Exam 2 Flashcards
Food storage organ that functions as “seed leaves”
Seed Embryo
Cotyledons and plantlet
Embryo shoot
Stem above cotyledon attachment
Stem below cotyledon attachment
Tip of the embryo that develops into root
Epigeous germination
Hypocotyl lengthens, bends, and becomes hook-shaped. Top of hook emerges from ground, pulling cotyledons above ground.
Hypogeous germination
Hypocotyl remains short and cotyledons do not emerge above surface.
Beginning (or resumption) of seed growth. Some require period of dormancy. Brought about by mechanical or physiological factors, including growth-inhibiting substances present in seed coat or fruit. Break dormancy by mechanical abrasion, thawing and freezing, bacterial action, or soaking rains
Artificially breaking dormancy
After ripening
Embryo composed of only a few cells; seeds will not germinate until embryo develops.
Favorable environmental factors needed for germination
Water and oxygen. Light (or lack thereof). Proper temperature. Enzymes in cytoplasm begin to function after water is imbibed.
Seed viability can be extended
Depending on species and storage conditions: dry, low temperatures.
No period of dormancy; embryo continues to grow while fruit is still on parent
Movement of molecules from a region of higher concentration to a region of lower concentration. Moving with concentration gradient to equilibrium. Rate based on pressure, temperature, and density of medium
Liquid in which substances dissolve
Semipermeable membrane
Some substances can diffuse; others cannot. Different substances diffuse at different rates. All plant cell membranes
Water specific - diffusion of water through a semipermeable membrane
Osmotic pressure
Pressure required to prevent osmosis
Osmotic potential
Balanced by resistance of cell wall. Water moves from cell with higher water potential to cell with lower water potential
Pressure potential (Turgor Pressure)
Pressure that develops against walls as result of water entering cell
Turgid Cell
Firm cell due to water gained by osmosis
Pathway of water through plant
Osmosis is primary entrance method. Enters cell walls and intercellular spaces of root hairs and roots. Crosses differentially permeable membrane and cytoplasm of endodermis into the xylem. Flows through xylem to leaves and diffuses out through stomata
Loss of water through osmosis accompanied by shrinkage of protoplasm away from the cell wall
Large molecules (cellulose and starch) develop electrical charges when wet, attracting water molecules. Water molecules adhere to large molecules. Results in swelling of tissues. First step in seed germination.
Active transport
Process used to absorb and retain solutes against a diffusion or electrical gradient by expenditure of energy. Involves proton pump
Proton pump
Enzyme complex in plasma membrane energized by ATP molecules
Transport Proteins
Facilitate transfer of solutes to outside and to inside of cell
Water vapor loss from internal leaf atmosphere. MORE THAN 90% OF THE WATER ENTERING A PLANT IS TRANSPIRED
How much of a plant’s water is transpired?
More than 90%
Water is needed for
Cell activities, cell turgor, and evaporation for cooling. Stomata close if more water is lost than taken in.
The Cohesion-Tension Theory
Transpiration generates tension to pull water columns through plants from roots to leaves.
In CTT, Water columns created when water molecules adhere to tracheids and vessels of xylem and cohere to each other. When water evaporates from mesophyll cells
when water molecules adhere to tracheids and vessels of xylem and cohere to each other.
In CTT, When water evaporates from mesophyll cells
they develop a lower water potential than adjacent cells, so water moves into mesophyll cells from adjacent cells with higher water potential. Process is continued until veins are reached.
In CTT, water movement through mesophyll cells from the veins
Creates tension on water columns, drawing water all the way through entire span of xylem cells. Water continues to enter roots by osmosis
Stomatal Apparatus
Regulates transpiration and gas exchange through 2 guard cells and stoma. Subsidiary cells also help function. Transpiration rates influenced by humidity, light, temperature, and CO2 concentration.
When photosynthesis occurs, stomata
open. Guard cells expend energy to acquire potassium ions from adjacent epidermal cells. Causes lower water potential in guard cells. Water enters via osmosis, so guard cells become turgid and stoma opens.
When photosynthesis does not occur, stomata
close (no E to run K+ pumps). K+ ions leave guard cells. Water follows. Cells become less turgid and stoma closes.
When do stomata generally open?
During the day. They generally close at night.
Water conservation causes exceptions for stomata cycle in some plants
In desert plants, stomata open only at night. This conserves water but makes carbon dioxide inaccessible during the day. They do CAM photosynthesis; CO2 converted to organic acids and stored in vacuoles at night to be reconverted to CO2 during the day.
