exam 2 Flashcards
a sociological perspective that says that our membership of multiple groups affect out lives in ways that are distinct from being in any single group
gender binary
the classificaiton of sex and gender into two completely separate masc and femme groups
the biological and anatomical differences distinguishing male and femal
a gender identitity that isn’t male or female
encompass those who possess both male and female genitalia and those with ambiguous genitalia
social expectations of behavior regarded as appropriate for members of sex
biological essentialism
the view that differences between male and female are natural and inevitable
gender socialization
the learning of gender roles through social factors
social construction of gender
a perspective holding that gender differences are a product of sical and cultural norms, rather than biology
gender identity differs from assigned sex
gender identity matches assigned sex
essentialist theory of gender
gender roles reflect biological differences
constructionalist theory of gender
gender is created and learned through gender socialization
functionalist theory of gender
gender differences contribute to social stability and integration
conflict theory of gender
social problems are created when dominant groups exploit or oppress subordinate groups
symbolic interactionist theory of gender
focused on the meaning associated with sexuality and sexual orientation
male dominance in a society
gender inequality
the differences in power, status, and prestige and men and women have in groups
feminist theory
emphasizes the centrality of gender in analyzing the social world and the experiences of women
liberal feminism
looks for explanations of gender inequality in socail and cultural attitudes
radical feminism
the belied that men are responsible for and benefit from the exploitation of women
black feminist theory
a strand of feminist theory that highlights the multiple disadvantages of race, class, and gender
transnational feminism
highlights the ways in global processes shape gender relationships
designation of occupations as male or female
sex segregation
the concentration od men and women in different occupations
glass ceiling
a promotion barrier that prevents women’s upward mobility in an occupation
glass escalator
men have the privilege of moving up in women-dominated fields
second shift
disporportionate share of labor after working
motherhood penalty
mothers are less likely to be hired
a type of social identity related to cultural values and norms that distinguish the member of a given group from others
minority group
a group of people who find themselves in a disadvantages position in their society
dominant group
the group that possesses more wealth, power, and prestige in a society