Exam 2 Flashcards
Lecture 12 Liver and GI tract 1
Toxicity: Liver and Gastrointestinal Tract
Describe the functional unit of the liver and how the zones within this unit vary relative to potential for toxicity
Hepatic lobule (based on anatomical location)
-Centrilobular zone
Portal lobule
-Based on biliary flow: opposite to blood flow
Portal Triad
-Hepatic artery
-Hepatic vein
-Bile Canniculi/duct
Hepatic Acinus (Based on Flow)
-Zone 1: Periportal (9-13% oxygenated)
-Zone 2: Midzonal (or “Transitional”)
-Zone 3: Centrilobular (4-5% oxygenated)
Blood supply
-Portal vein 60-80% deoxygenated (functional supply)
-Hepatic artery 20-40% (nutritional supply)
Factors for Hepatic Toxicity
-Zone 1: highest oxygen, lowest metabolism. Periportal
-Zone 3: Lowest oxygen, highest metabolism. Centrilobular
-Blood flow: Zone 1 to Zone 3 Central vein.
-Uptake and concentration: Fist pass effect, Close contact with circulation, accumulate metals and vitamins, Iron Homeostasis (high levels produce lipid per oxidation in Zone 1).
Copper homeostasis: Bedlington terriers, West highland white terries, Skye terriers, Dalmatians, Doberman pinschers, Labrador retrievers, Anatolian shepherds, Cocker spaniels, Poodles.
-Bioactivation and Metabolism
Types of Toxicant Induced Liver Injury
- Focal: randomly distributed and involves individual or small cluster of hepatocytes
- Zonal: usually zone 3, higher level of phase I enzymes
- Bridging : confluent zones of necrosis that extend between zones of the lobule and between lobules
- Massive: denotes hepatocytes loss throughout the lobule with loss of lobular architecture
Describe the mechanism of toxicity of pyrrolidine alkaloids, mushroom mycotoxins, and cycads and some example plants that carry these toxins
Pyrrolizidine Alkaloids
-Not all toxic
-Only those that are unsaturated at the 1,2-position e.g., Senecionine
-MOA: Potent electrophiles that react with neucleophilic substrate (DNA, Protein, AAs) and soluble nucleophiles (Glutathione); liver damage.
Plant families
- Boraginacea
- Composite
- Leguminosae
Senecio and Crotalaria spp.
-Cause irreversible liver damage, impaired liver function
-Small herbivores are resistant to PA toxicity
CROTALARIA spp., Showy Rattlebox
-Legume that supports nitrogen fixing bacteria “soil Builder”
-Toxic principle: monocrotaline and spectabiline
Crotalaria intoxication leads to pulmonary damage as a primary effect; hepatic secondary and less prominent
Tansy ragwort, SENECIO
-Majority found in the Western States
-Young plant contains highest concentrations of alkaloids
-Liver necrosis and death in cattle 4-6% of body weight consumed for several days.
-Some PA activated to more reactive, toxic compounds and others being detoxified
-Acute intoxication show signs of liver failure, including anorexia, depression, icterus and edema.
-Chronically: photosensitivity, icterus and increased susceptibility to other liver insults.
-No specific treatment available
-DDx: high levels of bilirubin and bile salts
-Prognosis: poor
- MOA: Inhibition of Nuclear RNA Polymerase: loss of MRNA; no proteins; cell death. (Hepatocytes but also renal tubules and GIT)
-Ibotenic acid
Cyclopeptides: Phallotoxins & amatoxins
Amita phalloides mushrooms
-“Death Cap” or “Death Angel”
-Most dangerous
-Toxic principle: Cyclopeptides (amatoxins and phallotoxins)
Amita mascara mushrooms
-Contain parasympathomimetic agent MUSCARINE.
-MOA: inhibit nuclear RNA polymerase, resulting in decrease protein synthesis. Hepatocytes, renal tubular cells, Gi epithelium most vulnerable.
-Short half life 1 hr or less
-C/S: Asymptomatic latency 0-6 hrs. GI symptoms nausea, vomiting, bloody diarrhea 6-24 hrs. Lag period several hours to several days appears to have recovered. After 36-48 hours, signs of liver, kidney, and other organs failure
Other Mushroom Toxicities
-Gyromitra spp: monomethylhydrazine = hemolysis of RBCs
-Cortinarius spp: orellanine = destroys the kidney tubules
-Psilocybe spp: psilocybin = physcoactive compounds (hallucinogens) many species, various compounds, GI distress.
Sago Palm (CYCADS)
-Native to Japan, landscape use throughout Southern US.
-Toxic principle: Cyasin
causes hepatic necrosis and GI irritation. Beta-methylamino L-alanine (BMAA) is neurotoxic amino acid, causing muscle weakness, paralysis and seizures. Unidentified third toxin causes axonal degeneration.
-Signs of toxicity appear 12-24 hrs
-MOA: not well understood, mutagenic, carcinogenic, teratogenic as well as hepatotoxic.
-C/S: cattle develop muscle weakness and or other neurological symptoms but must consume the plant for extended periods.
Zamia integrifolia (CYCADS)
Hepatotoxic Plants
Cocklebur (Xanthium strumarium)
-Toxic principle: Carboxyactractyloside (CAT)
-MOA: inhibits ADP translocate on the cytosolic side of the mitochondrial membrane
-Seeds are highly toxic
-Early, 2 leaf plant, highly toxic then lose toxicity
Present in fields, get in bailed hay
-Species affected: pigs, ruminants, horses
-C/S: weakness, vomiting, twisted neck, weak pulse. Characteristic histologic lesion is severe, diffuse, centrilobular hepatocellular necrosis.
Mycotoxins Review
Describe the mechanisms of aflatoxins and copper excess
-Aspergillus (A. flavus, A. parasiticus)
**Aflatoxin B1 and B2 produced by Aspergillus **
G1 and G2: produced by Group II A. flavus and A. parasiticus
Toxic level in dog 100-300 ppb requires continuous exposure for a few weeks.
Turkey extremely susceptible <50 ppb
-MOA: Lipid accumulation and massive centrilobular necrosis in the liver. Also can be carcinogenic and teratogenic.
