Exam 2 Flashcards
What type of law suit has taken precedence over libel suits?
Invasion of privacy suits
What kind of right to privacy has the Supreme Court recognized?
Right to privacy from government intrusions
Are invasions of privacy by non government actors prohibited by the constitution?
What kind of law governs invasions of privacy by non government actors ?
State common law or state or federal statutes limit this kind of invasion. Means privacy law is different from state to state
Is privacy law old or new?
Relatively new
What are the origins of privacy law?
- It all began with Harvard Law Review by Warren and Brandeis in 1890, which recommended the recognition of an invasion of privacy lawsuit
- Closeness of individuals due to industrialization and immigration cause upper echelon of people to feel like the lower class was invading their privacy and spreading information about them
Do states have to recognize invasion of privacy claims? Can they recognize only a few of the 4 types of privacy claims?
No. Yes.
What are the 4 kinds of invasion of privacy claims?
Appropriation (or misappropriation)
Publication of private facts
False light
What are 4 general principles of invasions of privacy?
1: Like libel, is an individual injury
2: Like libel claims, cannot be filed on behalf of dead people (with one exception)
3: Unlike libel, claims can only be made by people, not businesses, associations, corporations, etc.
4: Prior restraints presumed not allowed (maybe for intrusion or right of publicity)
What type of invasion of privacy claim is using a person’s name or likeness for commercial purposes without that person’s consent?
Appropriation or misappropriation
What are the two kinds of appropriation claims?
Right of privacy, right of publicity
What type of appropriation claim is for emotional damage? Can anyone make this claim? Does it die with the person?
Right of privacy. Yes. Yes
What type of appropriation claim is for economic harm? Who does it apply to? Does it die with the person?
Right of publicity. Applies only to those whose name or likeness already has commercial value. Can be passed on to heirs. These are basically for celebrities, and not all states recognize them. Largely in NY and Cali
What are the three elements of an appropriation claim?
1: Use of a protected attribute (something that is of you. Ex: Name, likeness, etc.)
2: For an exploitive (commercial) purpose
3: Without consent
What are four things to know about protected attributes?
- person must be identifiable (name, photo, sketch, drawing, voice, character portrayal)
- Single, original artistic works often exempted
- “Transformational” works can be exempted (Ex: Warhol)
- Satire, commentary, opinion, may be protected
What is using the name or likeness of someone for commercial or trade purposes (trying to make money off of something)?
Exploitive (commercial) purposes
What are some common examples of use for exploitive purposes?
Advertisements, testimonial, promotional displays, commercial entertainment vehicle
Is a depiction or narrative of a person’s life an invasion of privacy?
You are probably okay with this one
What does the news and information exception entail?
- Dissemination of news protected (books, mags, tv news, programs, web news sites,etc.) if they are a depiction of what is being covered.
- What is news is defined broadly, and includes celebrity gossip
What are three standards of consent?
- Consent can be verbal or in writing, but written is more reliable (Model Consent Form)
- Can be implied
- Will be invalid if photo is altered
What is a Model Release form?
Person being depicted agrees to use in this contract; only used when for commercial purposes
What is an exemption for colleges and universities?
OH statute says colleges and universities can use names and likenesses for promotional purposes without students’ consent
What is an exempted use because the use of the image was fleeting or insignificant?
Incidental use
What is an exempted use that states the use of a person’s name or likeness as depicted in an information medium can be used to advertise that information medium (ex: Magazine cover)?
Booth Rule
How did the Booth rule come about?
Shirley Booth, in Hazel, was offended that a magazine who had done an article on her used her image to later promote their publication. Court rejected her claim: As depicted by that medium is allowed
What is defined as intruding upon the seclusion or solitude of another?
Is an intrusion claim require publication?
No. It is a information-gathering claim
What is the key question when dealing with a claim of intrusion?
Is there a reasonable expectation of privacy? If no, there is no intrusion claim
What are some examples of places with a reasonable expectation of privacy?
- Private home/office
- Med evac helicopter on the way to the hospital
- Private conversation overheard by a hidden device or tapped phone
- images accessible only by telephoto lenses
What are some examples of places with no reasonable expectation of privacy?
- Standing in a doorway or window that is visible from the sidewalk
- At an accident scene on a public home
- Internet chat room
- Email messages stored on a computer server
- Conversation in a public restaurant that can be overheard by others
What are three kinds of common intrusions?
- trespassing
- surreptitious recording
- misrepresentation (including exceeding consent)
When recording conversations, do you need consent from all parties?
38 states and DC is one party, including Ohio
-12 states you need all party consent
What are the FCC rules when it comes to recording telephone conversations?
- Person recording must give notice to other party that they are being recorded (all parties must know they are being recorded)
- penalty is loss of phone service
What are the three elements of public disclosure of private facts?
- Publicity of private facts about a person
- Release of which is offensive to a reasonable person
- Not of legitimate public concern (not newsworthy)
What are 2 examples of when information isn’t considered to be private facts?
- Information in public records is not private (even if press obtained it from other sources)
- Information already known by a significant segment of the public is not private
When is the release of private facts considered offensive?
The publication of the information must cause great offense to a reasonable person, not just someone who is overly sensitive. Examples: Pregnancy outside of marriage, in extreme financial difficulty, having an extramarital affair, or a virgin
What decides when are private facts are newsworthy?
