Exam 2 Flashcards
Classical Gold Standard
Countries pegged their currencies to gold
What did WW1 do
Imposed massive fiscal burden on participating countries. Lots of deficit spending
Most countries stopped gold redeemability, essentially making their notes (fiat)
Monetary expansion resulted in bursts of inflation
Inflationary finance
Gold Exchange Standard
Monetary system under which a nation’s currency may be converted into bills of exchange drawn on a country whose currency is convertible into gold at a stable rate of exchange.
Less need for large domestic gold reserves
Precursor to Bretton Woods Monetary System
Bretton Woods
European Countries fixed their countries to the US dollar
The US dollar was redeemable in gold
Hence, a gold-exchange standard
Some capital controls
Problems with Bretton Woods
`At the end of WW2 US output accounted for nearly half of world output.
The US exported heavily to Europe and a lot of US dollars flowed overseas in the Marshall plan.
By the 1970’s, many European central banks held large reserves of USD.
Many began to question the potential of a “run” on the Treasury, where they would ask dollars to be redeemed for gold.
US expansionary fiscal and monetary policy during the Vietnam war only worsened the outlook.
By the time Nixon closed the gold window, it was readily apparent that the US could not have been ready to redeem even a fraction of foreign held dollars for gold.
Post-Bretton Woods
Developed countries tend to let their exchange rates float
Developing countries tend to fix their currencies to a premier currency (Dollar, Euro, Pound).
There is also a good deal of intermediate regimes
Dirty floats
Crawling pegs with bands
Costs and Benefits of Floating exchange rate
control of monetary policy, currency attacks less likely, more day to-day uncertainty, immunization from foreign shocks
Costs and Benefits of Fixed exchange rate
partial control of inflation, currency attacks, less day-to-day exchange rate uncertainty, “excessive” disturbances
Different degrees of “Fixed”
-Intermediate regimes
Dirty float
Fixed with crawling pegs
Fixed with bands
Currency Board
Currency Union/Dollarization
Concerns towards integration lead to a fixed exchange rate regime
Lower transactions costs and more trade
Concerns regarding similarity push toward floating exchange rates
If economic shocks are asymmetric, countries want policy flexibility to deal with it
Integration Benefits
Economic integration: growth of market linkages in goods, capital, and labor markets among regions and countries.
Lower transaction costs, a fixed exchange rate might promote integration and hence increase economic efficiency.
More integration = more volume of transactions between the two countries (or geographic areas)
More integration -> efficiency benefits of a fixed exchange rate increase.
Illustration: There is more trade between Washington and Oregon, than between Washington and British Columbia (Canada).
Integration Costs
If the region (i.e. the two countries) face different shocks: fixed exchange rate can be costly.
Example: Black Wednesday
Germany wanted tight monetary policy to offset a boom, but UK did not because they did not have the same shock.
If shocks are asymmetric, fixed exchange rates can amplify output shocks
First Generation Currency Crisis models
These models show that a speculative attack on a fixed exchange rate regime can occur due to the rational expectations of investors and arbitrageurs.
This is due to excessive deficit financing, often with central bank credit
Investors will hold the currency as long as the peg is deemed credible. Once they believe that the central bank will no longer defend the peg (at some point in the future) they run.
Central bank loses reserves and is forced to abandon the peg. The domestic currency floats.
Fiscal Dominance
Fiscal dominance serves as one mechanism which propagates first generation currency crises.
Without independence, the fiscal authority can force the central bank to directly finance new debt issue from the treasury.
Inflationary finance and seigniorage
Implication of fiscal dominance
First generation crises are often caused by fiscal/monetary policies that are inconsistent with maintaining fixed exchange rates.
Second Generation Models of Currency Crises
Occurs when a government is pursuing a fixed exchange rate regime concurrently with another policy goal (normally boosting output/employment).P
Problem of contingent commitment
The public knows that the government of weighs the costs and benefits of maintaining a fixed exchange rate.
Investors know that there are conditions which could force the government to abandon the peg.
Potential for multiple equilibria
Loanable Funds Theory of Interest Rates
Wicksellian natural interest rate: The rate that leads to a stable price level
Interest above the natural rate= contraction and deflation
Interest below the natural rate = expansion and inflation
This means that the interest rate affects the price level but isn’t determined by it.