Alsike and Red Clover (Trifolium)
-Species: primarily in horses
-MOA: unknown mechanism
-Chronic liver failure
-More prevalent in NW US and Canada
Sheep seldom survive
Copper Toxicosis
-MOA: copper accumulates in liver, hepatocellular damage releases copper. Ex: Stressful incident. Copper into blood damaging RBCs/Hemolysis. It goes into kidneys, causing renal damage
-Dogs: genetic
-Sheep: diet issue such as Molybdeum deficiency.
Lecture 13 Liver and GI tract 2
Describe the toxicity risk associated with Xylitol sweetener
a.k.a Sorbitol, Burch sugar, Beach sugar.
What are the clinical signs?
How soon can hypoglycemia develop?
How soon does liver failure occur?
What species are affected?
Vomiting, weakness, ataxia, depression, hypokalemia, seizures, and coma.
Hypoglycemia within 30 minutes
Liver injury may occur >24-48 hours after ingestion
Only occurs in canids, possibly ferrets.
Describe the toxic agents and mechanisms of GI toxicity of plant oxalates, castor bean plant, Ranunculus plants, Colchicine, Salframine mycotoxin and some example plants that carry these
What plant is a traditional Appalachian food?
What is the most toxic seed in the world?
What is a powerful vesicant precursor and which plant contains it?
Which plants causes myelosuppression in surviving animals?
Oxalates Toxicity
Locally: Calcium oxalate crystals produce physical damage to skin and mucous membranes they contact.
Systemically: oxalate can produce hypocalcemia and crystallize in renal tubules resulting in kidney damage.
MOA: Chewing the leaves and stems causes sharp crystals (Raphides) to be forcibly ejected fro, idioblastic cells in the plant. The crystals don’t dissolve.
-Hypocalcemia, renal tubular damage.
-Pain in the mouth, head shaking, intense salivation, unusual vocalization.
-Nausea, vomiting, diarrhea may occur.
Toxic principle: Raphides (sharp crystals).
Plant examples:
Dieffenbachia (dumbcane) spp.,
-Elephant’s ear
-Calla lily
-Shunk cabbage
-Jack in the pulpit
-Peace lily
Pokeweed (Phylotacca americana).
-Saponins and oxalates; phytolaccotoxin.
MOA: Irritation of mucosal surfaces. Roots and seeds highest amounts
Traditionally a southern Appalachian food
-Oral irritation, excessive salivation, vomiting, colic, bloody diarrhea, depression, prostration, and death.
-Mild to severe gastroenteritis with ulceration of the gastric mucosa.
Castor Bean (Ricinus communis) Tick-like seed
MOA: Ricin is transported into cells by endocytosis and once in the cytoplasm they migrate into the ER where it DEPURINATES the 28S ribosomes in rRNA.
Considered the most toxic in the world, 4 seeds can be lethal to a human
Toxic principle: Ricin
-Intoxication signs appear within 6 hours
-Effects intestinal mucosa, vomiting, diarrhea, decreased nutritional absorption, increased bacterial infections, hemorrhagic gastroenteritis.
Buttercup (Ranunculus spp).
MOA: Proteoanemonin is a potent vesicant that irritates mucous membranes of the GI. When severe, it affects the kidney.
Toxic principle: Ranunculin (glycoside) precursor converted to Proteoanemonin. Dried plant non-toxic
-Irritation of the mouth and upper GI tract, swelling of the muzzle and lips along with diarrhea, vomiting and colic reported.
Autumn crocus (Crocus autumnale) family Colchicaceae
MOA: Colchicine interferes with the spindle formation in normally dividing cells; rapidly dividing cells such as epithelium are most affected.
Toxicant principle: Colchicine
-Multiple organ systems affected. Vomiting, diarrhea, Gi hemorrhage are often seen.
-Myelosuppression seen in animals that survive
Slaframine Toxicity
Toxic principle: Slaframine and swainsonine (Mycotoxin)
Source: Fungus Rhizoctonia leguminicola from Red Clover causes black patch disease in the plants
-Generally salivation (slobbers disease) in most animals.
Describe the mechanisms of NSAID toxicity and the role of COX-1 and COX-2 selective agents.
Which are approved for cats and what administration?
Which are approved for cats and dogs?
Which are approved for horses?
Which is the constitutive isoform?
Often multi-treatment; Steroids + NSAIDs
-Flunixin (Banamine)
NSAIDs Toxicity
-They all inhibit Cyclooxygenase, resulting in PG synthesis inhibition = GIT damage (dyspepsia, gastritis)
-Analgesic: non-PG related effects, CNS and peripheral effects
-Antipyretic: CNS effect
-Anti-inflammatory (except acetaminophen): PG inhibition
-Some shown to inhibit activation, aggregation, and adhesion of neutrophils and release of lysosomal enzymes.
Cats: Meloxicam, Robenacoxib
Horses/Cattle: Flunixin meglumine, Ketoprofen, Firocoxib
Constitutive isoform: COX 1 needed for homeostatic functions
Second Isoform: COX 2 responds to cytokines from site of inflammation
Currently, Most are selective for COX-1
Arachidonic Acid Cascade
-Cyclooxygenase is involved in the AAC and creates prostaglandins. Some homeostatic functions of prostaglandins include the production of Bicarb and Mucus to protect GI, and PGE2-PGI2 vasodilation in kidney (GFR).
What are some of the adverse effects from NSAIDs toxicity?
-Platelet dysfunction
-Gastritis and peptic ulceration with bleeding
-Acute renal failure is susceptible
-Sodium and water retention, edema
-Analgesic nephropathy
-Prolongation of gestation and inhibition of labor
-Hypersensitivity due to PG inhibition
-GIT bleeding and perforation
What chemical is found in old pressure treated wood that can be released from burn piles, causes hemorrhagic gastroenteritis? The harmful smoke leads to sudden death in cattle.
-Hemorrhagic gastroenteritis
-Watery diarrhea
-Cramping, bloating
Lecture 14 Renal System Toxicity
List the mechanisms by which nephrotoxicants may injure the kidney
> 90% of Acute renal failures are considered a result of?
