Exam 2 Flashcards
Lamarck founder of invertebrate paleontology and evolutionary theorist. Thought species might improve over time because of inherent drive towards perfection.
Cuvier established the fact of extinction of past lifeforms. Studied fossils and noticed that many fossil species had no living counterparts. Developed the theory of catastrophism. Researched vertebrate and invertebrate zoology and paleontology.
Buffon’s idea that species change over time has become the cornerstone of the modern of evolutionary theory.
Explain catastrophic events that affect life on Earth and how life adapted to the changes.
Catastrophic events happen by the geologic forces shaping the Earth’s surface. Remain species repopulated the earth.
• Describe the historical background of the development of evolutionary theory in the 19th century. Include the role of Charles Darwin and Alfred Russel Wallace.
o Darwin formulate the theory of natural selection. He wanted enough evidence to prove his theory. Wallace supplied Darwin with birds for his studies and helped Darwin publishing his own ideas on evolution.
• Explain all the contributions made by Darwin.
o Used observations, life had changed over time via geologic evidence & fossil evidence.
o Darwin provided a mechanism and substantial evidence to explain how evolution works.\
o Selection of gene breeding was called artificial selection. This produces observable changes that individuals may see through his lifetime. Over time generations.
• Explain Darwin’s finches and the role of the mockingbird in his observations of natural selection.
o The mockingbird/finches discovering from observations were that their adaptation to varying island habitats through gradual separation into differing species.
• Discuss the observations of Charles Darwin leading to the theory of natural selection.
o Genetic variation, overproduction of offspring, struggle for existence, and differential survival & reproduction.
• State the requirements for natural selection and evolution in a population.
o The gene pool has to survive by the environment to be inherited to the following population.
• Discuss natural selection, artificial selection, and sexual selection.
o Natural selection selects traits in organisms by the environment survival process
Artificial selection is done by selecting the animals and plants to be bred and produce more desirable characteristics in the next generation.
Sexual selection is where the females decide on which male to mate with.
• Explain how Charles Darwin used artificial selection, comparative anatomy and comparative embryology to understand and explain evolutionary mechanisms
o Artificial selection, comparative anatomy, and comparative embryology show how Darwin’s process by investigating the homologies, inherited similarities, and organisms bone structure change over time in evolution.
• Describe the conditions that are necessary for natural selection and evolution to occur.
o Reproduction, heredity, variation in fitness or organisms, variation in individual characters among members of the population.
• Name and describe the four processes of natural selection. Apply this knowledge to examples.
o Genetic variation – presence of differences in sequences of genes between individual organisms.
o Overproduction of offspring – each generation has more offspring than can be supported by the environment
o Competition for resources – the use of the same resource by individuals of the same species or of different species.
o Differential survival and reproduction – non-genetic changes that occur during an organism’s life span, such as increase in muscle mass due to exercise, cannot be passed onto the next generation and are not examples of evolution.
• Define fossil.
o Remains or impressions of a prehistoric organism. Evidence of the past life
• Describe the processes of fossil formation.
o When a plant or animal dies in a watery environment and is buried in mud and silt. Preserved in amber, permafrost, peat bogs