exam 2 Flashcards
What is DARPA
defense advance research projects agence, research agence for emerging tech for US military
What is COTS
commercial off-the-shelf technology
Cyber War/Cyberwar:
Involves use of computer technology and Internet to conduct military and intelligence operations. Includes activities such as hacking, data breaches, use of malware to disrupt/damage adversary information systems. Can be used for espionage, sabotage, and even direct attacks on critical infrastructure
information Warfare/Infowar:
Focuses on manipulating information and influencing public opinion. Can include spreading disinformation, propaganda, and fake news through digital channels such as social media and online news outlets. Goal is to shape the perceptions and beliefs of a target audience in a way that serves the interests of the entity conducting the info war
Conflict in the digital realm.
As technology becomes increasingly integrated into modern life, ‘digital war’ can also encompass conflicts that occur primarily in the digital realm, such as online battles between hacktivist groups, cybercriminals, and/or state-sponsored actors
How does Bousquet descibe digital war?
the ways in which digital tech and media are transforming how wars are fought, experienced, lived, represented, reporte, known , rembered and forgotten.
what is a hybrid war
combo of conventional/kinetis and unconventional/ non-kintic means obscures line between peace and difficult to attribute
where was there a rapid development of nuclear weapons?
manhatten project
what is a national security stragety
a plan of action designed to improve security and services
what is CCD COE
cooperative cyber defensive centre of excellence
what is etymologly
who are the two main groups in terms of online extremism
far right and al queada
when did al queada start making online content
what is jidhaism
an ideology whose adherents aim to reorder
government and society through the implementation by
violence of their interpretation of Islamic law
what is radicalisation
he action or process of causing someone to adopt radical positions on political or social issues.
what is a war feed?
a personalised reality in which war is made and remade for individuals
how does the war feed affect war?
alters perceptions and increases participation
what is a crowd sourced war?
a war in which the claims, opinions and outrage of anyone who can use social media can splinter realities of experiance.
what is media ecology?
the impact of the way we interact with media
what is a fractal war?
when you subscribe to a tailored version of war.
belief in improving people’s lives and reducing suffering
Digital humanitarianism:
“the set of social and institutional networks, technologies, and practices that enable large numbers of remote and on-the-ground individuals to collaborate on humanitarian projects
humanitarian interventions
conducted “at a distance, sometimes without physical presence on the ground, through digital tools and often in an online, collaborative manner including citizen participation
humanitarian techneology
“the use and new applications of technology to support efforts at improving access to and quality of prevention, mitigation, preparedness, response, recovery and rebuilding efforts
what is the drawbacks of digital humanitarism
tech failures, normalises surveliiance often employed too late, not much security of colleted data
what is R2P
A global political commitment, endorsed by UN General Assembly at 2005 World Summit, to prevent four key atrocity types: genocide, war crimes, crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing
what is peacekeeping
is the deployment of international
(UN) military, police, and civilian personnel to a
conflict area with the consent of the parties to the
conflict, acting impartially in order to:
- Stop or contain hostilities
- Supervise the carrying out of a peace agreement
- Assist with humanitarian relief, human rights compliance,
and state-building
what is peace enforcement?
to compel peace in a conflict,
generally against will of combatants, which
generally requires more military force than
peacekeeping operations
how can tech influence peacekeeping
The use of modern technology can help peacekeeping
missions 1.) establish and maintain situational
awareness, 2.) carry out their mandates effectively
and efficiently and 3.) protect themselves
drawbacks of tech peacekeeping?
Fears that intelligence operators and surveillance
drones will involve spying on host and
neighbouring countries
* Local populations are often mistrustful of UN
gathering data and information on their daily
* New technologies may also cause increasingly
risk-averse actors like the UN to distance
themselves further from those they are
meant to serve, enabling remote
observation and contro
who ar the top troop contributing countires
nepal,india and bangladesh
what is unite aware
a situational awareness programme developed
in collaboration between UN and India: “revolutionary initiative to
monitor, coordinate and visualise UNPKOs on a real-time basis”
what is cyber enabled
“weaponization of digital
technologies to amplify
traditional instruments of
conflict” (e.g., disinfo,
misinfo, incitement to
violence, surveillance,
what is cyber dependant
introduction of novel and
emerging digital
technologies to conflict
zones” (e.g., UAVs,
malware, lethal
autonomous weapons,
what is dua;-use tech
Technology developed for benign and beneficial use
(e.g., social media, mobile phones and internet platforms) being weaponised
for harmful intent
what 3 factors make a successful PKO
a clear, operational understanding of the mission area in real time, or what is
known as a “common operational picture”;
(2) early warning of impending threats to life, property, and movement;
(3) enough data and analysis to identify risks and opportunities in the future
what is the un charter
madtes the creation of peacekeeping force for security and creating conditions for a lasting peace in and between states
what is a unkpo
un peace keeping operations
who s the dss
depatment of safety and security
where is unite awar used
cyprus, mali, south sudan, somalia