Exam 2 Flashcards
Name means “God is Strong
Was a watchman
Is full of visions
Always gives them hope
Name means “God is Strong
Was a watchman
Is full of visions
Always gives them hope
Written in Babylon
Written in two languages (Hebrew - Aramaic)
Part 1: Events that Daniel has
Part 2: Visions that Daniel has
Exiles returned in 539 with Zerubbabel and Joshua
The exiles did not all come back at once
They had become assimilated into the Babylonia culture
Recap of 1 & 2 Samuel
-Skips over the not so important things and highlights the important things
Fear God - Keep His commands. That’s the whole reason we are here.
God created us for relationship with Him.
Protect your heart above all else.
God is jealous and he does not want to share you with anyone
Covenant in the OT
Abe, Isaac, and Jake
-It was about real estate
Moses on Sinai
-God’s People
–How to live in relationship with each other
–How they can survive in the presence of the Holy God and not be incinerated.
Covenant - Genesis
A. Adam- didn’t destroy us because he loves/likes us
B. Noah- promised to keep Noah alive
C. Abraham- Promised him a home
Covenant - Sinai
A. they received the law (stone - external)
B. external - obey it because they have to
People of God - Ezekiel
A. they received the law (hearts - internal)
B. internal - obey it because they want to
People of God - 2 Chronicles
If my people humble themselves, then God will heal their land
People of God - Esther
If my people humble themselves, then God will save them
People of God - Nehemiah
If you build a wall, then I will be with you when you build it because you are my people and I always keep covenant.
People of God - Daniel
If you trust/worship me, then I will take care of you/keep you safe because you are my people and I am your God.