Exam 2 Flashcards
Using less eye contact when you are embarrassed is an example of which function of eye behavior?
Expressing emotion
Which of the perceptions of surroundings is based on how difficult it would be to leave a situation physically or psychologically?
Gazing refers to directly looking into another’s eyes.
_____ tells us that if we have a positive reaction to someone’s eye behavior, we tend to reciprocate the behavior, but if we have a negative reaction to someone’s eye behavior we tend to compensate for the behavior?
Arousal labeling model
Spraying perfume on clothes in a store to market the product is an example of an _______.
Active scent
Tina makes a list of tasks to complete each day. She completes each task one by one and does not stop working for the day until each task is finished. Tina is likely to have what kind of time orientation?
According to Mun, Janigo, & Johnson in their 2012 study, meanings of tattoos may change because of:
Reinterpretation of an impulsive act
During meetings at work Kyle likes to challenge his coworkers and sometimes gets into arguments over how to complete a project. What communicator style is Kyle likely to have?
People perceived as more attractive are generally more socially satisfied.
_________ in our environment can only be changed with renovation or construction.
Fixed feature elements
Oculesics is the study of______.
Eye Behavior
Happy topics tend to lead to ____ gazing behavior.
______ is desensitization to a smell after repeated exposure?
Smell Adaptation
Which of the following was not a meaning that participants in the Mun, Janigo, & Johnson (2012) study reported assigning to a tattoo?
Anger toward someone
Joan is tall and perceives herself as averagely attractive. When entering a party, Joan looks around for other people who are tall and averagely attractive. Joan’s behavior most accurately reflect the ____.
Matching hypothesis
_____ is the range or frequency of the voice.
are the sounds we make while engaged in a behavior unrelated to speech such as laughing or crying.
Vocal characterizers
American culture tends to be more monochronic while Latin American culture tends to be more polychronic
_____ tells us that how we decide to respond to someone else’s eye behavior depends on how much we notice the behavior and not how we feel about it.
Discrepancy arousal model
Judy is a biology major and hopes to go on to medical school after she finishes her undergraduate degree. She spends a lot of time studying and looking for internships to apply for that would look good on her resume. Judy likely has what psychological perception of time?
What type of touch is happening when you shake hands with someone and say “Good game” after a rousing game of UNO?
The nonverbal code that deals with scent or smell is called ______.
Dressing up for a formal event in a tuxedo or a gown is an example of which of the five functions of clothing?
Which of the following is not accurately assessed through vocal cues?
Which of the following is an example of an intrinsic code related to vocalics:
Jewelry, tattoos, and hairstyles are examples of things we choose to adorn ourselves with and can also be known as:
Olfactics is connected. with lived experiences and culture.
Alex and Jamie are talking about when they met. Alex says it was about 5 months ago and Jamie says it was last semester. Alex is using __________ time and Jamie is using ___________ time.
Technical; Formal
________________ tells us that when another person does something unexpected, we consider if they are a rewarding person or an unrewarding person to decide if we should reciprocate or compensate for that behavior.
Expectancy violations theory
When we are processing a difficult idea as a speaker or a listener we tend to avoid gazing at others. This is an example of which function of gazing?
Reflecting cognitive activity
Which of the perceptions of surroundings is likely to make us feel more relaxed and use closer speaking distances?
Features and characteristics of our environment guide us in how we are supposed to behave in a certain environment.
Pauses that occur for psycholinguistic reasons are generally ____.
Related to the encoding and decoding process
Wearing a cross necklace or hijab is an example of which of the five functions of clothing?
The idea that everyone who plays basketball is attractive because they are tall and athletic fits into what view of attractiveness?
Universal perspective
Which of the following is an example of an arbitrary code related to vocalics:
Body image refers to how an individual thinks about their partner’s attractiveness.
Elements such as wall color and furnishings influence which perception of surroundings?
The display of fake plants in an apartment is an example of which feature of space?
Semifixed feature elements
When we feel closer with someone, we tend to feel more comfortable making sustained eye contact.
______ happens when two people are interacting and knowingly looking at each other
mutual gaze
When Amanda gives a presentation in class, she is very organized and follows all the guidelines for the presentation. She strives to be very clear in her communication. What communicator style is Amanda likely to have?
___________ has to do with focusing on function over form in terms of clothing.
Chris feels stuck where he is and unable to make much of a difference in what happens next in his life. Chris likely has what psychological perception of time?
Artifacts are a factor in our physical appearance and our environment.
When Danielle gives a presentation in class, she appears like she is calm and have everything under control. What communicator style is Danielle likely to have?
Our environment impacts our nonverbal communication, but not our verbal communication.
Communicating with someone in an elevator is influenced by which perception of surroundings?
Gestures serve functions that include _____________, _____________, and ____________.
Replace, Regulate, Emphasize
Luke has a choice between taking an 8 am class or a 5 pm class next semester. He chooses the 8 am because he is a morning person. Luke identifying as a morning person is an example of which perception of time?
Vocal qualities are specific to the person’s identity, while voice sets are more broad.
Primary territory is often shared with many other people.
Olfactics is related to hearing
___________ gestures are used to visualize something like how a car accident happened.