Exam 2 Flashcards
an interest in establishing and guiding the next generation
the study of how speech sounds are organized in the mind and used to convey meaning
using a word in a broader context that is appropriate, as when a children use dog as any 4 legged animal, moon for dishwasher dial
OR an overly broad interpretation of the meaning of a word
rules specifying how words from different categories (nouns, verbs, adjectives, etc.) can
be combined
timing of second language exposure
mutual exlusivity
fast mapping
a theory of language acquisition that describes how children learn new words quickly based on minimal exposure
whole object constraint
describes how children assume that a new word refers to an entire object, rather than a part of it
Syntactic bootstrapping
the strategy of using grammatical structure to infer the meaning of a new word
shown around 2 years old
Critical period hypothesis
idea that there is a specific time in a persons life when it’s easiest to learn to language
Theory of mind (TOMM)
an organized understanding of how mental processes such as intentions, desires,
beliefs, perceptions, and emotions influence behavior
Sally-Anne module
3 year olds fail
4 year olds pass
Private speech
the second phase of Vygotsky’s internalization-of-thought process, in which children
develop self-regulation and problem-solving abilities by telling themselves aloud what
to do, much as their parents did in the first stage
The emergence of Nicaraguan Sign Language (NSL)