Exam 2 Flashcards
What is a dose?
The amount of drug taken by a patient to bring the desired effect
What is the standard dose?
The amount of drug that produces the desired effect in the majority of the population
What is the usual dosage range?
The dose range determined to be safe and effective
What is a single dose?
The amount taken at one time
What is a daily dose?
Total dose per day
What is the total dose?
The amount taken during the course of therapy
What is the dosing regamin?
Schedule of dosing
What is the dosage form?
Finished pharmaceutical product (drug in tablet, capsule, etc.)
What kind of dosage form makes up the bulk of solid dosing forms?
Capsules and tablets
What kind of release forms are available for capsules and tablets?
Immediate release
Extended release
Controlled release
A prescription comes in for Gabapentin (capsule) 600mg but your pharmacy only has Gabapentin 300mg. What can you do to satisfy this prescription?
Double the quantity
If 1 capsule once daily make it two capsules once daily
If a prescription comes in for Ibuprofen 600mg but your pharmacy only has Ibuprofen 800mg how can you satisfy this prescription? (there is no scoring on the pill)
You cannot since you only have a higher dose of the original dose
A patient comes in for a standard release tablet but he cannot swallow pills whole. He asks you if he can crush this pill so he can take it as a powder. Is this okay?
Yes he can since it is standard release (if it was extended release he could not)
What are all the ways this tablet could be broken into without messing up the amount of drug in the dosage form?
What are the main oral liquid dosage forms?