> 90% acute renal failure due to Ischemia/reperfusion and neprhotoxicosis.
The 5 general mechanisms of Nephrotoxicity
- Direct injury to renal tubular epithelium (epithelial cell necrosis by debris)
- Detachment of lethally injured cells from basement membrane, resulting in back leakage of filtrate.. causing lumen obstruction
- Renal vasoconstriction, hypoxia, ischemic necrosis of renal structures
4 & 5. Damage to the glomerular filtration barrier, and impairment of renal healing and repair.
Polydipsia, nausea, vomiting, lethargy, weakness, dehydration, polyuria/oliguria/anuria.
Describe the common findings in cases of cholecalciferol poisoning including common sources and possible treatments
MOA: Underlying mechanism = dystrophic mineralization
Sources: modern rodenticides (Bromethalin, Cholcalciferal)
Treatment: hormonal therapies to block Ca release from bone, block Ca uptake at GI
Low Ca diet.
Describe the mechanism of toxicity of ochratoxins, aminoglycoside antibiotics and NSAIDs
What are sources of Ochratoxins?
Ochratoxin (mycotoxin) toxicity
Source: Penicillum and Aspergillus micro fungi molds, which grow at high temperatures and high moisture during harvest, handling, storage and transport.
-Cereal grains, cottonseed, nuts, dried beans and coffee beans.
Cattle thought to be resistant due to degradation in the rumen, though pre-rumen calves susceptible
Pigs are the most sensitive
MOA: Not fully understood.
-Inhibition of protein synthesis and energy production
-Induction of oxidative stress
-DNA adduct formation
-Apoptosis/necrosis and cell arrest.
Aminoglycoside antibiotics toxicity
Drug examples:
MOA: Concentration beyond a threshold level, endosomal membranes become disrupted and the drug leaks into the cytosol where it activates the intrinsic apoptotic pathway, increases production of reactive oxygen intermediates and interacts with mitochondria to interrupt the respiratory chain.
-Cats: vestibular damage, renal damage
-Dogs: renal damage, vestibular damage
NSAIDs drugs
-see image
Describe the renal toxicity associated with Pigweed, Lyly spp., grapes/raisins, oaks, and ethylene glycol.
Pigweed (Amaranthus spp.) red root
-Renal injury with peri-renal edema and widespread degeneration of PT and DT
Toxic principle: unknown, but it contains oxalates and accumulate nitrates at low levels.
Pyrrolizine alkaloids
Plants examples:
Species: predominantly cattle, pigs, horses.
-Tubular degeneration and Necrosis
-Megalocytosis of tubular and glomerular cells
-Hepatic lesions more prominent
-Secondary photosensitization
-Hepatic encephalopathy
Oxalic acid, soluble oxalates
Plants examples:
-Rheum rhaponicum
-Rumex spp.
-Chenopodium spp.
Rhubarb, Lambs quarter, Dock
Species: ruminants and pigs most common
-Tubular degeneration and necrosis
-Intra-tubular calcium oxalate crystals
-Hypocalcemic tetany possible
Red Maple (Ace rubrum)
Species: horses
-Acute tubular degeneration and necrosis
-Hemoglobin casts in tubules
Bracken Fern
Toxic principle: hypovitaminosis B1 (horses), Ptaquiloside (cattle).
-Epistaxis, melena, hemorrhage (cattle), enzootic hematuria a.k.a Red water disease.
Lilium spp. and Hemerocallis spp.
Toxic principle: consumption of any part of the plant, specific not identified
Species: Cats affected most, renal toxicity in other species not substantiated.
MOA: unknown, but severe damage to renal tubular epithelium and sloughing of cells.
-Polyuric renal failure followed by dehydration and anuric stage
Raisins/Grapes (Vitis spp.)
Species: dogs, cats, and ferrets
Toxic principle: Tartaric acid
-Vomiting, diarrhea, within 12 hours
-Elevated serum calcium and phosphorus, golden brown pigment within tubular lumen.
Oak (Quercus spp.)
Species: Cattle most affected, rarely horses, pigs, goats, sheep.
Toxic principle: Tannic acid and pyrogallol
MOA: compounds react with cell proteins to denature them, with resulting cell death.
-kidneys, liver, digestive severe lesions.
Ethylene glycol
- Initial CNS depression due to alcohol like effect: 30 min to 12 hours
-CNS signs, vomiting, PU/PD - Acidosis phase: from 8 hrs on
-Vomiting, depression, anorexia, weakness, coma - Renal failure phase: 24 hors on (sooner in cats)
-Vomiting anorexia, abdominal pain, azotemia, anuria, cristalleria.
Clinical findings
-Oxalate Crystals in urine after 6 hrs
-Fomepizole injection
-Calculate dose of alcohol infusion to compete with the toxin for metabolic pathways and stall its activation (buy some time for renal clearance)
-At a minimum provide lots of IV fluids to try to flush out the remaining toxin.
Lecture 15 Reproductive Toxicity
What are the mechanisms of adverse effects in reproductive function?
-Any manifestation of xenobiotic exposure reflecting adverse effect on physiological processes and associated behaviors/anatomical structures in animal reproduction or development.
Developmental toxicity
-Any adverse effect on the developing organism associated with either pre-conception parental exposures to toxicants or post-conception xenobiotic exposures to the embryo, fetus or pre-pubertal offspring.
-Specifically to developmental defects induced by toxicant exposure occurring between conception and birth
- Toxicant-induced cellular dysregulation
- Alterations in cellular maintenance
- Endocrine disruption
Endocrine disruptors
What are some reproductive toxicants - female, male?
-Effects are mediated directly by interactions between the xenobiotic and an endogenous hormone
-Example: xenobiotic functions as aligned for an endogenous receptor and a receptor-ligand complex is formed.
-Includes adverse effects that alter hormonal functions without direct interactions between the toxicant and endogenous receptor
Reproductive Toxicants Female
DES: diethylstilbestrol (treat female incontinence)
DDT: pesticide
PCBs: polychlorinated biphenyls - similar to dioxin, used in electrical grid, now banned.
Bisphenol A - plasticizer
Nonylphenol: commercial chemical, can arise from nontoxynol
Ketone: insecticide
TCDD: Dioxin
Phyestrogens, what are they classified as?
