exam 2 Flashcards
I understand that this is a closed book, closed notes test and I will not give nor receive unauthorized aid on this test.
A microprocessor is a special-purpose computer that is used to conduct scientific experiments.
Moore’s Law states that the number of transistors that can be manufactured on a computer chip doubles every 1 to 2 years.
The steps of the scientific method are Decomposition, Pattern Recognition, Abstraction, and Algorithms.
Greek natural philosophy is often referred to as “pre-scientific”, since it relied on contemplation or observation, but not experimentation.
Suppose you have been given a sorted list of 100 names and need to find a particular name in that list. Using sequential search, it is possible that you might have to look at every location in the list before finding the desired name.
Binary search is an example of an O(log N) algorithm, where the number of items in the list to be searched is N.
Private-key encryption algorithms require the sender and recipient of a message to agree upon a secret key (or password) for encoding and decoding the message.
Which of the following statements about transistors is FALSE?
They tended to burn out more frequently than the switching technology they replaced.
Which of the following is NOT one of the key characteristics in computational thinking (as discussed in class)?
Incorporating experimental data to justify theoretical hypotheses.
Consider the following chain letter scheme.
In round 1, the person initiating the chain letter sends a copy to 2 people (resulting in 3 people now having a copy).
In round 2, the 2 people receiving the letter each send copies to 2 other people (resulting in 7 people now having a copy).
This process continues in subsequent rounds, that is: in round N, each person who received the letter in round (N-1) sends a copy to 2 new people.
How many rounds would it take before 200 people have a copy of the chain letter?
Suppose Adam conducts three different experiments with coin flips, flipping a fair coin 10 times each experiment. He obtains 8, 9, and 7 heads, respectively. Similarly, Bev conducts three experiments but flips the fair coin 20 times each experiment. She obtains 13, 10, and 7 heads, respectively. Using the same measures for consistency (the relative difference between lowest and highest value) and accuracy (closeness of average to expected) as in Lab 3, which of the following is TRUE?
Adam’s results are more consistent, but Bev’s are more accurate.
Suppose a text span with ID numSpan contains a number. Which of the following JavaScript statements would increase the number in the span by one?
numSpan.innerHTML = Number(numSpan.innerHTML) + 1;
There is debate among the scientific community whether computer science is really a “science”.
Describe one characteristic that computer science has in common with disciplines such as physics, biology, and chemistry, that justifies calling it a science?
Describe one characteristic that distinguishes computer science from the natural sciences?
One characteristic that makes computer science similar to the other disciplines mentioned, is that the scientific method is commonly used within the field. The scientific method can be applied in many situation, and can help computer scientists find solutions to problems that they face. The main characteristic that distinguishes computer science from the natural sciences is the fact that it is not centered around the understanding and exploration of natural phenomons ( I am horrible at spelling sorry), but instead it focuses on understanding what computation can accomplish and expanding that (and more).
When you purchase something over the Internet/Web, public-key encryption is used to secure the transmission of your sensitive information (e.g., credit card number). How is this accomplished? In particular, how can the sender, using only publicly available information, encode a message that can be decoded only by the intended recipient?
When you go to purchase something online you are given a public key which basically means that you now have the ability to send an encrypted message to the website or provider that you are using to make the purchase. This message can only be decrypted though by a private key that only the provider has access to. So once the message is sent over they decrypt it, and use the information, then usually they will get rid of the key.