Exam 2 Flashcards
Five reasons the ACA is bad for doctors?
- Adds more patients to Medicaid
- Leaves the flawed Medicare payment system on the books
- Creates a new board to further cut payments to providers
- Exacerbates Future Physician Shortages
- Destroys or deteriorates the Physician-Patient Relationship
EMTALA requirements for transferring a patient?
- They must check for illness or injury!
- If the facility has the means to treat the patient then they must perform treatment!
- If treatment is possible, the facility is obligated to treat you!
- If the patient is actively in Labor
Nickname for EMTALA
Patient anti-dumping act
What are “Outlier Payments”?
Medicare pays hospitals per-discharge rates that vary by category of inpatient case. Under this system, hospitals have a financial incentive to avoid extremely costly patients. To counter this incentive and promote access to hospital care for these extremely costly patients, Medicare makes additional payments, called outlier payments.
What is a Tort?
A civil wrong committed against a person or property, excluding breach of contract.
Intentional Tort
When one person
Unintentional Tort
Acts that are not intended to cause harm but are committed unreasonably or with disregard for the consequences. In legal terms, this constitutes negligence.
Three acts that the department of health and human services has responsibility
National Organ Transplantation Act
Human Genome Project
The Affordable Care Act
What is the Joint Commission/Years in business/Number or facilities that use them?
- An independent, not-for-profit organization. Joint Commission accreditation and certification is recognized nationwide as a symbol of quality that reflects an organization’s commitment to meeting certain performance standards.
- 60 years in business
- 4,168 general, children’s, long term acute, psychiatric, rehabilitation and specialty hospitals and 378 critical access hospitals. (82% of the nation’s hospitals)
What are Disproportionate Share Payments?
The original rationale for the Medicare Disproportionate Share (DSH) payment adjustment was to compensate hospitals for the higher operating costs they incur in treating a large share of low-income patients. Low-income Medicare patients tend to be sicker and more costly to treat than other Medicare patients with the same diagnosis. Higher costs also result from the need for additional staffing and services, such as translators and social workers, to care for low-income patients.
Who qualifies for Medicaid?
- Limited-income families with children
- Children under age 6 whose family income is at or below 133%
- Pregnant women whose family income is below 133% FPL
- Infants born to Medicaid-eligible women
- SSI recipients in most states
- Aged, blind, disabled (state specific)
- Adoption or foster care assistance recipients
- Special Protected Groups
- All children under 19 in families at or below the FPL
- Certain Medicare beneficiaries
What is Medicaid and Who regulates it?
- Pays for medical assistance for certain individuals
and families with low-incomes and resources. - Both State and Federally regulated
Tertiary Care Definition
Intensive care (highly specialized) usually only have 1 nurse
ACHE Definition
American College of Healthcare Executives
Mission: To advance our members and healthcare management excellence.
Vision: To be the preeminent professional society for healthcare executives dedicated to improving health.
Deductible Definition
The amount of expenses that must be paid out of pocket before an insurer will pay any expenses.
Critical Care Definition
An illness or injury that acutely impairs one or more vital organ systems such that there is a high probability of imminent or life threatening deterioration in the patient’s condition.
IRB Definition
Institutional Review Board
A committee established to review and approve research involving human subjects. The purpose of the IRB is to ensure that all human subject research be conducted in accordance with all federal, institutional, and ethical guidelines.
Ambulatory Definition
Medical technology or procedures delivered on an outpatient basis.
ASC Definition
Facilities focused on providing same-day surgical care, including diagnostic and preventive procedures.
PHI Definition
Protected Health Information
Advocacy Organization Definition
They try to reduce the burden of administration rules on physicians. Secure regulatory improvements and significant Legislative victories at the federal and state levels.
ANA Definition
The American Nurses Association is a professional organization to advance and protect the profession of nursing.
PIP Definition
Periodic Interim Payments
- Biweekly payments made to a Provider enrolled in the PIP program, and are based on the hospital’s estimate of applicable Medicare reimbursement for the current cost report period.
USDHHS Definition
US Department of Human and Health Services
One of the largest civilian departments in the federal government because it oversees the implementation of numerous health and welfare-related programs. (Medicare, Medicaid, Marketplace, and Children’s Health Insurance Program)
Five disadvantages that hospital has by being not for profit
- Loss of control
- Paperwork
- Limited Purposes
- Public Scrutiny
- Continual Challenges - over tax exempt property, the sale of goods and services that compete with the for profit sector, or for profits moving in on your territory.
Four Parts of Medicare
Part A (Hospital Insurance) Part B (Supplementary Medical Insurance) Part C (Medicare Advantage Plan) Part D (Subsidized Prescription Drug Coverage)
Six legislative initiatives and what each one was meant to do and what they are.
- HIPAA – Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996
- False Claims Act Senate Bill 2041
- Healthcare Quality Improvement Act (HCQIA)-1986
- EMTALA – Emergency Medical Treatment and Active Labor Act 1986
- Stark Legislation – preventing physician
self-referral. - Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA)-2010
DRG Definition
Medicare pays predetermined, per-discharge rates or 509 patient categories–called Diagnosis Related Groups (DRGs)–to hospitals for inpatient care. These categories group patients with similar clinical problems who are expected to require similar amounts of hospital resources. For example, a patient who has a hip replacement would be in DRG 209: Major Joint and Limb Reattachment Procedures of Lower Extremity.