same-sex close friendship
How adolescent friendships are based on similarity
Adolescents report/view friends as being more similar than they actually are
-Selective association: we choose to be friends with people like us BUT we also become more similar to our friends over time
-The Arapesh: (mountain dwellers, farming culture)
- Both males and females work cooperatively for good of society- caring for crops and children who are carried everywhere
- Aggressive behaviors are prohibited- considered deviant behavior– ostracized
- Status and prestige for those who share and cooperate
- Competition is regarded with shame
-The Mundugumor: (river dwellers, cannibals, warfare)
- Success= capacity for violence & seeing & avenging insult
- Mothers see maternal duties as burdensome and unrewarding– children quickly learn to fend for themselves, which promotes competition at an early age
- If submissive, withdrawn, or gentle–misfit, shunned from society
- Show of kindness/tenderness highly frowned upon
-The Tchambuli: (headhunting, live by a lake)
reversal of Western gender roles
- Women: responsible for village’s business, breadwinners, responsible for farming & fishing, manufacturing, decision making, have shaved head - seen as easygoing, hardworking and reliable - Men: weaker, interested only in own adornment and pursuits, hang out with other men talking about clothes and body adornment, become timid and in awe of women, long hair with curls and extensions
kibbutz–social commune agriculturally based, believed that females need to be freed from being sole caretakers of children, so a caretaker cares for the children so that both males and females can manage farm and participate equally
-in realitY– women still get pregnant, have to nurse children and then gradually return to traditional gender roles
emphasized that changes in the masculine gender role are necessary is the changes in the feminine gender role are to have a permanent effect
- Government has generous leave policy for mothers and fathers, generous tax breaks for multi-kid families, parent of new born or adopted child receive 450 paid days which can be split between you and spouse except for 2 months that are reserved for the mother, legally entitled to work reduced hours until the child is around 8 years old, 60 paid days to care for sick children
- more than 80% of dads take more than the 2 months of leave, but moms still take the majority of the leave
-Gender-intensification hypothesis:
psychological and behavioral differences between males and females become more pronounced at adolescence
-this is due to intense socialization pressure
support for Hill and Lynch’s gender intensification hypothesis
girls become more interested in forming intimate friendships and more emotionally expressive, disengage from math & science, care about appearance more
- boys become less emotionally expressive, scripts for dating
- role of parents: Girls: become more vigilant, protective, more likely to have a curfew
- Boys: greater tolerance for independence, lower tolerance for displaying emotions, subtle approval for sex
Specific cultures – religion influences continued dominance of traditional gender roles—EGYPT
Islam- dramatic division of labor, men in public sphere, women private- home and childrearing
Specific cultures – religion influences continued dominance of traditional gender roles—PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF CHINA
Confusious- reinforce concept of females being inferior
Specific cultures – religion influences continued dominance of traditional gender roles—SAUDI ARABIA
women must wear Abayas once they reach puberty, guardianship- electronic monitoring of women by father, brother, or spouse- men received message if woman left country without registering for it
Specific cultures – religion influences continued dominance of traditional gender roles—AFGHANISTAN
rape= moral crime of female, woman must either marry their rapist or go to prison for adultery
-Xanith: (Oman)
–male homosexual prostitutes, brightly colored male attire. can associate with women and women don’t have to wear veil, have own household and perform both male and female tasks- good cooks, good appearance, home décor, sexual outlet for men, can marry women
-Hijra: (India)
–considered neither man nor woman, most are intersex but if biologically make have genitals removed by choice, can run own household, sing, dance, cook, or household servant, adopt female dress and characteristics to point of caricature, course/vulgar mannerisms, don’t receive same acceptance or respect
-Fa’afafine: (Samoa)
–biologically male, with both male and female traits, identified by mom or other female relatives, mom is considered to be very lucky, if a family has all boys- one is selected to be a fa’afafine, is expected to remain celibate, but a relationship with a man is not considered to be homosexual
-Burnesha: (Albania)
–sworn virgins of Albania, become head of household, responsible for protecting family, given full male privilege of dress and work