Exam 2 Flashcards
Official entity governing political and economic organization with a central government that makes laws and defends territories (u.s. Fed gov)
Desire of an ethnic community to create and/or maintain a corresponding nation-state
Stateless nation
Nationalities that want political independence and control over homeland but don’t have it
Minorities accept norms of dominant culture and cease to exist as separate groups
Immigrants join dominant culture and also retain an ethnic culture
The socially constructed roles, behaviors, activities, and attributes that a given society considers appropriate for men and women
Biological, bodily differences between males and females
The complex range of desires, beliefs, and behaviors that are related to erotic physical contact and the cultural arena within which people debate about what kinds of physical desires and behaviors are right, appropriate, and natural
Gender performance
The way gender identity is expressed through action
Gender stratification
An unequal distribution of power and access to a groups resources, opportunities, rights, and privileges based on gender
System of meaning and power that cultures create to determine who is related to whom and to define their mutual expectations, rights, and responsibilities to one another
Kin group
A group of people who culturally conceive themselves to be relatives, cooperate in certain activities, and share a sense of identity of kinfolk
Descent group
A group of people who trace their ancestry back to one individual man or woman. Can be extended families, lineages, or clans
The social, symbolically meaningful practices and interactions that create family ties. Nonbiological relatedness.
A socially recognized relationship that may involve physical and emotional intimacy(and children) and/or legal rights to property and inheritance
Have to marry outside social group
Have to marry within social group
Transfers of goods or services accompanying marriage (herds, land, products, money)
Degree to which people differ in access to culturally valued materials and social rewards
Social stratum
Group of people with same level of access to rewards
Stratification system in which membership in a stratum is hereditary. Strata are endogamous (No mobility) laws and norms govern contact between members of different strata.
All the people in a society who receive comparable levels of rewards.
Class system
System of power based on wealth, income, and status that creates unequal distribution of societies resources
Social mobility
Possibility to move up and down social ladder
A cultural adaptation the the environment that enables humans to use available resources to satisfy needs and thrive
A sense of historical, cultural, and sometimes ancestral connection to a group of people who are imagined to be distinct from other groups