Exam 2 Flashcards
According to Miss information of fact, human memory is often revised. True or false?
Reminders that facilitate the retrieval of information from memory
Retrieval cues
The learning process by which stimuli are different from the condition stimulus
The type of reinforcement that involves giving something desirable
Positive reinforcement
Being able to retrieve information when presented with the list of options is an example of
Fully becoming the person one has the potential to become
Self actualization
The process of taking in information, saving it overtime, incline it to mind later
Siri of motivation that the strongest in healthiest motivations come from within that person
Self-determination theory
Person experiences emotion by noticing body really changes first and then interpreting them as particular feelings
James Lange theory
Reinforcement consistently comes when you perform the behavior after a predictable amount of time passes
Fixed interval schedule
Type of memory and which processing is done on briefly held information
Working memory
The highest need on Maslows hierarchy of needs
Self transcendence
Point information out of memory
A type of reinforcement that involves removing something undesirable
Negative reinforcement
The label that one is signs to one’s body reaction determines your mental reaction
Scachter singer theory
The neutral stimulus develops into
Condition stimulus