What are the signs of clover disease?
Classified as ISOFLAVONES
Toxic principle: Coumestrol (alfalfa)
Toxic principle: Genestein and Formononetin (clover).
Plant sources:
-Subterranean clover
-Red clover
-White Clover
-Alsike clover
-Alfalfa: Coumestrol,
MOA: estrogenic activity. Estrogenic activity decreases during drying process of hay.
Clover disease Phytoestrogen-induced
-Precocoius mammary development
-Abnormal estrous cycles
-Structural and functional changes in the cervix
-Alteration in ovine cervical mucus interfere with the slow, sustained transport of motile spermatozoa from the cervical reservoirs.
Genestein, Coumenstan, Slaframine toxicity
Which one causes marked drop in milk production and slobbers disease?
-Can induce structural changes, irreversible organizational abnormalities in the cervix and uterus of exposed guilts
Coumestan (Alfalfa)
-Associated with various and conflicting clinical presentations. Ex: hyperestrogenism, nymphomania, swelling of the external genitalia, estrus suppression, inhibition of ovulation and cystic ovarian disease.
-Causes marked drop in milk production
-“Slobbers” disease
Locoweed poisoning (Oxytropis spp., Astragalus)
Toxicant principle: Swainsonine
MOA: indolizidine alkaloid, pathological changes
-Decreased fertility
-Decrease conception rates
-Lower calving percentages
What mold produces it?
What conditions are required for it to grow?
What species is most susceptible?
Produced by Fusarium graminearum
Toxic principle: estrogenic mycotoxin zearalenone, sometimes in conjunction with Vomitoxin or Deoxynivalenol (DON)
-Swine particularly susceptible. Pre-pubertal gilts as low as 1-3 ppm.
-Enterohepatic recirculation and slow metabolism
-Hyperestrogenism leads to uterine enlargement, swelling of the vulva and mammary glands, and ovarian atrophy
Tall Fescue grass toxicity & Ergot toxicity
What species experiences very difficult dystocia, large newborns, and no udder development?
What is the available treatment?
What other toxicity is associated/similar to fescue toxicosis?
Toxic principle: Ergovaline
Endophyte: Neotyphodium coenophialum
Horses: blocks signals of parturition = no udder development, foals keep growing.
Most damage occurs in the last three months of gestation Move to dry lot or stall.
Cattle: epidemic hyperthermia, “summer syndrome”
Treatment: Domperidone (promotes mammary development) Equine, Gel
Ergot Toxicity
-Can occur on any seed head, but commonly seen on RYE.
Gossypol toxicity (Cotton seed)
Sources: Gossypium genus plants
-Yellow polyphenolic pigment
MOA: hepatic, renal, cardiovascular and pulmonary abnormalities.
-Exposure to peri-pubertal or sexually mature males to sufficient dosages of free gossypol adversely affects the seminiferous epithelium and disrupts normal spermatogenesis
- Pine (Ponderosa)
MOA: Inhibition of the catechol estrogen-induced blockade of potential sensitive Ca++ channels by isocupressic acid
-Leads to enhanced entry of Ca++ into arterial smooth muscle cells supplying the gravid uterus and results in profound vasoconstriction.
Toxic principle: Isocupressic acid
Late term abortion with retained placenta.
- Jervanine alkaloids (Veratrum spp.)
Toxic principle: Cyclopamine, cyclosporine, jervine
MOA: interference with sonic hedgehog (SHH) signal transduction pathway and inhibition of neuroepithelial cell mitosis.
Developmental abnormalities (one eyed) in sheep, cattle, goats.
- Tabacco (Nicotina spp)
MOA: Induce MCC or “crooked calf disease” in cattle and other species
Toxic principle: Anabasine
Sources: Poison Hemlock (Conium maculatum) and Lupines (lupines spp.)
Characterized by cleft palate and limb/spinal contractures
- Pyridine Alkaloids
Toxica principle: Coniine & y-coniceine (poison hemlock), Anabasine (tabacco), Piperidine-derived and Quinolizidine (lupines).
MOA: cause stimulation then depression (depolarizing neuromuscular blockade) of nicotinic receptors in the fetus.
Lecture 16 Integument, Bones, Teeth Toxicity
What characteristics make some animals more susceptible?
How fast can the reaction start after contact?
How does it compare to sunburn?
What HAs are susceptible to light-mediated oxygenation?
Defined as severe dermatitis that results from a heightened reactivity of skin cells and associated dermal tissues upon exposure to sunlight, following ingestion or contact with plant pigments or secondary products that are UV or light reactive.
-It can occur within minutes of exposure to the toxic substance by direct contact, within hours (contact or ingestion) of deposition of the primary photosensitizing agent, or days after exposure due to activation of secondary photosensitizes (following liver damage and deposition of phytoporphyrin into skin).
-The presence of light reactive compounds produced by higher plants can result in considerable damage to sensitive dermal tissues
-Irritation, tissue abrasion, secondary skin infections, even death.
-Damage is through generation of ROS.
NOT SUNBURN: UV rays exceed blocking ability of melanin; reaches the stratum basal and causes DNA damage, edema, blistering.
-Light colored animals more susceptible
-Most common in areas of skin that remains hairless, such as mammary glands, tail, hoof wall area, skin around the eyes, face, muzzle, etc.
-Deeper layers of integument, the dermis and hypodermic, offer limited to no protection from penetrating substances nor light.
-Darker skin contains melanin or pigment also serves as protection to prevent additional photosensitization.
Photosensitizer and light
-Tryptophan, Tyrosine, Histidine, Methionine, Cystine (proteins) AAs in animal skin experience light-mediated oxygenation, eventually inflammatory response, blood vessels affected and tissue necrosis.
Photosensitization type 1
-Activated sensitizer reacts with the acceptor, in one-electron transfer reaction to produce a radical ion in both.
-Acceptor (substrate) donates electron to sensitizer, resulting in acceptor radical cation (acceptor +) and sensitizer radical anion (sensitizer -).
