Exam #2 Flashcards
Also called bonds
Any debt instrument w/ future cash flows that are contractually defined and can be predetermined
Fixed income securities
Basic features of a bond
Par Value
Coupon Rate and Frequency
Currency denomination
YTM < coupon rate
YTM>Coupon rate
Make coupon payments in one currency and pay the face value at maturity in another currency
Dual-currency bonds
Entitles the bond holders the preference in which they want to receive interest payments and principal repayments
Currency option bonds
Celebrities can issue a bond
Fixed rate bonds features
All-in yield
Formula for credit spread
Credit spread = sum of risk premium + default risk-free
Margin or benchmark over default risk-free rate to compensate investor on the firm-specific credit risk on underlying security
Credit spread
Yield from govt securities (GS) bond used as reference for corp bond
Default risk-free rate
Formula: default risk free rate
Real risk free + inflation rate
Internet rate
Default risk free rate + credit spread
ROP are dollar-dominated bonds
Fixed rate Treasury notes
Retail Treasury bonds
Republic of the Philippines bonds
- Foreign Securities Market
- Currency Market
- Equity Market
- Real Estate Market
- Capital Market
- Money Market
- Cash/Spot Market
- Very high
- High
- Medium to High
- Medium
- Low to Medium
- Low
- Very Low
Where funds are generated and traded
Financial markets
Funds and securities are exchanged between
Issuers and investors
Examples of fixed income security
Govt bonds
Index-linked bonds
High yield debt
All-in bond yield
Credit spread + default risk free