Exam Flashcards
Who was the Pope during Martin Luther’s time, against whom Luther openly criticised?
- Pope Francis
- Pope Benedict XVI
- Pope Leo X
- Pope John Paul II
Pope Leo X
Which of the following countries did not establish overseas colonies during the eighteenth century?
- England
- Germany
- France
- Portugal
Galilei was forced to recant his ideas on ____ in front of the Inquisition
- Scientific thinking
- Geocentric thinking
- Gravity
- Heliocentric thinking
Heliocentric thinking
Which Italian city was the primary centre of the early Renaissance and the birthplace of many humanist ideas and artistic achievements?
- Milan
- Venice
- Florence
- Rome
What tern is used to describe the study of ancient texts and culture as a key component of humanism
- Classicism
- Renaissance
- Humanitas
- Rationalism
The major defences against the menaces of the early 1400s were
- Prayer, confession, and last rites
- Religion, community, and government
- Plague, medicine, and religion
- Disease, natural disasters, and war
Prayer, confession, and last rites
The quadrant and the astrolabe were
- Ships used by European explorers
- Instruments used in map-making
- Rare spices sought by early exploreres
- Navigational instruments used by sailors
Navigational instruments used by sailors
The major shift in most European economies in the early 1500s was
- From feudalism to capitalism
- From usury to land ownership
- From capitalism to feudalism
- From feudalism to venture investment banking
From feudalism to capitalism
The term “Renaissance” is derived from the French word meaning
- Rebirth
- Enlightenment
- Revolution
- Refom
The Medici family was a powerful _____ family in Italy
- Military
- Relgious
- Artistic
- Banking
What is the term used to describe James I’s belief in the divine right of kings
- Constitutional monarchy
- Parliamentarianism
- Absolutism
- Englightenment
Tomatoes, cocoa, and corn
- were introduced to the new world by Christopher columbus
- were foods brought back from the New World to Europe
- were food exchanged for laves in Africa
- Were highly coveted resources indentified by Columbus
were foods brought back from the New World to Europe
The primary group that suffered from Louis XIV’s domestic taxation ploicy was
- Nobility
- Church
- Peasants
- Intenants
European explorers faced many obstacles when building trade relations with China but the most important was
- Religion
- Different languages prevented communication
- Massive bureaucracy that took their orders from the Emperor
- Warring region prevented stability
Massive bureaucracy that took their orders from the Emperor
According to Locke, if a government rails to protect the natural rights of its citizens, what should the people do
- Seek refuge in a new state of nature
- Petition the ruler for justice
- Overthrow or replace the government
- Accept the ruler’s decisions as rinal
Overthrow or replace the government
Louis XIV centralised government by creating three councils
- Court of State, Court of Finaces, Court of Dispatches
- Court of Commerce, Court of State, Court of Dispatches
- Court of Religion, Court of Finaces, Court of State
- Court of Dispatches, Court of State, Court of MIlitary
Court of State, Court of Finaces, Court of Dispatches
According to our class discussion, the primary reason Japan and China were not successful in transoceanic travel was
- they did not have a strong merchant marine
- had no desire for exploration
- fear of foreign interference
- the pacific ocean was too treacherous to cross
the pacific ocean was too treacherous to cross
Thomas Hobbes and John Locke’s essays on government were infulenced by this historical event
- scientific revolution
- reformation
- english civil war
- renaissance
english civil war
Which scientist is famous for discovering the laws of motion and universal gravitation
- Galileo Galilei
- Johnannes Kepler
- Isaac Newton
- Nicolaus Copernicus
Isaac Newton
The Glorious Revolution refers to the period in England’s history when
- Charles I was beheaded
- The english civil war ended
- Oliver Cromwell invaded Ireland
- Constitutional monarchy was established in England
Constitutional monarchy was established in England
Which document led to the persecution of French Protestants and a centralization of power under Louis XIV
- Edict of Nantes
- Edict of Potsdam
- Edicrt of Versailles
- Edict of Frontainebleu
Edict of Nantes
Which of the following was a major result of the Protestant Reformation
- The catholic church was abolished
- a permanent split in western christianity between catholics and protestants
- the reuniting of eastern orthadox and catholic churches
- the establishment of a single unified protestant church
a permanent split in western christianity between catholics and protestants
In class, we studied historical revisionism as it related to Columbus, but we also indentified an additional figure whose legacy has also come under scrutiny
- elon musk
- joan a macdonald
- joan f kennedey
- dohnny depp
joan a macdonald
what was the general view of the universe before the scientific revolution
- the earth was the centre of the universe
- the sun was the centre of the universe
- the universe was infinite and boundless
- the universe consisted only of the earth and its atmosphere
the earth was the centre of the universe