Exam 2 Flashcards
What is the equilibrium vapor pressure?
Another way of expressing saturation vapor pressure. Indicates the evaporation rate of a liquid.
How do the curvature and solute effect work?
Curvature: states that water evaporates easier from a curved surface (requires higher saturation vapor pressure to maintain a state of equilibrium). Requires supersaturation to maintain cloud droplet
Solute: condensation nuclei are hygroscopic (water attracting) which allows condensation at RH well below 100%. Liquid water forms with condensation nuclei, making it harder to evaporate the liquid water (solid will dissolve in water which makes the water not want to evaporate)
How does collision-coalescence work?
Droplets of different sizes colliding and coalescing (combining) to form larger droplets. Think of when water droplets on a windshield fall down and they combine into nearby droplets to form a bigger droplet. The reason why rain doesn’t hurt us is because of its terminal velocity (gravity is balanced by frictional drag).
How does the Bergeron process work?
The formation of ppt in middle and high latitudes in clouds at or below freezing. These clouds have to be a mixture of both ICE and WATER, and if the cloud is purely ice the process will not work as well. These ice crystals grow through the surrounding water droplets.
What is supercooled liquid water?
Water at temperatures below freezing, but above -40 C. The less pure the water is, the lower the freezing point. Very small droplets freeze at much lower temps.
What are ice nuclei?
Very rare formation where it allows direct deposition of water vapor. It has to favor 6-sided formation.
What are accretion and aggregation and their importance to ice crystals?
Accretion (graupel): Some supercooled liquid water possibly colliding with ice crystals, freezing it to the ice
Aggregation: ice crystals colliding and sticking together (really only effective above -10 C).
What are the different types and terminology of ppt?
Rain: falling drop of liquid water
Drizzle: raindrops less than 0.5 mm
Virga: rain that evaporates before reaching the ground (now really ppt)
Cloudburst: intense and brief rain shower (microbursts are different by being more about the WINDS)
Snow: frozen water falling from the sky (crystal or flake)
Fallsteaks: ‘virgia’ but with frozen ppt that evaporates/ sublimates before hitting the ground. Will appear darker
Flurries: light snow, often non-accumulating
Snow squall: intense but brief period of snow
Thundersnow: snow falling from intense cumuliform clouds producing thunder and lightning
Blizzard: low temps and strong winds with large amounts of fine, dry, powdery snow, but not necessarily heavy snow
Sleet: snow forming in air below freezing. Travels through a layer of air above freezing and begins to melt. It then falls through air below freezing just above the ground surface and refreezes immediately. NOT A RAIN/SNOW MIX. SMALL PELLETS OF ICE
Freezing rain: unlike sleet, the cold surface layer is not thick enough to refreeze ppt. Liquid hits the surface and quickly freezes.
Freezing drizzle: Freezing rain but droplets are less than 0.5 mm
Snow grains: Very small (<1 mm), white, opaque grains of ice that are fairly flat or elongated. Unlike snow pellets, snow grains do not bounce or break up on impact.
Snow pellets: White and opaque ice particles that are generally conical or rounded, and their diameter may be as large as 5 mm.
Hail: Graupel (accretion of ice and water colliding) an an embryo in intense. Grow as pushed up by updraft (layered).
Study the vertical processes of sleet, snow, and freezing rain and describe them
No :) (https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/1048318325043761293/1088560801989787648/image.png)
What is the ideal gas law in relation to temperature, pressure, and density?
Density is inversely related to temp at same temperature.
Cold air –> more dense
Warm air –> less dense
What is station pressure? What is sea level pressure?
Station pressure: pressure measured at a station
Sea level pressure: constant height (a comparable pressure value)
How is pressure displayed on upper-level (isobaric) charts?
Chart is drawn on a constant pressure surface (250 mb, 500 mb, etc). It uses isobars to show how the pressure changes at certain locations at different altitudes.
How do variations in temperature create variations in upper-level isobaric charts?
On a constant pressure surface, warmer, less dense air have higher heights on isobaric charts; colder, more dense air have lower heights.
What are ridges and troughs? What do they look like in both the northern and southern hemisphere? What are their connections to warm and cold air?