Phototoxic plants-produced compounds or metabolites become bioavailable within animal after ingestion or cellular layers of skin*
=DNA adducts/crosslinking, cell death/dysfunction
Type 2
-Activated sensitizer transfers energy to ground state molecular oxygen, producing excited state singlet oxygen and generating the ground-start sensitizer.
-Singlet oxygen then reacts with the acceptor to produce oxidized metabolites. The sensitizer is not consumed.
Results from the accumulation of the photodynamic compound phytoporphyrin, which is a microbial-produced metabolite of chlorophyll. May occur as a result of acute or chronic liver damage and derivatives not cleared by liver.
=Hepatotoxins, hematogenous photosensitization. DNA adducts/crosslinkin, cell death/dysfunction.
Primary Photosensitization
Type 1 Sensitization Agents
Hypericin (from St. John’s Wort)
Fagopyrin (from buckwheat)
Coal tar derivatives: polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons
Tetracyclines and some Sulfonamides.
Most of the time agent is ingested and derived from plants.
Giant Hogweed (Heracleum mantegazzianum)
Toxic principle: Furanocoumarins
-Causes burn-like lesions to animals and humans sometimes leading to amputation or loss of use.
-Exposure to both live or cut/harvested plant material
-Contact phytotoxic dermatitis
St. John’s Wort (Hypericum perforatum)
Toxic principle: Hypericin
-Fluorescent pigment and photocytoxic
Buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum)
Toxic principle: Fagopyrin
Aberrant Endogenous Pigment Synthesis Photosensitization.
Type 2 Sensitization Agents
- Endogenous pigments
-Pigments produced by the body from genes that hold their coding
-Inherited or acquired defective function of enzymes involve in haem synthesis
-Kangaroos congregate in shaded areas
-Liver histopathology: abnormal bile duct structure, ‘onion skin’ appearance, multiple layers, refractive crystalline inclusions.
Panicum grass (a.k.a Switchgrass, Panicgrass)
-Sheep foraging in old turnips or rutabaga fields. Type 1
-Cattle Type 2
Source: Lantana (vernbenaceae) species, America and Africa native plants.
Toxic principle: Titerpenes
-Lantadene A and Lantadene C and Ictoregenin.
-Severe Jaundice and photosensitization seen within 1-2 days following consumption of camara.
Hepatogenous (secondary) photosensitization
Type 3
Phylloerythrin (PE): is derived from the breakdown of chlorophyll by microorganisms in the GI tract
PE, but not Chlorophyll, is normally absorbed into the circulation and excreted in the bile.
The lack of ability to complement excretion of PE due to liver dysfunction of bile ducts lesions increases the amount of PE in the general circulation.
Idiopathic Photosensitization
Type 4
Skin Toxicants - Heavy Metals
Heavy toxicity
Moderately toxic
-Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Mercury, Copper
Cadmium, chromium and nickel: act directly or indirectly on intracellular proteins in the skin.
Selenium Toxicity
-Plants: Astragalus genus, which are the locoweeds and milk vetches.
-Signs: Loss of hair/wool, deformation and sloughing of the hoof are seen.
-Species: cattle, sheep, horses, swine, chicken and dogs.
White muscle disease is due to Selenium deficiency
-Blind staggers: chronic poisoning, ingestion of water-soluble selenium compounds found in plants.
-Alkali disease: toxicity from eating plants or grains with protein-bound, insoluble selenium.
Bone Toxicants
-Increased apoptosis of canine tendon cells and chondrocytes
-Dose and time dependent manner
Large breed dogs and performance animals such as horses
-Can bind Ca during enamel formation
-Often used to treat tendon contracture in foals
Lecture 17 Toxicants Venomous Animals
- List the venomous arthropods and snakes of concern in the US and Canada
- Explain the wide variation in clinical signs seen with snakebites, including situations where snakebites are most dangerous
- List clinical signs possible with pit viper envenomations
- Describe the appropriate treatments for snake bite victims
Venemous Arthropods
- Black widow - Latrodectus spp.
Venom: Neurotoxic proteins (5-6) high content of isoleucine and leucine and low content of Tyrosine
-Proteolytic enzymes and hyaluronidase
Toxicity: Muscle pain, cramps, fasciculation, joint pain, headache and dizziness, edema. - Brown Recluse of Violin Spiders - Loxosceles spp.
Venom: Sphingolyelinase D Phospholipase. Protease Esterase. Collagenase Hyaluronidase. DNase and DNase Derma necrosis 33 and 37.
Toxicity: Vascular damage and tissue necrosis. Lethality: intravascular hemolysis, thrombocytopenia, hemoglobinuria, renal failure.
-Ants, bees, wasps, hornets.
-Lethality due to sensitization to the venom and anaphylactic reactions.
-Venom: Peptides and non enzymatic proteins. Phospholipase A&B. Hyaluronidase (breaks down connective tissue). Histamine (makes bites painful) and 5-hydroxytryptamine.
Venemous Snakes
- Micrurus - Coral snake
-Fixed fangs (proteroglyphic), have to bite and chew, less of a problem - Other: Cobras, Kraits, Death Adder.
- Rattlesnakes, many species.
-Eastern, Western Diamondbacks, Timber, etc. - Sistrutus Rattlesnakes
-Massassauga (largest)
-Pygmy (smallest) Rattlesnakes - Agkistrodon: NO RATTLES “TN baddies”
-Water Moccasins (cottonmouth)
Venom: Proteins and peptides. Inorganic ions (Na, Ca, K, Mn2). Trace amounts of Zn, Fe, Co, Mg, Ni.
Other components: Carbohydrates (glycoproteins) lipids, biogenic amines, free amino acids.
Typical characteristics of a venomous snake
-Their nose: pits on nose (thermal receptors).
-Their eye: vertical pupils
-Their heads: triangular heads
Toxicology of Crotalids
-Direct tissue damage and necrosis
-Alterations in blood vessel resistance
-Changes in RBCs and blood coagulation
-Alterations of NS function
-Changes in metabolism and respiration
-Hypotension - shock
**A venomous snake may bite and not inject venom (dry bites occur 20-30% of pet viper bites and 50% of all coral snake bites)
Enzymes of Snake Venoms
-Proteolytic enzymes
-Arginine ester hydrolase
-Thrombin like enzyme
-Phospholipase A2 (A)
-Phospholipase B, C
-Lactate Dehydrogenase
-L-Amino acid oxidase.