In desert plants and pines, stomata are recessed below the surface of leaf or in chambers.
Loss of liquid water. If cool night follows warm, humid day, water droplets are produced through hydathodes at tips of veins. In absence of transpiration at night, pressure in xylem elements forces water out of hydathodes.
Important function of water in phloem
Translocation of food substances
Pressure-Flow Hypothesis
Organic solutes flow from source, where water enters by osmosis to sinks, where food is utilized and water exits. Organic solutes move along concentration gradients between sources and sinks
Specifics of Pressure-Flow Hypothesis
Phloem loading. Water potential of sieve tube decreases and water enters by osmosis. Turgor pressure develops and drives fluid through sieve tubes toward sinks. Food substances actively removed at sink and water exits sieve tubes, lowering pressure in sieve tubes. Mass flow occurs from higher pressure at source to lower pressure at sink. Water diffuses back into xylem.
Phloem Loading
Sugar enters by active transport into sieve tubes
Non-Mineral Nutrients
Carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. Tend not to be in soil
Used by plants in grater amounts - nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and sulfur. These are usually the cause of stunted growth, especially nitrogen which can be leached out of the soil. Soil from the store tells you mineral content by N-P-K.
Needed by the plants in very small amounts. Iron, Chlorine, Copper, Boron, Manganese, Zinc, Molybdenum, Sodium, and Cobalt. When any required element is deficient in soil, plants will exhibit characteristic symptoms (signals which nutrient is deficient).
Converts light energy to stored energy. Occurs in chloroplasts
Releases stored energy. Facilitates growth, development, and reproduction
Sum of all interrelated biochemical processes in living organisms
Regulate metabolic activities
Forming chemical bonds to build molecules. Ex: photosynthesis reactions - store energy by constructing carbohydrates by combining carbon dioxide and water
Breaking chemical bonds. Ex: Cellular respiration reactions - release energy held in chemical bonds by breaking down carbohydrates, producing carbon dioxide and water
Photosynthesis-respiration cycle
involves transfer of energy via oxidation-reduction reactions
Loss of electrons
Gain of electrons
Oxidation-reduction reactions
Oxidation of one compound is usually coupled with reduction of another compound, catalyzed by same enzyme or enzyme complex. Hydrogen atom is lost during oxidation and gained during reduction. Oxygen is usually the final acceptor of electron.
Energy for most cellular activity
Photosynthesis Reaction
6 CO2+12 H2O+light->->->->C6H12O6+6 O2+6 H2O
CO2 reaches chloroplasts in mesophyll cells by
diffusing through stomata into leaf interior. CO2 comprises 0.04% of atmosphere
How much of a plant’s water is used in photosynthesis?
Less than 1%. Most water is transpired or incorporated into plant materials
Water in photosythesis
Acts as a source of electrons. O2 is produced as a by-product. If water is in short supply or light intensities too high, stomata close and thus reduce supply of carbon dioxide available for photosynthesis.
Visible light
About 40% of radiant energy received on earth. Violet to blue and red-orange to red wavelengths are used more extensively in photosynthesis. Green light is reflected in higher amounts. Leaves commonly absorb about 80% of the visible light available to them. Light intensity varies from time of day, season, altitude, latitude, and atmospheric composition.
Absorption spectrum
Each pigment has its own distinctive pattern of light absorption.
When pigments absorb light
Energy levels of electrons are raised. Energy from an excited electron is released when it drops back to its ground state. In photosynthesis, that energy is stored in chemical bonds.
If light and temperatures too high
Ratio of CO2 to O2 inside leaves may change, acceleration photorespiration
Uses oxygen and releases carbon dioxide. May help some plants survive under adverse conditions
Occurs when light intensity is too high. Results in destruction of chlorophyll
If water is in short supply or light intensities are too high
Stomata close and thus reduce supply of CO2 available for photosynthesis
Several types of chlorophyll molecules capture energy
A, B, C, D, and E. Magnesium end captures light energy. Lipid tail anchors into thylakoid membrane. Most plants contain A (blue-green - most common) and B (yellow-green color). Chlorophyll b transfers energy from light to chlorophyll a, making it possible for photosynthesis to occur over a broader spectrum of light.
Other photosynthetic pigments
Carotenoids (yellow and orange), phycobilins (blue or red, in cyanobacteria and red algae) and other types of chlorophyll (c, d, e)
Photosynthetic unit
About 250-400 pigment molecules grouped in light-harvesting complex. Two types work together in light-dependent reactions - P 680 and P700