- Legitimate public interest outweighs embarrassment
- Public interest/newsworthiness is broadly defined
- Courts focus on what people are interested in, not what we think they should be interested in (celebrity “news” is considered newsworthy)
When it comes to private facts claims, does sensational diminish newsworthiness?
When it comes to private facts claims, does the person have to voluntarily put themselves in the spot light?
No. Unlike libel claims, even someone who becomes an involuntary public figure may be considered newsworthy
When it comes to private facts claims, what happens to those associated with public figures?
People closely associated with public figures may lose some of their privacy as well (ex: families of celebrities)
When it comes to private facts claims, what happens to facts that comment on the public persona of a person?
To the extent private facts comment on the public persona of someone, they will probably be considered newsworthy
What is an example of private facts being newsworthy because someone involuntarily put themselves in the spotlight?
Oliver Sipple saved Gerald Ford from being assassinated. It was printed that he was gay, and he wasn’t out to his family yet. His family disowned him. Court rejected his privacy claim because he put himself in a newsworthy position.
What is placing someone in a light that would be offensive to a reasonable person?
False light
Do false light claims require damage to reputation?
No. It only requires that the information would be offensive to a reasonable person.
Who must be at fault when it comes to a false light claim?
The publisher
Is false light recognized by states?
It is the least recognized by states. It is libel light
Does actual malice have to be found for false light claims?
Can false light claims arise from the way things are presented?
What are the sources of law that protect newsgathering?
Common law (not much absent an "interest") Executive and administrative orders (can be important but can change quickly and with political whim) Constitutional law Statutory law (state and federal)
In most cases, what have the courts said about the 1st Amend granting a right of access to records or people?
No, but SC has said there has to be some recognition of the role of news gathering
What are three prison access cases and what did they state?
Pell v. Procunier, Saxbe v. Washington Post, Houchins v. KQED
All stated that the media shouldn’t have rights beyond those of an average person.
Right to access isn’t guaranteed
What are the 4 exceptions of the no right to access precedent?
- SC has recognized 1st Amendment right of access to judicial proceedings
- Lower courts have recognized some 1st Amendment right of access to government records/meeting in limited contexts
- SPLC v. Alexander (DDC 1991): 1st Amendment right to campus police reports
- WJW v. Cleveland (DN Ohio 1988): Later vacated on other grounds, 1st amendment right to city council meetings)
Generally, when found, what are some characteristics of rights to access?
- Same right as that of any member of the public (no special treatment for journalists)
- A right to receive info or a right to be free from government restrictions on access to info otherwise available, not a right of access (your ability to use it can’t be limited)
Do government officials have to submit to interviews?
What are two cases dealing with if government officials have to submit to interviews and what did they say?
- Youngstown Publishing Co. v. McKelvey (ND Ohio 2005): Mayor of Youngstown ordered all gov’t officers not to talk to a particular news org. Court upheld mayor’s right to not give info to that org. (same access as everyone else)
- Citicasters v. Finkbeiner (6th circuit 2006): Toledo mayor couldn’t exclude a specific person from a news conference that was generally open to any member of the public (can’t give extra restrictions or limitations)
Are there special protections for other news gathering agencies? What are some examples?
Generally, not special protections for journalists from laws that apply to everyone
- can’t run a red light on the way to a story
- can’t steal bank records to prove embezzlement
- can’t download child pornography for a story about related government tactics
What is one prohibited activity?
What are some things that can constitute trespass?
It is a civil and criminal defense
- Entering a private property without the owner or occupant’s permission can constitute trespass (Especially if the property is fenced or has no trespassing signs)
- If in a public space in a private property (example waiting room) not trespassing unless..
- If owner or occupant asks you to leave and you don’t you will be trespassing
- Helicopter trespass: must be in immediate airspace over private land and interfere substantially with use and enjoyment
Does accompanying police onto private property protect you? Why or why not? How?
Generally, no. Police don’t have the authority to waive someone else’s rights
- Ned permission of occupant or owner (Police can’t give you that permission)
- And if you are acting in concert with police, you could be seen as a “state actor” and liable for constitutional violations like the police are
What is making a knowingly false statement of a material fact with the intent to induce someone to rely on it and that they do in fact rely on it causing harm or injury? Is it prohibited?
Fraud. Yes.
What did the case Food Lion v. Capital Cities/ABC (4th Circuit) say?
- Journalists get jobs with Food Lion-began working and found way store treated meat and fish was gross (bleaching, changing expiration dates, etc.)
- Food Lion didn’t argue they were libeled, they argued fraud because the people obtained the jobs fraudulently (said they wasted resources on them)
- Court said waste of resources wasn’t a valid argument, said Food Lion couldn’t claim harm because article was truthful
- But proved it is possible for news agencies to sue for fraud
Is impersonating government officials (including police) a crime?
What are some considerations with fraud when news gathering with video?
Have you engaged in fraud to get the video?
Are you exceeding consent if you don’t identify yourself as a journalist?
Is failure to obey lawful orders of law enforcement prohibited? Why?
- Journalists generally have to respect orders/police line/crime scene tape. The 1st Amend gives press no special access to crime or accident scenes
- But media access can’t be restricted more than that of the public
Does Ohio have any special protections that give journalists access to crime scenes?
Yes. Ohio Revised Code Section 2917.13
- Law Enforcement have to give journalists access in crimes scenes in a way that wouldn’t interfere
- News media isn’t interfering when they are doing their jobs