Snakebites presentation
-Swelling and bruising around the bites site
-Most swelling resolves within 48 hours unless infection sets in
-Sometimes you can still see the puncture wounds
-Airway patency
-Severe local fissure damage that spreads from the bites site. The tissue becomes markedly discolored within a few minutes, dark, bloody fluid may ooze from fang wound if not prevented by swelling.
-Cardiovascular and hemolytic effects
-Intensive therapy, irreversible effects of venom begins immediately after envenomation
-Bites site should be shaved, wounds cleansed throughly with germicidal soap.
-Crotalids bites, mark on the skin leading edge of swelling to monitor the spread of tissue injury.
-Monitor closely for a minimum of 24 to 48 hours for development of clinical signs.
May include
-Opioid analgesics
-Blood replacement
-Heparin or Warfarin
-Antibiotics only if severe necrosis
-Depends on the type and species of snake, location of the bite, size of the snake and victim, degree of envenomation, and the time interval between the bite and the institution of treatment.
-Animals that survive elapid bites generally make full recover
-Depends on promptness and aggressiveness of treatment instituted.
Juvenile snakes and other information
-Juvenile snakes are more dangerous because they are less likely to dry bite
-A larger snake’s venom is likely of greater volume
-Snake bites are most common on nose and lower extremities
-The primary concern with envenomation in horses is airway latency (obligate nose breathers)
-First line of treatment in a suspected snake bite is to go to the clinic
-Basic supportive care.
-Long-term sequela in survivors
-Amputation, loss of function, etc.
Lecture 18 Basic Approach to Treatment of Poisoned Animals 1
Treatment for most poisoning cases is very similar
Once you learn the basic principles of treatment, you can treat any intoxication case.
Basic Steps to Treatment
-For every case of poisoning or suspected poisoning you will consider the following six steps.
-You may not need to to every step but you will at least consider every step
-Santa Claus Dead, Elves Are Scared
- Stabilize (ABCs): stabilize the patient if necessary
- Clinical evaluation: History, PE, Baseline diagnostics
- Decontamination: If safe and appropriate
- Enhanced Elimination: If possible and safely done
- Antidote: administer if exists
- Symptomatic and Supportive Care: Provide as needed
Basic Medicine
-Not specific to intoxication
-Will be taught in your internal medicine courses
-Same principles apply to the poisoned patient
-To keep the animal alive long enough to make diagnosis and begin treatment
Immediate life-threatening conditions
-Airway, Breathing, Circulation: examples; neuromuscular paralysis, airway occlusion, hypoventilation, severe respiratory distress.
Intubation, oxygen, mechanical ventilation
-Circulation: heart function, blood vessels, blood volume. Treatment: fluids, cardiac and vascular support, oxygen.
-Seizures: document provided with info about treatment of seizure-causing toxicants.
-Severe hypothermia, hyperthermia, hypoglycemia, electrolyte abnormalities.
Stabilization overlaps with clinical evaluation
-Body temperature: hypothermia, hyperthermia.
-Biochemical abnormalities: hypercalcemia, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia, hyperkalemia.
Clinical Evaluation
-Determine patient’s condition including severity and how to treat
-Begins as soon as you see the patient or talk to the owner; continues for the duration
-Based on physical exam, history and diagnostic tests.
-Initial assessment to determine if emergency stabilization is needed
-Stabilize if necessary before proceeding
-Once patient is stable, continue with exam. Be thorough, look at the entire patient
-Be thorough! Refer to list of questions during first lecture
-If the toxin is known have the owner bring the package or label or text/email pics
-Determine the exposure dosage if possible
-Determine when exposure occurred
-Test required depend on history, PE, and suspected toxin
-Get samples (blood/urine) before treatment if possible for later if needed.
-Minimum database: in house CBC, biochemical profile, urinalysis.
Goal: to restores or preserve homeostasis.
-Major part or only part of the treatment for many poison cases if often homeostasis
-Not directed at specific underlying cause: not specific for poisoning, basic medicine
-Unique to poisoning cases
-Major part of the treatment for many cases with the known toxins exposure
-Difference between life and death
-Decrease toxin absorbed
-Hopefully less lethal dose
-Physically remove what you can, attempt to bind up what you can’t remove, speed removal of what is left in the system
-But don’t expect that all of the toxin will be removed or bound
Ocular: flushing
Dermal: bathing, clipping, brushing, vacuuming.
Oral: mucous membranes as opposed to GI
GI: Emesis, gastric lavage, activated charcoal, cathartics
-Gastrotomy or rumenotomy, endoscopic removal, whole bowel irrigation, ion exchange compounds, chelation in GI tract.
Ocular decontamination:
warm saline or water several liters. 15 minutes or more. Many need to give patient periodic rests. May need to sedate patient. Stain cornea after lavage, and again after 24hrs.
-Home treatment: warm water, or 2tsp table salt mixed with 1 quart warm water is less irritating
Dermal decontamination:
-Bathing with mild soap. Dawn. Avoid hypothermia
-Asphalt, tar, sticky traps: shave, hand degreasing agents (Orange goop, goo). butter, vegetable oil, peanut butter. Wash off the degreaser or oil so animal does not ingest it.
-Clipping: long or wool coats. Brushing or vacuuming, dry powders, risk of inhaling toxin, always need to consider if the animal groomed itself, often will need GI decontamination
Oral Decontamination:
-Oral exposure can cause several problems. Absorption across mucus membranes of the mouth. “Taste” reaction - especially in cats
-Contact irritation/corrosive burns
-Rinse mouth out throughly, water, tuna juice, milk, yogurt, etc.
-In rodent cases, empty cheek pouches.
Gastrointestinal Decontamination
-Goals: decrease the total amount of toxin absorbed, hopefully to less than the lethal dose
-Physically remove what you can, attempt to bind up what you can’t remove, speed removal of what is left in the system, but don’t expect all the toxin to be removed/bound
Controversial in human medicine
Huge species differences!
