Exam #2 Flashcards
(Frequency) The number of vibrations/cycles per second of a note.
(Timbre) A subjective difference in a sound due to the sounds distinctive overtones.
The low pitched, clear, hollow sound that predominates in healthy lung tissue in the adult. It is a relative term and has no constant standard.
A lower pitch booming sound found when too much air is present, such as in emphysema & pneumothorax.
A high-pitched, resonant, drum like note obtained by percussing over an air-filled viscus/organ. (Intestines & Pneumothorax)
Blood pressure is?
The force exerted by blood against vessel walls.
Normal BP for adults 18 & over?
120/80 mm Hg
Endogenous obesity is caused by?
Excesses adrenocorticotropin production by the pituitary gland.
The general survey consists of 4 distinct areas.?
Physical appearance, body structure, mobility, & behavior.
Adult HR of >50 bpm.
Adult HR of <50 bpm.
A weak & thready pulse reflects?
A decreased stroke volume, as with bleeding, shock, & dehydration.
Sinus arrhythmia is a pulse that is?
Irregular; the HR varies with respiratory cycle.
A full, bounding pulse (3+) reflects?
An increased stroke volume, as with anxiety & exercise.
Pain signals are carried to the CNS by way of?
Afferent fibers.
What are nociceptors?
Nerve endings that detect painful sensation from the periphery and transmit them to the central nervous system.
Process whereby noxious stimuli are perceived as pain; central & peripheral nervous systems are intact.
The 4 phases of nociceptive pain are?
Transduction, Transmission, Perception, Modulation.
What occurs during transduction (the 1st phase of nociceptive pain)?
Pain signals move from the site of origin to the spinal cord.