Exam 2 Flashcards
Fertilization and Implantation
Fertilization occurs in the outer third of the fallopian tube
Implantation occurs 6-10 days after conception
Trophoblast sends chorionic villi into the endometrium for nutrients.
Becomes a fetus at day 15
Umbilical Cord
Two arteries take blood away from fetus and one vein returns it
Wharton’s jelly surrounds the blood vessels preventing compression
Nuchal cord
when the cord is wrapped around the fetus’ neck
In place by day 17 when the heart starts beating
Placenta allows metabolic exchange
Placenta produces HCG (human chorionic gonadotropin), HPL (human placental lactogen, estrogen, and progesterone
Also provides respiration, nutrition, excretion, and storage of nutrients
Amniotic fluid
Surrounds the baby and allows weightlessness
First trimester most fluid comes from the mother
Second trimester the fetus starts contributing
helps maintain fetal body temperature, is a source of oral fluid and repository for waste, helps maintain electrolyte balance, cushions fetus from impact
First part of fetal development
Spine and heart develop first
New organs are developed during the first eight weeks
fetus is most at risk from teratogens during this time period
Fetal Circulation
Foramen Ovale is open between the atria
Ductus Arteriosus is open between the pulmonary artery and the aorta
Ductus Venous bypasses the liver
Early ultrasounds help to confirm pregnancy and determine molar vs regular
Later ultrasounds check for the correct development of anatomy
L/S ratio
Lecithin is a very important surfactant, its levels in comparison to sphingomyelin (which remains at constant levels) should be 2:1 before birth
Respiratory development
Development begins in week 4 and continues through week 32
Betamethazone used to hasten lung development in premature birth
Mono vs dizygotic twins
Mono is one egg that splits into two fetus
Dizygotic are two eggs that become two fetus
When the fetus moves further down towards the birth canal
Can actually feel heavier
The first movement detected by the mother
Presumptive signs of pregnancy
amenorrhea, fatigue, enlarged/sore breasts, increased urination, perceived movement, emesis/nausea
Probable signs of pregnancy
Positive Pregnancy test, ballottement (feeling for the fetus), braxton Hicks contractions, Goodell’s sign, Chadwick’s Sign, Hegar’s Sign
Positive signs of pregnancy
movement felt by doctor or nurse, heart beat detected, ultrasound, delivery of the baby
Braxton Hicks contractions
false contractions before labor