-Vomiting abilities, amount of toxin likely to be ingested, type of toxin likely to be ingested, cost consideration can be a major factor.
GI decontamination
-Use your own clinical judgement for each individual case
-When the dosage of toxin ingested is unknown, assume the worst!
-Don’t reject a decontamination technique just because no studies have proven its effectiveness.
Lecture 19 Basic Approach… 2 Contraindications for Emesis
Do not induce vomiting
-If it is a horse, rodent, rabbit, reptile, bird
-Not fully alert and fully conscious
-Respiratory compromise present
-Abnormal pharyngeal reflexes
-Seizuring or has imminent reflexes
-It has already omitted
-Has ingested substance with rapid onset of action
-Re=exposure to the esophagus, pharynx, or mouth will cause additional injury
-Caustic/corrosive agents (acids, alkalis)
-The ingested toxin is mixed with something that may damage the esophagus (e.g., glass)
-The toxin is volatile hydrocarbon or petroleum distillate (unless is a carrier for a highly toxic substance
-When a seizure condition
-Serious heart disease
-Recent abdominal or chest surgery or trauma
-Risks from toxin must outweigh risks of emesis
When Emesis becomes futile
-Depends on consistency and amount of material in stomach
-Caloric density of stomach contents
-Fat content of stomach contents
-Intragastric pressure
-The toxin ingested
-Generally pas quickly in an empty stomach
-Gastric emptying starts within 15-45 min, complete 1-4 hrs
-Are retained in stomach until almost liquid
-Some non-absorbable solids can remain in stomach for weeks to months if no outflow obstruction or mucosal irritation
-Cats fed a meal with barium showed gastric emptying started within 30-60 minutes, complete in 9-12hrs
-Radiographs can help determine if stomach is full
-The sooner the better
-< 30 min post ingestion best
-Up to 2hrs reasonable
-> 4hrs can be questionable
Theses are guidelines only Each case needs to be consider individually
Do not expect emesis to completely empty stomach or remove all toxin
-Amount removed via emesis can vary greatly
-Depend on time post-ingestion, toxin, efficacy of emetic, volume of stomach contents, etc.
-Maybe 60-80% of contents removed at best
-Hopefully enough removed to decreased amount absorbed to be lethal
Major Risk = Aspiration
-Rare in dogs, cats, ferrets, pigs. Follow the do not rules
-Horses high risk
Home Emesis
-Consider if transport time to clinic >30 minutes
-Patient does not have any DO NOT Condition, ie, emesis is SAFE
-The owner follows your instructions, can physically give emetic, has the emetic at home.
Hydrogen Peroxide 3%
-not concentrated solution (30% very dangerous)
-Moa: irritates pharyngeal and gastric mucosa, must be fizzy to work!
-Risks: aspiration and lung injury (rare), mucosal erosions
-Can repeat 1-2 times if no effect within 10-15 minutes
-Time to effect: 10-20 minutes (H2O2 turns into water and oxygen in stomach)
-Animal may vomit multiple times
-Efficacy is very good in dogs, ferrets, pigs.
-Less effective in cats (<50% vomit)
-Prevent animal from eating the vomit
-The owner should collect vomit and bring with them
-Table salt
-Liquid dishwashing detergent
-Copper sulfate
-Dry mustard powder
-Manual pharyngeal stimulation
-Syrup of ipecac: horrible taste, cardiotoxic, CNS depressant, prolonged vomiting, diarrhea, other risks.
Pharmaceutical Emetics
-Apomorphine: synthetic derivative of morphine, stimulated dopaminergic receptors in CRTZ in dogs. IV administration preferred (IM, SQ ok)
-Single use only as vomit center is depressed following initial CRTZ stimulation. Produces excitement in cats (similar to morphine).
-Usually from veterinary compounder, 6mg tablet. Unstable in light, air, and solution. Often micro-filter is provided so can create a solution for injection
-Also a disc formulation for eye (CANADA)
-Human approved injectable
-Commonly administered tablet under eyelid in the conjunctival sac.
-Or can dissolve in solution and place drops in conjunctival sac.
-Can also dissolve tablet in saline, filter, and IV, IM, SQ.
-Xylazine: activates alpha-2 receptors in CRTZ. Works well in cats in conjunction with pre-surgical sedation
Central Acting Emetics
-Ropinirole (Clevor registered mark): dopamine D2 agonist, developed for human Parkinson’s disease. Formulated as ophthalmic solution (1-8 drops) for dogs only.
-0-30 min effect, can give second dose after 20 min.
-Avoid human skin exposure
If decontamination if necessary but emesis is unsafe, consider GASTRIC LAVAGE
-Only if can not induce emesis safely, risks from toxin outweigh risks of lavage, is safe to perform gastric lavage.
-Indicated over emesis if patient has altered mental status, respiratory compromise, emesis is unsuccessful or unlikely to be so.
-The toxin is corrosive, caustic.
-Volatile hydrocarbon
-Increased risk of gastric perforation exists
-Sharp objects are in the stomach
-Emesis can be an alternative safely
Gastric Lavage
-Small animals under anesthesia
-Cuffed endotracheal tube in place unless severe CNS depression and tube can be placed without anesthesia
-Anesthesia and endotracheal tube not required in horses or ruminants
-Many more risks than emesis
-Toxic dose calculations can help determine if risks from toxin outweigh risks from lavage
-Technique differs between species.
Small animals Gastric lavage
-Aspiration is the major risk: check endotracheal tube often, recline patient with head down, make sure patient awake with good gag reflex before extubate.
-Damage to GI tracts, be careful placing the tube, be gentle with manipulations, make sure no DO NOT conditions exists.
-Fluid and electrolytes imbalances: can use saline for very small patients
Rumen Lavage
-Animal is not anesthetized. Perform in conscious, standing animal, use stanchion, chute if possible, if animal lies down hard to monitor rumen distention.
-Use a mouth gag, place large tube into rumen, pass safely. Easiest if have a source of running water, can use a garden hose that fits inside the stomach tube
-Other methods: gastrotomy or rumenotomy: if large items or imbedded items in stomach/rumen, lavage not safe or unlikely to be effective
-Endoscopic removal (horses, small animals): if discrete item or imbedded item in stomach, if lavage or emesis nor safe or unlikely to be effective
-Whole bowl irrigation: polyethylene glycol, “Golytely” and others. Give large amount via stomach tube. Volumes forces GI contents through intestine quickly. For massive overdoses of sustained release drugs or toxins poorly bound by AC.
