Exam 2 Flashcards
What do most babies do at 2 months of age?
Begin to smile at people
Coos, makes gurgling sounds.
Turns head toward sounds.
Pays attention to faces. Begins to follow things with eyes and recognize people at a distance
Able to hold head up and begin to push up when lying on tummy.
At 2 months of age, you should tell your child’s doctor if you notice what signs:
Doesn’t respond to loud sounds
Doesn’t smile at people
Can’t hold head up when pushing up when on tummy
Doesn’t watch things as they move
Doesn’t bring hands to mouth
What do most babies do at 4 months of age?
Smile spontaneously especially at people.
Like to play with people and might cry when playing stops
Begins to babble, babbles with expression and copied sounds he hears.
Cries in different ways to show hunger, pain, or being tired
Responds to affection.
Reaches for toy with one hand.
Uses hands and eyes together, such as seeing a toy and reaching for it.
Holds head steady, unsupported.
Pushes down on legs when feet are on a hard surface.
May be able to roll over from tummy to back.
Can hold a toy and shake it, and swing dangling toys.
Brings hands to mouth.
When lying on stomach, pushes up to elbows
Notify your physician if your baby is not doing these at 4 months
Doesn’t watch things as they move
Doesn’t smile at people
Doesn’t coo or make sounds
Doesn’t bring things to mouth
Doesn’t push down with legs when feet are placed on a hard surface
Has trouble moving one or both eyes in all directions
At how many months should an infant be able to respond to voice and expressed themselves by babbling?
At six months
At how many months should an infant be able to understand one step commands, such as sit or come and be able to say one word in addition to mama and dada?
At 12 months or one year
At how many months or years should a child be able to understand two-step commands such as “clap your hands” or “stand up?”
At 24 months or two years old
At how old should an infant be able to say two word commands such as “mommy up” and their speech be 50% of intelligible words.
24 months or two years old
At how old should infants be able to understand three set commands, at least use three word combinations, and speech should be 75% intelligible?
At 36 months or three years
How old should a child be able to speak in full sentences in speech should be 100% intelligible?
At 48 months or four years old
At what age will a baby know familiar faces and begin to know if someone is a stranger?
At six months
What age in months does an infant respond to their own name?
Six months
At what age does infants bring things to their mouth?
At six months
At what age can an infant begin to sit without support?
Six months
At what age can a infant understand no?
Nine months
At what age does an infant use fingers to point at things?
Nine months
At what age can an infant play peekaboo?
Nine months
At what age can an infant pick up things like cereal between them and index finger?
Nine months
At what age can an infant stand holding on, get into sitting position, sits without support, pulls to stand, crawls?
Nine months
At what age is an infant shy or nervous with strangers, puts out arm or leg to help with dressing, uses simple gestures like shaking head no or waving bye-bye, explores things in different ways like shaking, banging, throwing, starts to use things correctly like drinks from a cup?
At 12 months or 1 year
What parental questionnaire is used for screening and surveillance of developmental milestones with parental four of 30 items that measure communication, gross motor, fine motor, problem-solving, personal social, and overall development?
What is the ages and stages questionnaire for social emotional screening of social development for what age range?
3 to 60 months old
What age should A child be able to scribble on his own?
At 18 months
At what age will a child know what ordinary things are for such as a telephone, brush, or spoon?
At 18 months
At what age can a child do this:
Get excited when other children are around, shows more and more independence, says sentences with 2-4 words, Begins to short shapes and colors, follow to step instructions such as pick up your shoes and put them in the closet, can stand on tiptoe, Can kick a ball, begins to run, and throws ball over hand, and makes it copies straight lines and circles
two years of age
At what age can a child do this
Copies adults and friends, takes turns and games, Follows instructions with two or three steps, can say first name, age and sex, plays make-believe with dolls animals and people, copies a circle with pencil or crayon, builds towers of more than six blocks, Understands what two means, Can pedal a tricycle, walks up and downstairs 1 foot on each step
Age 3 years
At what age can a child do these things:
Would rather play with other children than himself, enjoys doing your things, knows basic rules of grammar correctly using he and she, Can say first and last name, Can sing songs or says a poem from memory, Name some colors and some numbers, starts to understand time, plays board or card games, can use scissors, draws a person with 2 to 4 body parts, catches a bouncy ball most of the time
4 years old
At what age can a child do these things
Wants to please friends and be like them, is aware of their gender,
Can tell what’s real and what’s make-believe, speaks very clearly, says name and address, counts 10 or more things, can draw a person with at least six body parts, stand on 1 foot for 10 seconds or longer, hops may be able to skip, can use the toilet on her own, swings and climbs
Age 5 years old
Texas health steps requires use of validated standardized screening tools for postpartum depression
What are the three? When should this be done by to get reimbursement?
Edinburgh postnatal depression scale, patient health questionnaire, postpartum depression screen scale
This should be done between the time an infant is discharge from the birth facility and his or her first birthday