Keynesian liquidity preference theory for interest rates
Interest is a result of money demand/supply
Purely monetary phenomenon
In classical economics the interest rate was determined solely by
the confluence of savings and investment
Higher savings, lower interest rate
Higher demand for investment, higher interest rate
Irvin Fisher interest rate theory
Interest coordinates markets intertemporally
Fisher: Interest theory is relative price theory
-“The rate of interest expresses a price in the exchange between present and future goods.”
-However, money plays no role in Fisherian interest theory (intertemporal barter only)
-The interest rate reflects the relative scarcity of present and future goods, and productive possibilities
Liquidity Preference
The rate of interest rises with the demand for money, and falls with the supply of money
Interest is a reward for parting with liquidity
No role in coordinating markets intertemporally
Since money demand/supply can be managed, no natural rate of interest either.
Can be managed by CB to be whatever rate is deemed desirable
Time Preference
the future is discounted relative to the present.
That is, future goods are discounted subjectively, relative to present goods
Subjective Time Preference
People have varying levels of time preference
High-time preference
present wants dominate
Low-time preference
willing to delay present gratification and tend to future wants
Meaning of Time Preference
An individual is more willing to trade for future goods when present goods are relatively abundant relative to claims for future goods
Loanable Funds Framework
Savings = households’ supply of present goods net of consumption (Fisherian)
Change the units from goods into monetary funds, and “present goods” become “loanable funds”
Investment is firm’s demand for present goods
The supply of LF comes from real savings and additions to the stream of money
The market interest rate equates the current supply and demand for “loanable funds”.
Meaning present funds offered in exchange for claims to future funds
Supply of LF = demand for claims
Demand for LF = supply of claims
Demanders of Loanable Funds
Firms: Borrow to invest, Increased eagerness to invest shifts DLF out. Ditto for better investment opportunities
Government: Governments are net borrowers, Treasuries no longer hold treasure
Both entities are net sellers of claims: Stock and bonds issues
Suppliers of Lf
Households: Subtract borrowing (consumption) and dissaving households, This implies that an increased demand to hold money shifts the LF suppy curve to the left, while a reduction in desired money balances shifts it to the right
Central Banks:New money created through open market purchases comes on the market as additional demand for bonds (shifts SLf to the right). Open market sales (QT) do the opposite
A one-shot increase in the MS
1) SR (Liquidity Effect): An increase in the money supply shifts out the Slf curve, reducing the nominal interest rate R
1a) Assume the nominal interest rate equals the real rate since inflation is zero at this point
2) LR (nominal income effect): The increase in the money supply causes Dlf to shift out
2a) High M leads to higher nominal income (Y) and price level (P)
2b) At higher P, firms demand to borrow more dollars to finance the same production
2c) Input and output prices have risen
2d) Real dollars borrowed are the same as before
3) The nominal income effect restores R to its original level
Effects under an increased M growth rate
1) Liquidity effect: Gradually rising M gradually shifts out Slf curve, reducing R1
2) Nominal income: Pushes R back up and P and Y rise, shifting out Dlf
3)The inflation expectations effect:
3a) This occurs once a higher inflation rate is expected
3b) Lenders demand an inflation premium, raising R above the original R0
3c) To lend/borrow the same number of real dollars
3d) The inflation premium compensates for the loan being paid back in dollars with reduced purchasing power
Wicksell’s Natural Rate
Short-term real interest rates can vary from the LR natural rate, due to monetary disturbances.
LR neutrality
Recall, if market rates are below the natural rate, economic boom (output, prices up)
If market rates are above the natural rate (output, prices down)
Austrian Theory of Business Cycle (ABCT)
Utilizes Wicksell’s concept of the natural interest rate
Increases in the money supply and the provision of cheap credit undertaken by central banks temporarily lowers the real rate of interest
Results of the Austrian Theory of Business Cycle
Economic boom that gives way to a bust
Risk Premia
Default risk
Risk that you lend to an entity that can’t pay you back.
-Bank loans
-Government bonds
-CD’s and banking panic