exam 2 Flashcards
What is a Phylogenetic Tree?
A diagram showing the evolutionary relationships among various biological species based on similarities and differences in genetic characteristics.
What is a Cladogram?
A branching diagram representing a hypothesis about the evolutionary relationships among a group of organisms, showing common ancestors and shared derived traits.
What is Binomial Nomenclature?
The system of naming species using two terms—genus and species name (e.g., Homo sapiens).
What are Discrete Traits?
Traits that are either present or absent (e.g., having or not having a tail).
What are Continuous Traits?
Traits that vary in degree across a spectrum (e.g., height or skin color).
What do Food Abundance and Distribution refer to?
How food availability in an environment affects animal behavior and social organization.
What is Food Competition?
The competition among individuals or species for access to food resources.
What is a Home Range?
The area where an animal or group of animals lives and moves around, but does not defend as territory.
What are Polyspecific Associations?
When two or more species interact with each other in a mutually beneficial way (e.g., primates and birds).
What is Philopatry?
Individuals’ tendency to stay in or return to their natal (birth) group or area.
What are Paternal Confusion and Certainty?
The difficulties males might face in determining whether they are the fathers of offspring due to uncertainty in mating systems.
What is Sexual Dimorphism?
Differences in size, shape, or color between males and females of the same species.
What is Sexual Selection?
A mode of natural selection where traits are selected because they improve an individual’s chances of attracting mates.
What are Social and Mating Systems?
The patterns of social organization and animal reproductive behaviors (e.g., monogamy, polygyny, fission-fusion).
What is Brachiation/Suspensory Locomotion?
A form of locomotion where an animal swings from tree to tree using its arms (e.g., gibbons).
What is Quadrupedalism?
Movement on all four limbs (e.g., most mammals).
What is Bipedality?
Movement on two limbs (e.g., humans, some birds).
What is Vertical Clinging and Leaping?
A locomotion where an animal clings to a vertical surface and leaps from tree to tree (e.g., lemurs).
What is a Toothcomb?
A dental adaptation found in some primates used for grooming (e.g., lemurs).
What are Y-5 Molars?
A type of molar with five cusps in a Y-shaped pattern, characteristic of apes.
What are Biolophodont Molars?
Molars with two or more enamel ridges, common in Old World monkeys.
What is Stratigraphy?
The study of rock layers to determine the relative ages of fossils and archaeological remains.
What is Relative Dating?
Determining the age of an object or event about others without giving a specific date (e.g., stratigraphy).
What is Absolute Dating?
Determining the actual age of an object or event, typically through methods like radiometric dating.