Exam 2 Flashcards
What NT is replaced when treating Parkinsons?
Effect of too much DA in mesolimbic area
L-DOPA mechanism
- provides more precursor for DA
- only 5% passes BBB
- need to inc dose after 3-4 years
- less effective as more neurons die off
- ineffective in 1/3 of pts
SEs/toxicities of L-DOPA
- Peripheral: nausea, arrhythmias, orthostatic HypoTN
- Central: psychotic sxs, dyskinesias, on-off phenomenon
On-off phenomenon
- variable metabolism
- on phase: PD sxs are controlled (may have some jerky movements)
- off phase: PD sxs not controlled (dystonias, twisting movements, unusual posture)
- reduced by L-AAD and COMT inhibitors
CIs for L-DOPA
- psychosis, melanoma, narrow-angle glaucoma
- vitamin B6 speeds up peripheral metabolism of L-DOPA (tell pts to avoid it)
- MAOIs prevent metabolism of DA–> hypertensive crisis
- D2 blockers antagonize effects of L-DOPA
Carbidopa mechanism
- L-AAD inhibitor
- Inhibit peripheral L-DOPA metabolism by L-AAD –> increase delivery of L-DOPA to CNS
tolcapone/entacapone mechanism
- COMT inhibitor
- Inhibit peripheral L-DOPA metabolism by COMT
Difference between tolcapone and entacapone
- tolcapone passes BBB–> inhibits central and peripheral COMT
- entacapone doesn’t pass BBB–> inhibits peripheral COMT only
cofactor for L-AAD
- pyroxidine aka vit B6
- pts with Parkinson’s should avoid
what is NOT helped by L-AAD and COMT inhibitors?
CNS effects: dyskinesias, psychotomimesis (more DA is available centrally)
SEs of carbidopa, tolcapone, and entacapone
- nausea, orthostatic hypoTN, vivid dreams, confusion, diarrhea
- tolcapone only: liver toxicity
Selegiline/rasagiline mechanism
- MAO-B inhibitor
- blocks MAO-B metabolism of central DA
- MAO-A still intact to handle catecholamines
SEs and CIs for MAO-B inhibitors
- central effects of L-DOPA worsened
- cannot give with nonselective MAO inhibitor (will cause NE build up–> hypertensive crisis)
- selegiline metabolites: amphetamine and methamphetamine (sounds fun)
Ropinirole/pramipexole mechanism
- D2 receptor agonist
- easily titratable
Therapeutic effects of ropinirole/pramipexole
- can lower L-DOPA dose
- less on-off phenom
- 1st line for younger pts
- given to pts who have build L-DOPA tolerance
SEs and toxicities of ropinirole/pramipexole
- peripheral: hypoTN, anorexia, nausea, constipation, dyspepsia, reflux esophagitis, bleeding peptic ulcers
- can be treated with dopamine antagonist that doesn’t cross BBB
- central: dyskinesias, psychosis, fatigue, somnolence
ropinirole/pramipexole CIs
- psychosis
- recent MI, peripheral vascular dz (at risk for orthostatic hypoTN)
- peptic ulcers
Amantidine mechanism
-enhances DA release from remaining terminals and inhibits DA reuptake
Amantidine therapeutic effects
- good for initial therapy
- benefits short-lived
- reduces bradykinesia, rigidity and tremor (early stages)
Amantidine SEs and toxicities
- restlessness, depression, irritability, insomnia, agitation, excitement, hallucinations, confusion (all mild)
- OD: acute toxic psychosis
Benztropine mechanism
-Muscarinic antagonist/ anticholinergic