Exam 2 Flashcards
Country of South Africa economy
economic powerhouse but has the worst income distribution, one of the most urban in Sub-Saharan Africa
Newest country in Sub-Saharan Africa
South Sudan
Mansa Musa
ruler of Mali during 14th century
The Berlin Conference
13 European countries met in Berlin to divide up Africa
Africans weren’t invited and indigenous cultures were ignored
Historically, why are there so many conflicts in Sub-Saharan Africa?
poor government, ethnic rivalries, and preconcieved colonial boundaries
What factors have historically limited economic development in Sub-Saharan Africa?
Limited ability to ship goods because of escarpment
Few roads and rivers
Sahara, Indian Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean isolate it
Extractive colonialism
Varied development of state governments based on colonial power
Location of most severe desertification in Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan Africa’s main trading partner
European Union
What is kleptocracy?
A state where corruption is so institutionalized that large percentages of the country’s wealth is siphoned off
A government where corrupt leaders take foregin aid for themselves
Ex) Zimbabwe and Angola
How did each of the four major colonial powers in Sub-Saharan Africa act as colonial powers in governance?
Great Britain: “Indirect Rule” Indigenous power structures were left intact to some degree and local rulers were made representatives of the crown.
Belgium: “Paternalistic” Treated Africans as though they were children who needed to be tutored in western ways. Raw resource oriented; ignored the development of the indigenous population
France: “Assimilationist” Enforced a direct rule which propagated the French culture through language, laws, education, and dress.
Portugal: “Exploitation” First to enslave and colonize and one of the last to grant independence. Maintained rigid control; raw resource oriented. Results in Marxist rebellions
Current and projected population of Sub-Saharan Africa
Current population: 1.391 billion (2021)
Projected by 2050: 2 billion
movement of animals between wet and dry season pastures
The Sahel
Zone of transtion between Sahara to theh north and wetter savannas to the south
Congo River character
main travel corridor in Democratic Reupublic of Congo
Empties into the Atlantic Ocean
European colonial powers in the middle east after WWI
French, British, and Italians
Somalia current status and location
“Horn of Africa”, central government largely doesn’t exist, two regions have separated to some extent (Somaliland - wishes to be independent, and Puntland - declared autonomy)
Niger River
critical water source for arid portions of West Africa
Countries in Sub-Saharan colonized by Germany
Namibia, Tanzania, Rwanda, Burundi
Internally displaced person
someone who is forced to leave their home but stays within their country
a person who is forced to leave their country usually to escape war, persecution, or natural disaster
The Great Escarpment
located on the coast starting at the southwest corner of Angola around the southern end of Africa and going to the northeast corner of South Africa has been an impediment to development
In which Sub-Saharan African country is tropical deforestation the greatest?
Sub-Saharan countries with major mountains
The first European colonial power in Sub-Saharan Africa
Country in Sub-Saharan Africa with the greatest population
Where are the most secure wildlife reserves located in Africa?
Southern Africa - Botswana
Language group spoken in Madagascar
What is Swahili?
language of trade now used in East Africa and is widely used in east Sub-Saharan Africa
Common non-African languages used in Sub-Saharan Africa
English, French, Dutch, Arabic, and German
Location of countries and areas of Sub-Saharan Africa with the lowest HIV prevalence
Somalia, Ethiopia, Kenya, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Nigeria
Where is Timbuctoo?
Major rivers in Sub-Saharan Africa
Nile, Congo, Niger, Zambezi, and Okavango
What city is the Sub-Saharan region’s only megacity?
Countries of the Maghreb of Southwest Asia/North Africa
Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia
Outcomes of climate change in Sub-Saharan Africa
Horn of Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe are most vulnerable
Will see issues with food security
Some conflicts (Sudan/Darfur) may increase because of competition between farmers and pastoralists
Central African rainforest will likely receive increased rainfall
Anatolian Plateau location
Factors that result in political conflict between countries as well as within countries in North Africa and Southwest Asia
Superimposed national boundaries placed on the area by colonial powers after WWI did not resspect existing ethnic, cultural and linguistic differences, resulting in continuing ethnic strife in the area
Variations of the Islamic faith results in sectarian and ethnic violence
The presence and uneven distribution of significant reserves of oil in the ragion results in a wide range of wealth distribution and differing abilities for countries to promote political and religious agendas in the region
Presence of former European colonial powers and US and Russian results in the area acting as a flash point between competing world views
Location of the Mesopotamia in North Africa and Southwest Asia
Approximate population of the Southwest Asia and North Africa
over 500 million
Group involved in fighting in Yemen
Number of Syrian refugees
5.6 million
Straits of Hormuz significance
only sea passage from Persian Gulf to the open ocean and is controlled by Iran
The Levant location and meaning
Eastern Mediterranean
Comes from the French and means the land wast of Italy, where the sun rises. The French word comes from Latin for ‘the rising’
What is caliphate?
A form of Islamic government led by a caliph, a political and religious successor to the prophet Muhammed
What group lost the most because of the six-day war?
Jerusalem, why is it difficult to resolve land control issues?
There are sacred sites for Jews, Christians, and Muslims within the Old city and they have disagreements that can lead to conflict
Environmental problems facing North Africa/Southwest Asia
Deforestation, Overgrazing, Salinization, Water shortages
What happened to the Gaza Strip in 2005?
Israel removed troops and settlers
What is dryland agriculture?
relies on seasonal rains rather than irrigation
Examples of exotic river settlement in North Africa and Southwest Asia location
Water transported from more humid areas through arid regions
Nile, Tigris, and Euphrates largest examples
Smaller example along Jordan River
The three principal European countries that occupied the Middle East after the breakup of the Ottoman Empire
French, British, and Italians
Location of population in Egypt
within 10 miles of the Nile
Who is Mustafa Kemal?
Founder of the Republic of Turkey and first president there
Who are the Houthis and where do they primarily reside?
members of an Islamic religious-political-armed movement that emerged from northern Yemen
Location of most of the Shiite Muslims
Why was the Ottoman Empire divided up?
They sided with the Germans during WWI who did not win the war so it was divided between European powers (French, British, Italians)
Six-day War consequences
created territories, increased tensions, major setback for Palestinians
What is the significance of “Land for Peace”
It was a way to create a settlement between Israel and Palestine where if Israel were to withdrawal from occupied Arab territories including Palestinian land, the Arabs would make peace with Israel
Who was Mosadeq?
Prime minister of Iran who was eventually removed due to a coup instigated by the UK and US (CIA)
Current country providing foreign aid to Sub. Africa
Country with the second largest population in Sub. Africa
Number of people who died in the Iran-Iraq War
Blue Nile location
Location of Victoria Falls
First country in Sub. Africa to decolonize
developed cultural centeron Anatolian Plateau (Turkey), developed techniques for smelting iron prior to other cultures which continued to use bronze for weapons and agriculture
Location of forests in North Africa and SW Asia
Western Iran, Eastern Mediterranean (Levant), Atlas Mountains
Newest country in North Africa-SW Asia
How much farmland will be lost in Egypt due to global climate change?
250,000 acres
What country has been offering money for the construction projects in Sub-Saharan Africa?