Ridge: an elongated area of high pressure
Trough: an elongated area of low pressure
In the NORTHERN hemisphere, troughs are u shaped. Ridges are n shaped
In the SOUTHERN hemisphere, troughs are n shaped. Ridges are u shaped.
(In the US) troughs bring cold air from Canada. Ridges bring warm air from the Gulf.
What are cyclones and anticyclones? What are their characteristics?
Cyclones: low pressure. Counterclockwise in NH (clockwise in SH). Clouds and ppt.
Anticyclones: High pressure. Clockwise in NH (counterclockwise in SH). Clear and no ppt
please 4 the love of god look at the wind vector thingy. ykno the thing with the arrows pointing in different directions with pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, centripetal force, and friction????????? yea pls look at this istg. in BOTH hemispheres
okay but what if i didnt
What is the Coriolis force, and how does it differ in the NH and the SH?
Deflection of objects due to rotation of the Earth. In the NH it deflects RIGHT. In the SH it deflects LEFT.
What is Newton’s first law of motion and how does it relate to atmospheric motions?
An object at rest will remain at rest, and an object in motion will remain in motion as long as no force is executed on the object (F=ma). It relates to atmospheric motions by acceleration such as the pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, friction, and centripetal accelerations.
What are geostrophic and gradient winds? Where are they found (surface/ aloft/ both)? What conditions are necessary for their formation? What forces come into balance in each? What forces play a role in surface winds?
Geostrophic: Constant speed. Aloft. Forms by the PGF moving from high to low pressure, and the Coriolis force deflecting opposite to it. Geostrophic winds move tangent to these forces, following parallel to isobars. The pressure gradient force and the Coriolis force balance each other out.
Gradient: Constant winds blowing parallel to curved isobars. No friction. Only Coriolis force, pressure gradient force, and centripetal force.
Surface: Pressure gradient force, Coriolis force, friction
What is meant by meridional and zonal flow?
Meridional: Wind flowing in a N/S pattern
Zonal: wind flowing parallel to lines of latitude, or are a more W/E pattern
What are the vertical air motions associated with high and low pressure centers?
Low: Air rises. If surface convergence is greater than divergence aloft, will weaken. If divergence aloft is greater than convergence at surface, will strengthen. Convergence at SURFACE. Divergence ALOFT.
High: Air sinks. Divergence at SURFACE. Convergence ALOFT.
What are the scales of atmospheric motion? What are their approximate time and spatial scales?
Microscale: Less than a few meters; minutes to seconds; eddies
Mesoscale: 2-100 km; thunderstorms/ tornadoes; land/ sea breezes, mountain/valley breezes; minutes to days
Synoptic scale: high/ low pressure; hurricanes; fronts; days to weeks
Global scale: long/rossby waves; global circulation cells
What is the difference between mechanical and thermal turbulence? What conditions lead to strong turbulence (each individually, or both together)?
Mechanical: Variations in terrain and surface roughness generate eddies; wind gusts.
Thermal: Strong heating causes vertical air motions; may extend through the troposphere. Strongest by mid-day (warmest)
Surface heating, strong wind speeds, and rough/ hilly terrain can lead to strong turbulence.
What are eddies?
Atmospheric turbulence
What is, and how high is, the planetary boundary layer?
The planetary boundary layer (PBL) is the layer near the surface of the Earth where wind is affected by friction. It is 1 km high/deep
How are winds defined/ described?
Direction (from which it is blowing)
Speed/ velocity
What is meant by prevailing winds, and how are these generally determined (i.e., what plot or graph would help us see the prevailing wind)?
The wind direction that is frequently observed during a time period. This is determined by a wind rose
What are thermal circulations, and what drives them initially?
Heating and cooling of the atmosphere above the ground create cold high and warm low pressure cells. They’re initially driven by wind travelling from a high pressure cell to a low pressure cell.
What are land and sea breezes at the surface and aloft? How do they change from day to night?
Land: In the day, warm air from land blows into the sea. At night, the cooler land blows onto sea.
Sea: In the day, cool air blows onto land. At night, warm air blows onto land.
Where in the U.S. do sea breezes have a significant impact, and why?
Coastlines near large bodies of water because their closeness to the water.
What is meant by a monsoon circulation, and where are they common?
A monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region. They’re most common eastern India and SE Asia
What are katabatic, Chinook, foehn winds? What makes the Chinook wind warm, and how might precipitation on the windward side of the mountain range influence the intensity of a Chinook wind?
Katabatic: Heavy, dense, cold wind rushes down evaluated slopes (usually weak).
Chinook: Dry, warm air descending on the leeward side of an orographic barrier. Eastern slope Rockies. It warms up after descending off of leeward side.
Foehn: Dry, warm air descending on the leeward side of an orographic barrier. Europe.
What are Santa Ana winds? How do they form, and where are they common?
A warm, dry wind that blows downhill from the east or northeast into southern California. These warm, dry winds develop as a region of high pressure builds over the Great Basin.
What are semi-permanent pressure systems? In what season are some of these semi-permanent pressure systems marked?
Systems that barely move throughout the year. They’re marked in summer.
What are the names and approximate location of some major semi-permanent pressure centers in the NH?
Aleutian Low: Along the Aleutian Islands
Icelandic Low: Between Greenland and Iceland in Atlantic
Hawaiian High: Over Hawaii
Bermuda High: Slightly west of Spain/Portugal
Canadian high: Over southern Canada/ very north USA
Siberian High: Primarily over Russia/ Asia continent
Mascarene High: West of Australia/ just east of South Africa
How does the general circulation influence global precipitation patterns?
Areas where low pressure systems dominate will typically receive more ppt while areas where high pressure systems dominate typically don’t
How do the pressure patterns vary by latitude aloft?
In July, the winds are seen to be more easterly at the equator. Winds are faster aloft in the winter. idc to put more
What are jet streams?
Fast winds at high altitudes; are thousands of km long and several 100 km wide
What are the key features of the subtropical and polar front jet? Where are they located (in latitude approximately) and in the 3-cell model?
Subtropical: ~30 degrees N/S SUMMER. Hadley cell
Polar: 40-60 degrees N/S WINTER. Polar front/ ferrel cell
What factors lead to the formation of the two jets?
Steep temperatures and pressure gradients between circulation cells
Explain the concept of conservation of angular momentum, and particularly, how it relates to the strength of the subtropical jet.
It is the driver of the subtropical jet. As air rises poleward, the radius (r) decreases. This causes the speed of air to increase as it continues poleward.
What are air masses and source regions? What two variables are used to classify air masses?
Air masses are extremely large bodies of air where temperature and humidity are similar horizontally and vertically. Classified by both moisture (m or c) and temperature (P;T;A;E)
Source regions: area where air mass originates; usually flat and uniform composition with light surface winds.
Know the main types of air masses, their source regions, and key features of each
cP and cA: N Canada, Alaska (dry, cold, stable –> cA more extreme)
mP: North Pacific, North Atlantic (cool, humid, unstable)
mT: Gulf of Mexico, S Atlantic, Caribbean, SE Pacific (wet, warm, unstable; most moisture and near subtropical high; atmospheric rivers)
cT: SW US, Mexican Plateau (hot, dry, conditionally unstable)
What are fronts, and what features are used to identify them on weather maps?
Transition zone between two air masses of different densities. Features used to identify them are blue triangles, red half-circles, combination of triangles and half circles that are alternating, and purple triangles and half circles.
What are the main types of fronts, what types of weather are expected with them, how steep their vertical slopes (qualitatively) are, and how winds are generally orientated behind and in front of them
Stationary front: no movement. Variable weather. Parallel but opposite wind.
Cold front: Cold, dry stable air (cP) replaces warm, moist unstable air. Winds have a southerly component ahead and westerly behind. Clouds are very steep. Thunderstorms, squall lines
Warm fronts: warm, moist unstable air overrides cold, dry stable air. Horizontal cloud development with steady rain, weak slope (stratus). Typically easterly component to winds ahead of front, southerly behind front. Frontal inversion almost always (warm air over cold)
Occluded: Cold front catches up to and overtakes a warm front. Warm air is cut off from the surface.
What is the difference between a warm and cold occlusion?
When the air behind the front is colder than the air ahead of it, the front is called a cold
When the air behind the front is milder than the air ahead of it, it is called a warm occlusion.