Exam 2 Flashcards
What 2 overlapping phases can male sexual behavior be divided into?
- Appetitive phase: when attempting to gain access to the opposite sex for the purpose of dating
- Consumatory phase: sexual potency, performance, copulatory behavior; shorter than appetitive phase (all androgen-dependent)
evidence for coincidence between onset of sexual interest and puberty
- castration reduces male mating behaviors; disappearing in order
- androgen replacement restores male mating behaviors; reapearring in order
- Sequential ordering of mating behavior suggests that mounting, intromission, and ejaculation have different sensitivities to androgens
Amount of testosterone needed to restore full sexual behavior is …………. if treatment begins after all sexual behavior stops (restoration) than if it begins after castration (maintenance)
Restoration requires ……. doses because androgen receptors ……. without exposure to circulating androgens
higher doses
receptors decrease
Seasonal breeders like hamsters undergo natural………. each year
natural castration
- Testes regression, sex hormones decline, mating stops in the fall (short days)
- Require more testosterone to maintain sexual behaviors
- Even more testosterone is required to initiate sexual behaviors in spring
- If give testosterone immediately after castration need less
how can erections in rats be induced?
- Naturally by electrical stimulation of the cavernous nerve
- by retraction of the penile shaft
evidence for relationship between penile responses and male sexual behavior
Amount of testes to maintain penile reflex and mating behavior is way less than what was originally flowing through the blood
what are the 3 penile reflexes
- Erection and mounts
- Flips and intromissions
- Cups and ejaculations
evidence that entire erectile repertoire programmed in the spinal cord
persists when spinal cord is severed in brain → brain sends inhibitory signals
testosterone metabolites
- Estrogen (estradiol): affects CNS to promote male mating behavior
- DHT: affects neurons in PNS (penile sensitivity) to maintain tactile sensory feedback (positive feedback loop)
critical for integrating environmental, physiological, and psychological information prior to and during mating
POA lesions
- Eliminate sexual performance (male rat mounting behavior) but not sexual motivation- not restored by testosterone
- Disrupt connections to dopaminergic neurons in brain- dopamine treatment transiently activates mating in POA lesioned animals
how do drugs that increase dopamine synthesis affect rats?
increases mating
where are receptors that bind endogenous opioids with rewarding effects?
POA lesion vs stimulation
lesion: disrupt copulation in rats
stimulation: accelerates ejaculation
can selectively activate specific neurons in a circuit using light
VMH neurons
- more active during aggression and less active during mating
- Need low VMH activity to mate because otherwise will beat up female
FOS activation
chemosensory cues, ejaculation, consummatory behaviors
Neural circuit for male sexual behavior in rodents
- female
- OB
- amygdala
- midbrain
- brainstem
- spinal cord
- penile erection
3 major integrative dopaminergic systems
- Nigrostriatal tract
- Mesolimbic tract
integrative dopaminergic systems characteristics
- Regulate motivation, genital responses, and copulation body postures
- All pump dopamine into circuit to turn off the signal coming from the brain
- facilitates sexual behavior by removing tonic inhibition (break in pathway)
- We can measure dopamine levels in POA by microdialysis
- Increases in POA in presence of estrous female
how does castration affect dopamine?
- usually weakens dopamine increase in POA, can be restored with testosterone
- Castration + copulation = still see increase in dopamine in POA
Testosterone increases the probability that dopamine will be released, not essential
hypogonadal/castrated men can copulate ………
Coolidge effect
male rat will mate to satiation with estrous female, but will often immediately resume copulation when presented with new estrous female
Species specific- common in rats. Absent in voles, enormous individual differences in humans
Social environment of mating rodents is artificially simplified in labs
- rats in nature do not mate in pairs
- Rats mated in groups more closely approximates nature: rats can mate at different optimal pace for fulfilling their respective neuroendocrine stimulus requirements
how does presence of female rats affect men rats?
- affects both male sexual motivation and performance
- increases LH and testosterone in males
Involuntary classical conditioning of male sexual behavior widespread
- Male rats spend more time in the side of a cage (in lab) or burrow (in wild) where they previously copulated
- Male rodents unconsciously conditioned themselves- the side of the cage is better because mate more there
Individual differences in male rodent mating behavior
- All given sample dose, all went back to their original levels
- [Androgen] in blood not the cause of sex drive, but different could exist in target tissue sensitivity to estrogens
- Same dose will activate more/less depending on how sensitive the receptors are in that animal
evidence that very low levels of testosterone can maintain normal sexual behavior
- Normal male sexual behavior restored in castrated male rats when given clinically testosterone
- POA testosterone metabolism is similar between sexually active and inactive rats but estrogen receptors reduced
- Low estrogen in males = less sexually active
evidence that bird appetitive and consummatory mating behavior highly dependent on androgens
- Mating behavior disappears immediately after castration
- Resumes after androgen treatment
reasoning for ring doves to convert testosterone into estrogen in the brain
to switch from aggressive courtship behavior to nest-oriented behavior
Japanese quail reproductive behaviors
- Exhibit no reproductive behaviors (do not incubate their eggs)
- Hormonal effects on sexual behavior can be separated from effects on other reproductive behaviors
Japanese quail copulation sequence
(10-15 seconds)
1. Male struts around
2. Male crows
3. Male grabs neck of female and mounts her
4. Male positions cloaca against female’s cloaca
castration and testosterone replacement on Japanese quail
- Castration eliminates all behaviors
- testosterone replacement restores
How do Japanese quail restore quail copulation after castration?
testosterone must be converted to estrogen by aromatase
what does DHT replacement restore in Japanese quail?
strutting and crowing
what can estrogen do in POA?
stimulate dopamine in POA to promote sexual motivation
Golden-collared manakins
- Elaborate courtship behavior- wing snap
- Activated by ANDROGENS, not estrogens
- Reduced by antiandrogens
- Testosterone acts on motor neurons in spinal cord that control wing movements
- Testosterone treatment in juveniles and females will produce wing snap behavior
- Androgen specific effect- testosterone doesn’t get turned into estrogen
what is closely correlated with vaginal cytology?
changes in ovarian function
what stops after ovariectomy?
- Both estrous behavior and cycles of vaginal cytology
- ovaries must produce a cyclic signal that drives these changes
Metestrus/ diestrus
- cornified epithelial cells, leukocytes
- Maturation and development of ovarian follicles
- behavioral estrus (when mating occurs)
- Nucleated epithelial cells
- Maximum follicular development
Vaginal estrus
- Follicles rupture following ovulation, which releases eggs
- Formation of corpora lutea
Cornified epithelial cells
what happens in the cycle if pregnancy does not occur?
corpora lutea degenerates and the estrous cycle continues (no more progesterone?)
what happens in cycle if female becomes pregnant?
- corpora lutea remains large throughout pregnancy (produce progesterone and estrogen)
- estrous cycle is suspended until birth
what stops estrous cycle if succesfully impregnated?
what happens with a pseudopregnancy
- if mating is sterile, corpora lutea remain large for 14 days before regressing and estrous cycle is suspended
- hormonally identical to luteal phase in non-pregnant cycle