Exam 2 Flashcards
what are the benefits of animal testing?
ability to control everything (diet, stress)
face validity
tests done on animals that closely resemble those done to humans
predictive validity
drug effects that are found in the lab mimic or predict the clinical effect
construct validity
the extent to which the animal measurement tool actually measures the characteristic being investigated
vehicle solution
what the drug/placebo is delivered in (saline)
negative control
placebo drug
positive control
fixed ratio
an animal receives a treat after a certain number of presses on a lever
fixed interval
an animal receives a treat after a certain amount of time
what are some measures of motor activity?
video tracking, infrared light beams, open field tests
what are some measures of analgesia?
tail flick test, hot plate test, operant analgesia test
operant conditioning
an animal responds to a cue to obtain a reinforcer (food) and avoid a punishment
what are some learning/memory tests?
t maze, radial arm maze, morris water maze
delayed response test
wechsler memory scale
what are some tests to measure anxiety?
light dark crossing task, elevated plus maze, zero maze, one chamber social interaction test, novelty suppressed feeding paradigm
what are some tests to measure fear
conditioned emotional response, fear potentiated startle
what are some tests to measure depression
behavioral despair, forced swim test, suspension test, chronic mild unpredictable stress model, chronic social defeat stress, maternal separation, sucrose preference test
what are some methods of drug reward and reinforcement
self administration method, conditioned place preference
what are the nine types of stereotaxic surgery
lesioning: an electrode is inserted to destroy brain tissue, and behavior is evaluated before and after
neurotoxins: injected via a cannula to destroy cells
cannulas: can be used to administer drugs or neurotransmitters to stimulate cells
specific neurotoxins: used for different neural pathways that use particular neurotransmitters
microdialysis: measurement of neurotransmitters released in a specific brain region while the subject is engaged in behavior
in vivo voltammetry: implanted microelectrodes measure neurochemicals in extracellular fluid of freely moving animals
implanted macroelectrodes: electrical stimulation produces effects similar to neurotransmitter injection
microelectrodes: can be implanted into a single cell or into the extracellular fluid near a single cell
patch clamp electrophysiology: study of individual ion channels
soup method
isolates and grinds tissue samples to form a homogenate
slice method
use intact piece or slice or tissue for visualization
radioligand binding
amount of bound ligand reflects the number of receptors in the tissue
what is the criteria to determine if ligand is binding to a specific receptor?
specificity, saturability, reversibility, high affinity, biological relevance
radioligand is added to a tissue slice and shows distribution of receptors in the brain
in vivo receptor binding
animal is injected with radioligand while alive
specific cell localization
western blot
whole tissue
brain region localization
enzyme linked immunosorbent assay
whole tissue
in situ hybridization
locates cells expressing a specific mRNA
DNA microarrays
measure expression of thousands of genes at the same time
Genome wide association studies
uses gene chips consisting of large sets of single nucleotide polymorphisms to search for alleles associated with a disease or disorder