exam 2 Flashcards
Viki (Chimp)
learned 4 words in 7 years: mama, papa, cup,cup
Washoe (Chimp)
learned more than 100 signs in ASL
Lucy (Chimp)
learned asl, exhibited human traits like telling lies and teaching others
Koko (Gorilla)
used 400-700 ASL signs
an important gene in language development
combining 2 or more signs to create new expressions
the ability to talk about things that are not present
body language: movements and gestures
Descriptive Linguistics
the scientific study of spoken language
Study of speech sounds
forms in which sounds combine to form morphemes
arrangement and order of words in phrases or sentences
dictionary containing all morphemes and their meanings
believed all languages have a common structural basis (Universal Grammar)
Sapir-Whorf hypothesis
different languages produce different ways of thinking
Focal Vocabulary
specialized sets of terms and distinctions that are important to cultural groups
investigates the relationship between social and linguistic variations, or language in its social context
Linguistics relativity
All dialects are equally effective as systems of communication
Style shifts
varying speech in different context
William Labov
pronunciation associated with prestige
Pierre Bourdieu
Proper language is a strategic resource, and a path to wealth, prestige, and power. He views linguistic practices as symbolic capital
Deborah Tannen
studied differences in the communication styles of men and women
Daughter languages
languages that descend from same parent language that have been changing separately for hundreds or even thousands of years
original language from which daughter languages descend
languages within a taxonomy of related languages that are most closely related
Ethnic Groups
members are related by shared beliefs, values, habits, customs, and norms
positions people occupy in society
Ascribed Status
little or no choice about occupying the status given
Achieved Status
through choices, actions, efforts, talents, or accomplishments, may be positive or negative
Racial Classification
placement into discrete categories based on common ancestry
Phenotypical traits
an organism’s evident traits
William Loomis
Explains the role of UV radiation in stimulating vitamin D
Rule of Descent
assigns social identity on the basis of ancestry
automatically places children of mixed marriages in the group of their minority parent
society sharing a common language, religion, history, territory, ancestry, and kinship
stratified society with formal, central government
autonomous political entity
when a minority adopts the patterns and norms of the host culture
Plural societies
society with economically interdependent ethnic groups
view of cultural diversity as valuable and worth maintaining in its own right
the devaluing of a group because of its assumed behavior, values, capabilities, or
De Facto
practiced but not legally sanctioned (police treatment of minorities)
De Jure
part of the law
deliberate elimination of a group
destruction of cultures of certain ethnic groups
Forced Assimilation
dominant group forces an ethnic group to adopt the dominant culture
Ethnic Expulsion
removing groups who are culturally different from a country
people who are forced or who have chosen to flee a country
Cultural Colonialism
internal domination by one group and its culture or ideology over others
reliance on natural resources
non-intensive shift cultivation
focused on domesticated animals
entire group move with the animals throughout the year
part of group moves with herd; most stay in home village
Mode of production
refers to the varied ways that human beings collectively produce the means of subsistence in order to survive
Means of production
land, labor, technology, and capital
rational allocation of scarce means/resources to alternative ends/uses
K. Polanyi’s 3 principles of exchanges
- Market Principle- buying, selling, valuation depends on supply and demand.
* 2. Redistribution- goods go to center then back out.
* 3. Reciprocity- exchange between social equals
Market Principle
buying, selling, valuation depends on supply and demand
goods go to center then back out
exchange between social equals
Balanced reciprocity
Direct exchange
Negative reciprocity
potentially hostile exchanges among strangers
Generalized reciprocity
exchanges among closely related individuals
Festive event within a regional exchange system among tribes of North Pacific Coast of North America
small kin-based group among foragers
non-intensive food production
intermediate form between tribes and states. Differential access to resources/permanent political structures
formal government, socioeconomic stratification
Pantribal sodalities
groups that extend across tribes, spanning several villages
Big man
like a village head, except his authority is regional and may have influence over more
than one village (regional authority)
Economic status
wealth, material assets, income, land, property
basis of social status
Judiciary control
legal procedure and judges
Fiscal systems
internalization of a dominant ideology to maintain power of the elite
Cadeia (jail)
past phase of an extended political/legal process
Enretthe (sorcery attack)
was believed such a punitive sorcery attack would kill the thief or make him extremely ill.
Ehaya (shame)
thief would experience extended feeling of disgrace