Exam 2 Flashcards
Effective Communication Needs
- Trust
- Respect
- Empathy
What is communication?
- The process of transmitting info., perception, and understanding from person to person
- The art of being able to structure & transmit a message in a way that another can understand easily & accept message
What four necessary elements are needed for humanizing communication?
- Trust
- Self-disclosure
- Feedback
- Listening
Low Context Communication
Explicit verbal or written messages
High-context Communication
- Understand, reading between the lines
- Hard to navigate for outsider
- subculture: healthcare
What are some major barriers to quality health care r/t health illiteracy?
- Accessing care
- Illness management
- General information processing
Facts about people with low health literacy
- 1.5-3 x more likely to have adverse outcomes
- MEdicare enrollees have a greater chance of NEVER having a Pap smear
- Associated w. increased risk for hospitalization
The Joint Commission 2007
- create patient-centered environments where the pt. is involved in decision-making & safety processes
- Increase awareness & understanding of hlth literacy
- Understand how comm. affects QOC
- Review & improve informed consent materials & processes
- Develop cultural competence
Standard Hand-off communication
Stable group, meet periodically, have identified purpose
A Small number of people committed to a common purpose
Team nursing
Not a “true team” since members vary shift-to-shift
Pseudo team
Five dysfunctions of a Team
- Inattention to Results
- Avoidance of accountability
- Lack of commitment
- Fear of Conflict
- Absence of trust
Elements of an Effective Team
- Purpose
- Goals
- Roles
- Relationships
- Coordination & Leadership
- The leader will be facilitator by helping team members become clear about their reason for gathering
- State the purpose of the team
- Create an agenda
- Establishing goals is a critical stage in team developmetn
- The leader generally engages the team in establishing goals
- Clear and specific goals
- Establish timelines of goals
- Construct team membership carefully
- multidisciplinary
- 4-7 people
- Minute taker
- Clear definition of what goals which member is responsible for
- Members are required to stay w/in the context of he issues
- judgment-laced language is not a part of the team’s interaction
- All participants are expected to contribute fully
Disruptiive group members
- Compulsive
- Non-talker
- Interrupters
- Squashers
- Busybodies
Coordination & Leadership
- Manage team error & conflict early
- Meet frequently w/ individuals & the full team to assess progress, confront issues, undertake learning, and measure goal achievement
Four stages of conflict
- Latent: anticipation of conflict
- Perceived: awareness of conflict, no discussion
- Felt: Feelings are there (anger, anxiety, stress)
- Manifest: Overt
Manifest conflict
- Destructive: ignoring policy; avoiding a staff member
- Constructive: Expressing appropriate feeling, encourage the group to identify & solve the problem
Responses to conflict
- Avoidance
- Accommodation
- Competition
- Collaboration
Prevention of conflict
- A staff that cares for themselves (stress is not brought to work)
- Improve communication
- Recognize team members as members w expertise
- clear roles
- Willing to evaluate team functioning
Clients & family
- Need to avoid taking it personally
- Safety First- set reasonable limits
- Active listening
- Not recongnized
- Not appreciated
- Ignored
- Could lead to lack of initiative or creativity
- Influencing decisions
- Controlling resources
- Affecting behavior
- The power a person has comes from their personal qualities & characteristics
Sources of power
- Legitimate
- Reward
- Coercive
- Referent
- Expert
- Informational
- Persuasive
“to empower is to enable to act”