Exam Flashcards
Mark incorrect formula2on
a. The e+ologic agent of arthropod-borne diseases is localized in the blood of bloodsucking arthropods
b. The e+ologic agent of arthropod-borne disease is localized in the blood of source of infec+on
c. Epidemiological features of arthropod-borne diseases include endemicity, seasonal varia+on of incidence, social
influence and influence clima+c condi+on
d. Epidemiological measures of arthropod-borne infec+ons must be oriented first of all on the interrup+on of
transmission by effec+ve vector control
Mark correct:
A. Cryptosporidiosis is protozoan disease
B. Toxocarosis is protozoan diseases
c. Ascariasis is protozoan diseases
d. Enterobiosis is protozoan diseases
Endemicity is typical for:
a. Intestinal infec+ons
b. Airborne infec+ons
c. Arthropod-borne infec+ons
d. Infec+ons of the skin and external mucosae
New cases in the population in the given period of time describe:
a. Incidence
b. Prevalence
c. Morbidity
d. Mortality
Potassium permanganate commonly used as an antiseptic belongs to:
a. Alkaline and acids
b. Oxidizing agents
c. Surfactants
d. Cyclic compounds
Which of these is not physical method of steriliza2on:
a. Moist heat
b. Ionizing radiation
c. Polarization
d. Dry heat
Among basic forms of sources of infection don’t belong:
a. A sick person
b. A carrier of pathogenic microorganisms
c. Pathogenic microorganism
d. An infected animal
Factors that bring about a change in person’s health (cause healthy individual become sick or cause a sick to
recover) refers to:
a. Disease determinants
b. Disease distribu+on
c. Disease defini+on
d. Epidemiological research
Mortality is:
a. Number of sick persons to some disease calculated per 100,000 of the population
B.Morbidity in the selected popula+on groups
C.Proportion of persons who died from a disease of all those who contracted the disease
D. Number of deaths at a given time period per 100,000 of the popula+on
Which of these is not etiological agent of sexual transmihed diseases?
a. Haemophilus docrey
b. Treponema pallidum
c. Pediculus corporis
d. Herpes virus type I, II
Mark the incorrect formulation:
A.Sources of infec+on in zoonoses can be domes+c animals.
B.Sources of infec+on in zoonoses can be vectors.
C.Sources of infec+on in zoonoses can be pathogenic microorganisms.
D.Zoonoses have not tendency to epidemic spread.
Tick-borne encephalitis is transmihed:
a. By +ck ixodes ricinus only
b. By +ck ixodes ricinus, alterna+vely by contaminated milk and milk products
c. Exclusively by drinking raw milk of infected cows, goats and sheep
E2ologic agent of urogenital chlamydiosis is:
a. Chlamydia psiJaci
b. Chlamydia pecorum
c. Chlamydia trachoma+s
d. Chlamydia genitalis
Protec2on ader using of homologous globulins is approximately for:
a. 6 - 8 months
b. 6 - 8 weeks
c. 2 - 3weeks
d. 1 - 3 years
- Mark correct formula2on:
a. Diphtheria is infec+on of the skin and external mucosae
b. The carriership can be definitely confirmed by laboratory findings
c. Analy+c epidemiology deals with the distribu+on of diseases in popula+on
d. Preven+ve measures of intes+nal infec+ons include effec+ve vector control
Mark the incorrect formula2on:
a. The source of infec+on of meningococcal meningi+s is sick person or healthy carrier
b. Varicella airborne infec+on
c. Enterobiosis is zoonosis
d. The sources of infec+on of Lyme borreliosis are small mammals
Rubella is:
a. …
b. Airborne infec+on
c. Arthropode … infec+on
d. Infec+on of the skin and external mucoase
E2ologic agent of Lyme borreliosis is:
a. Ixodes ricirius
b. Pediculus corporis
c. Borrelia borelliae
d. Borrelia burgdorfrei