Exam 2 Flashcards
the percentage of the surface of a culture dish that is covered by adherent cells
transferring cells to a new vessel with fresh growth medium to provide more room for continued growth.
After the first subculture, the primary culture becomes known as a:
cell line/subclone
bipolar or multipolar, have elongated shapes, and grow attached to a substrate
Fibroblast-like cells
polygonal in shape with more regular dimensions, and grow attached to a substrate in discrete patches
Epithelial-like cells
spherical in shape and usually grown in suspension without attaching to a surface
Lymphoblast-like cells
monolayers on an artificial substrate
free-floating in the culture medium
Generally used to grow large batches
Contain filtered caps to allow CO2 exchange
Used for smaller batches
Individual control over the wells
Well plates
Generally used with bacteria culturing
Often solid medium is used
Petri dishes
Media/medium - 4 components
- Amino acids
- Inorganic salts
- Vitamins
- Sometimes antibiotics
Serum - 3 components
- Macromolecules
- Lipids
- Growth factors
Most normal mammalian cell lines grow well at this pH
Most mammalian cells grow best at:
Humid CO2 incubators control these 3 conditions
- CO2
- Humidity
- Temperature
provides an aseptic work area while allowing the containment of infectious splashes or aerosols generated by many microbiological procedures.
laminar flow hood
only protect the cultures from the worker and used if the cultures are harmless to you and the environment
clean benches
generally used to protect the cultures from workers and workers from the cultures
Biological safety cabinets (BSCs)
Sterile/aseptic techniques
-Wear gloves
-Spray everything with ethanol
-Keep hands inside hood
-Change pipette tips for new materials
-Don’t pour reagents directly from bottles/flasks
-Don’t uncover anything until its ready for use
the most common type of brain tumor
Usually has poor prognosis and high mortality for glioblastoma due to:
its highly invasive behavior
Lab 5 Reagents (Changing media)
Lab 5 Protocol (changing media)
Pipette old media out and replace it with new media
2 factors to know its time to subculture:
-Cell density
-Exhaustion of cell medium
cells becoming accustomed to new environment
Lag Phase
exponential cell growth (reproduction)
Log Phase
production of new cells is equal to death of cells
Stationary Phase
nutrients exhausted, waste has built up; death of cells exceeds production of new cells
Death Phase
Subculture at what percent confluency
80 to 90 percent
Medium exhaustion is indicated by:
drop in pH
Adherent cells must be detached from surface of the culture vessel via this method (in our lab)
Enzymatic dissociation
Protease; enzyme that digests protein
Used for dissociation of cells from vessel surface
Used as a wash instead of water since water may kill cells
Phosphate buffered saline, or PBS
Inhibits trypsin, preventing extended trypsin activity that can kill cells after trypsinization
Lab 6 Reagents (Subculturing)
the component of the cytoskeleton that allows movement of cells and cellular processes
Type of actin used in Lab 7
Filamentous or F actin
Creates chemical cross-links between free amino groups in proteins (fixes cells)
Detergent solution used to permeabilize the membranes of living cells
Triton X-100
High-affinity F-actin probe conjugated to a red-orange fluorescent dye
Rhodamine phalloidin
Binds F-actin with high selectivity
Fluorescentred-orange color
Family of bluefluorescentdyesused tostainDNA (visualize nucleus)
DAPI cannot be used with:
living cells
Lab 7 Protocol
- Fix with paraformaldehyde
- Permeabilize with Triton-x100
- Bind actin and stain with rhodamine phalloidin
- Bind and stain DNA with DAPI
cell viability indicator which can be used with living cells
color of unhealthy cells
color of healthy cells
cell viability correlates with:
reducing power
Two variables affect the response of cells to alamarBlue:
- Cell density
- Incubation time
a technique for the visualization of proteins and peptides in cells using biomolecules capable of binding the protein of interest
the biomolecule is an _______ linked to a __________
antibody; reporter
4 steps of immunocytochemistry
- cell seeding
- immunostaining
- imaging
- image anlaysis
One reporter labeled antibody is used
Not sensitive enough for most proteins as the number of present copies of the protein is too low to yield a strong signal
Direct ICC method
Multiple binding of secondary antibodies to the same primary antibody
Increased sensitivity
Amplification of signal
Increased flexibility
More work and time
Risk of non-specific binding of the secondary antibody
Indirect ICC method
Primary antibody species in Lab 9
Secondary antibody species in Lab 9
a bright green fluorescent dye in Lab 9
Alexa Fluor 488