Exam 2 Flashcards
Onset of Labor Theories: What are the Maternal Factors?
-Uterine muscles stretch
-Prostaglandins released
-Oxytocin released
-Progesterone level decreases
-Estrogen level increases
Onset of Labor Theories: What are the fetal factors?
-Placenta ages
-Fetal cortisol increases
Onset of Labor Theories: What does uterine stretching do?
Causes the release of prostaglandins
Onset of Labor Theories: What triggers oxytocin release?
Pressure on the cervix
Onset of Labor Theories: What happens to the uterus shortly before the onset of labor?
The uterus is primed with a dramatic increase in the number of oxytocin receptors.
Onset of Labor Theories: Why is there an increase in the number of oxytocin receptors in the uterus shortly before birth?
For increased sensitivity to endogenous oxytocin that normally occurs during spontaneous labor.
Onset of Labor Theories: Why does the level of estrogen increase?
The rising estrogen level causes the uterus to become more excitable and contractions begin.
Onset of Labor Theories: How did Prof. Steadham to remember what estrogen and progesterone do?
-E, Estrogen = Egg, helps with the release of the egg
-P, Progesterone = Pregnancy, helps embryo stick to the side of the uterus
Onset of Labor Theories: Why does the level of progesterone decrease?
Progesterone helps the uterus “hold on” to the pregnancy. Once the body decides it’s time to “evict the tenant” (go into labor) progesterone levels drop.
Onset of Labor Theories: What is placental aging?
Towards the end of pregnancy the placenta starts to break down and deteriorate. This will trigger the initiation of contractions.
Onset of Labor Theories: What is the result of increased fetal cortisol concentration?
A decrease in the production of placental progesterone and an increase in release of prostaglandins.
Onset of Labor Theories: What are prostaglandins and what produce them?
They are groups of lipids (or fats) that have hormone-like action that aid in the stimulation of uterine contractions, produced by fetal membranes.
Signs Preceding Labor: What are the signs preceding labor?
-Return of urinary frequency
-Braxton Hicks contractions
-Ripening of cervix
-Bloody show
-Weight loss of 1-3 lbs
-Rupture of membranes (ROM)
Signs Preceding Labor: What is lightening?
Fetal decent into the pelvis or engagement. Patient will be able to breath easier (fetus is out of ribs) and will their bump will be visibly lower (friends might say “your belly/baby dropped”).
Signs Preceding Labor: Why does urinary frequency return?
Because of the fetus’ decent into the pelvis (out of the lungs and onto the bladder).