-Ion exchange compounds: rarely used in vetmed
-Oral chelators: used more in large animals. Form insoluble compound in GI tract to decrease absorption.
Examples: lead, arsenic, copper, mercury, other toxic metals
Iron: oral sodium bicarbonate
Oxalates: oral calcium-containing solutions.
Lecture 20 Basic Approach to Treatment of Poisoned Animals 3
- Describe Indications for administering activated charcoal
- Explain why there is no such a thing as a “universal antidote”
- Describe the two primary means of enhancing elimination of toxicants
Activated Charcoal (AC)
-Organic matter: wood pulp, vegetable matter, etc. First burned, then oxidized to increase number of pores. HUGE # of PORES. Huge surface area, 50 gram has surface area of 10 football fields.
Efficacy dependent upon:
-Time after ingestion of toxin
-How long stays in GI tract, toxin AC can start to desorb after 30 minutes.
-Toxin to AC ratio: 1:10 optimal
-Stomach contents
-Quality of AC product, many products contain AC, be sure to use MEDECAL GRADE AC.
Prepared AC formulations
ToxiBan Granules
-Bottles or tubes with AC liquid solution
-Veterinary products: Toxin, Liquichar, Others.
-Human products: Actidose, Chardodote, others.
-Prepared AC formulations: may contain Sorbitol (cathartic), Kaolin (clay adsorbent), Propylene glycol, Glycerol (carrier, stabilizer)
-Be sure to have some AC without a cathartic
When to give AC
-The sooner the better!
-Best results if given within 30 min of toxic ingestion
-BUT: never too late to give AC as long as toxin remains in GI tract
-For toxins excreted via biliary system, AC can help even if toxin entered body by route other than ingestion. Enhances elimination by decreasing enterohepatic recycling.
- Before induce emesis: starts to bind toxin right away, increases contents in stomach, improves emesis, but can’t use vomit or lavage for analysis. Must repeat after emesis or lavage is complete.
- After emesis or lavage: less toxin to bind up all available sites on AC, vomit or lavage fluid can be used for analysis.
Hypernatremia and AC
-May be more common than we thought
-Now known it can be associated with AC alone
-No specific product association yet identified
-Thought to be more common in very small patients, mostly small dogs.
Adsorbing agents other than AC
-Generally none are superior to AC
-Ion exchange resins (cholestryramine, others)
-Products sold as “mycotoxin binders”
Some AC products contain more than one of these
Enhance Elimination
-Goals: to remove as rapidly as possible any toxin that has already been absorbed into the systemic circulation and tissues. To diminish degree and duration of toxic effects
-Major methods:
1. Diuresis (urine excretion)
2. Decrease enterohepatic recycling (biliary excretion). Multiple doses of AC
-In some cases the goal is to decrease conversion of a less-toxic substance to a more toxic metabolite. This enhances elimination of the unchanged, less toxic parent compound.
Other methods
IV lipid emulsion treatment
-or IV lipid rescue
-Use products designed for parenteral nutrition (ILE)
-Mechanism not well understood. Lipid sink theory; lipid in blood draws lipid soluble toxin out of the system and binds in blood
-Examples: Moxidectin, Ivermectin, Lipophilic drugs.
Less common methods
-Ion trapping
-Chelation in the GI tract
-Alteration of metabolism
-Peritoneal dialysis
Systemic chelators
-Enhances elimination of absorbed toxin by altering diffusion gradient
-Metal chelators used for various metal poisons.
-Alteration of metabolism: prevention of toxic metabolite formation
-Ethylene glycol
-Many definition, but in general: agent that reacts with the poison or its receptor or interferes with its metabolite pathway to decrease the ability of the poison to cause toxicity
-“antidote” is loosely applied; not all agents labeled as antidotes fir the definitions
-Overlaps with other steps. Decontamination, enhancing elimination
“Universal Antidote”
-NOT antidotes
-Typically contain a mixture of AC, Kaolin, Magnesium Oxide, Tannic acid, and other stuff.
-Not superior to AC
-Example: “UAA gel” universal animal antidote. Marketed on premise that only need small amount, wrong Labeled dosage does not provide enough AC.
-Contains attapulgite clay (can have lead)
Antidote Mechanisms
- Block receptors used by toxin: Atropine blocks ACh receptors in organophosphate or carbamate poisoning
- Inhibit metabolism of original substance to a toxic metabolite. 4-methylpyrazole prevents alcohol dehydrogenase from converting ethylene glycol into its nephrotic metabolites
-Very few antidotes exists
-Only two dozen or so currently available.
-Keep current on new antidotes as they become available
All antidotes have risks
-Be sure the toxin outweighs the risks from the antidote
-Toxic dose calculation can be very useful to help make this decision
-Information sources such as Plumb’s veterinary Drug Handbook are very useful for dose and adverse effect information
List of Known Antidotes for Toxicants
Poison and Antidote
-Acetaminophen: N-acetylcysteine
-Anticoagulant rodenticides: If bleeding: whole blood or plasma plus vitamin K1. If not bleeding: vitamin K1
-Benzodiazepines: Flumazenil
-Botulinum toxin: Botulinum antitoxin
-Bracken fern (and horsetail) in horses: Thiamine (vitamin B1)
-Carbamates: Atropine
-Cholecalciferol: Biphosphonates - to prevent hypercalcemia. Or Cacitonin to treat hypercalcemia.
-Cyanide: Sodium nitrite in small quantities. Sodium thiosulfate or hydroxcobalamin (B12)
-Ethylene glycol: 4-methylpyrazone (Fomepizol) best Or Ethanol (if you don’t have 4-MP)
-Iron: Deferoxamine (chaletor)
-Nitrate: Methylene blue
-Opioids: Naloxone
-Tetanus toxin: Tetanus antitoxin
-Xylazine: Yohimbine or Tolazoline.
-Dexmedetomidine: Antipamazole