exam 2 Flashcards
In what two ways does Hart suggest that a person having been obliged to do something is distinguishable from their having had an obligation to do that thing
What does Hart identify as the only circumstance in which rules impose obligations
What does Hart define as primary rules; what does he define as secondary rules
When does a primitive system become a legal system according to Hart
What does Hart consider the three main characteristics of obligations
What does Hart consider a primitive community to be
What does Hart consider the three requirements for primitive communities to persist
What does Hart identify as the three defects of character of rules in primitive communities and how does he suggest each is remedied
What according to Hart does legal validity rely upon, and how does it relate to legal efficacy
According to Hart, who must accept the validity of the rule of recognition, and who must merely comply with it
According to Hart, on what fact does the existence of a legal system depend, and in what circumstances can this fact cease to be
According to Hart, in what way can the ambiguity of legislation be resolved by precedent, and in what way can it be resolved by the legislation itself
According to Hart, in what two ways can the generality of law be achieved, and in what way does each risk creating ambiguity
What is formalism, and how does it relate to legal uncertainty
What is rule scepticism, and because of what three facts does it arise according to Hart; what counterarguments does Hart offer for each
What THREE arguments does Hart make against the central claim of rule scepticism, and what two counterarguments would a rule sceptic make against one of them
How does the relationship between courts and parliament create an apparent inconsistency for the rule of recognition, and what counterargument does Hart offer
What does Hart identify as the four features of moral rules which distinguish them from law, and what does each involve; what is a possible fifth feature which Hart argues against