exam 2 Flashcards
-risk factors (modifiable and non-modifiable):
-nursing management/ interventions including tPA:
-therapies and contraindications:
ischemic stroke:
hemorrhagic stroke:
multiple sclerosis:
-priority interventions:
-nursing diagnoses:
different types of headaches:
-defining characteristics / signs/symptoms:
-locations of pain:
-risk factors:
brain tumors:
-nursing priority/management:
types of seizures:
-partial: one area of the brain, may have loss of consciousness
-generalized: tonic (rigidity), clonic (jerking)
-absent: staring off
-epilepsy: more than one unprovoked seizure
-status epilepticus: prolonged seizure activity, body will finish seizure and will try to recover but then start another without recovery
-patho: electrical disturbances in the neurons of the brain
-care pre/post seizure:
-treatments/considerations: medications (dilantin, keppra, gabapentin)
-education/teaching/safety: area is clear, pads on side of bed, recovery position, assist for ambulation, suction, protect head and spine, ABC’s,
glascow coma scale:
meningitis: viral patho
self limiting
meningitis: bacterial patho
BAD! these patients are sick! need to isolate
-patho: inflammation of the protective cover of the brain and spinal cord
-signs/symptoms: headaches, high fever, neck stiffness, disorientation, seizures
-treatment regimens: vaccine at 12/16, antibiotics, dexamethasone, fluid, anticonvulsants
-complications: decreased LOC, respiratory depression
-education/teaching: ABCs, treat fever/pain, monitor neuro status/respiratory, droplet isolation, quiet/restful environment
-early /late/signs/ symptoms/ manifestations:
-nursing care/management:
-early /late/signs/ symptoms/ manifestations:
-nursing care/management:
gullian barre:
-patho: autoimmune condition, attacks myelin sheath, triggering event 1-3 weeks earlier (illness, pregnancy, vaccine, trauma)
-signs/symptoms/manifestations: progressive, ascending (toes to head), descending (head to toe), inability to swallow, peak at 2-4 weeks, eye paralysis, paralysis of extremities, respiratory/cardiac dysfunction, decreased function
-management of care: care in ICU, IVIG, manage respiratory and cardiac, 5-10% people die, 70% of survivors full recover, ABC’s
myasthenia gravis: MG
-patho: autoimmune disorder caused by deficient acetylcholine, blocks electrical impulses, weakness in voluntary muscles
-management of care: no cure, immunosuppressants, corticosteroids, acetylcholine medications (mestinon)
ALS: amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
-patho: loss of motor neurons, muscle tissue atrophy leading to paralysis, intellectual function test, sporadic (most common), or familial
-management of care: meds can slow progression, manage symptoms and quality of life
-signs/symptoms/manifestations including priority assessments: vary, muscle twitching (early), muscle weakness/paralysis, slurred speech, difficulty swallowing, will lead to cardiac arrest, NO CURE!
-education: ABC, safety, neuro assessments, emotional support
-usually more men
bells palsy:
-patho: inflammation of cranial nerve 7, facial, paralysis of one side of face cause is unknown
-management of care: corticosteroids, pain manage, rule out other causes
-education/teaching: monitor neuro status, not a stroke, emotional support, aspiration, encourage communication
multiple sclerosis: MS
-patho: autoimmune response, progressive, demyelination of the myelin sheath in the CNS, decreases impulses which causes weakness
-signs: vary, not always severe, waves of symptoms
-usually more women
viral encephalitis:
(end of neuro)
-patho: inflammation of cerebral cortex, usually caused by virus (herpes most common)
-treatment: acyclovir for HSV, steroids.mannitol for increased ICP
-signs: stiff neck (nuchal rigidity), fever, headache, confusion, + HSV PCR test
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
-treatment (meds, dietary, nursing considerations:
anemia: sickle cell
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
-treatment (meds, dietary, nursing considerations:
anemia: polycythemia
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
-treatment (meds, dietary, nursing considerations:
anemia: thrombocytopenia
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
-treatment (meds, dietary, nursing considerations:
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
-treatment (meds, dietary, nursing considerations:
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
-treatment (meds, dietary, nursing considerations:
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
-symptoms/diagnostic (labs):
blood transfusions:
-transfusion reactions:
-blood typing:
-nursing interventions:
-treatment (management of complications):
(end of hema)
airway, breathing, circulation
volume of blood in ventricles at the end of diastolic (end of diastolic pressure)
-increased in: hypervolmeia, regurgitation of cardiac valves
resistance left ventricle must overcome to circulate blood
-increased in: hypertension, vasoconstriction
-higher after load means higher cardiac workload
ability of cardiac muscle to shorten in
response to electrical impulse
ejection fraction:
percentage of the end-diastolic blood volume that is ejected with each heartbeat
stoke volume:
amount of blood ejected with each
cardiac output:
amount of blood pumped by
ventricle in liters per minute (SV x HR)
decreased cardiac output s/s:
echocardiogram ejection fraction
which labs would be affected by disease processes such as LDL, HDL, (which
is the good and which is the bad), BNP, troponin, etc. including normal levels:
what would blood cultures be used for:
hypertension: “silent killer”
-complications: aneurysms, chronic kidney disease, cognitive changes, eye damage, myocardial infarction, heart failure, peripheral artery disease, stroke
-hypertension and age: includes your heart and blood vessels, in the blood
vessels, there’s a reduction in elastic tissue in your arteries, causing them to become stiffer and less compliant
-differences between primary and secondary hypertension: primary is HTN alone, secondary is HTN being caused by another disease process
-primary: severe headache, severe anxiety, dyspnea, nose bleed
-secondary: fatigue, facial flush, dizzy, blood spots in the eye, palpitations, angina, dyspnea
-patho: chest pain or discomfort when the heart does not receive enough oxygenated blood (ischemia), insufficient supply during increased demand
-s/s: uncomfortable pressure/fullness/ squeezing, pain, discomfort in neck, jaw, shoulder, back, radiating down arms, can present different in women
-causes: CAD, vasospasm
-treatments: rest (semi-fowlers), medications (nitrates, beta-adrengenic blocking agents (“lol”), calcium channel blocking agents, antiplatlets/ anticoagulants), and oxygen (goal: >93%)
types of angina:
-stable: predictable, usually occurs with exertion, relieved with rest or with/without nitroglycerin
-unstable: comes as a surprise, occurs at rest, pain can increase, may not be relived with rest or nitroglycerin, can lead to MI
-printzmetal’s: occurs at rest (midnight early am), severe pain, relieved by nitroglycerin, caused by coronary vasospasm
acute myocardial infartction:
-patho: portion of the myocardium may be permanently damaged due to either lack of oxygen supply/ nutrients or increased metabolic demand
-s/s including differences between men and women: chest pain, SOB
-women: nausea and brief pain in the neck or back
-men: cold sweat, pain (shoulder, arm, neck)
heart failure:
-patho: inability of the heart to pump sufficient blood to meet the demands of the body’s cells for oxygen and nutrients
-risk factors:
-auscultation for murmurs and when you would hear certain sounds:
-s/s on diagnosis, during exacerbation and how would we know if it is worsening:
left sided heart failure:
right sided heart failure:
aortic regurgitation:
aortic stenosis:
CAD: coronary artery disease:
-patho: the arteries that supply blood to the heart become narrowed or blocked
-tests: electrocardiogram, stress test, lab tests (lipid, triglycerides), echocardiogram, holter monitor (30 days, where it continuously)
-GOLD STANDARD: cardiac catheterization
sudden cardiac death:
Interventions for both venous and arterial leg ulcers: