Exam Flashcards
赏月chī yuè bǐng
Appreciate the moon
吃月饼 chī yuè bǐng
Eat mooncakes
重阳节 zhòng yáng jié
Double ninth festival
春节 chūn jié
Spring Festival (Chinese New Year)
端午节 duān wǔ jié
Dragon Boat Festival
吃粽子 chī zòng zǐ
Eat rice dumplings
nián gāo, jiǎo zǐ, chūn jié, yú
New Year cake, dumplings, Spring Festival, fish
重阳糕 zhòng yáng gāo
Double Ninth Cake
汤圆、元宵 tāng yuán, yuán xiāo
Glutinous rice balls, Lantern Festival
赏龙灯 sài lóng zhōu
Appreciate the dragon lanterns
赛龙舟 sài lóng zhōu
Dragon boat racing
丰富多彩 fēng fù duō cǎi
Rich and colorful
圣诞美食 shèng dàn měi shí
Christmas delicacies
独唱 dú chàng
Solo singing
网上 wang shan
买礼物 mǎi lǐ wù
Buy gifts
比 bǐ
比萨 pian yi
火鸡 huǒ jī
比萨 bǐ sà
不仅……,而且…… bù jǐn…, ér qiě…
Not only…, but also…
虽然……,但是…… suī rán…, dàn shì…
Although…, but…
因为…所以… yīn wèi…, suǒ yǐ…
Because…, so…
先……然后…… xiān…, rán hòu…
First…, then…
一边…一边… yì biān…, yì biān…
One side…, on the other side…
…还是… hái shì..
…或者… huò zhě…
如果… rú guǒ…
春联 chūn lián
Spring couplets
一定 yī dìng
吸引 xī yǐn
从小 cóng xiǎo
Since childhood
本地游客 běn dì yóu kè
Local tourists
特色 tè sè
比较 bǐ jiào
气氛 qì fēn
眼福 yī nián yī dù
A feast for the eyes
一年一度 yǎn fú
Once a year
口福 kǒu fú
The enjoyment of good foods
煎鱼 jiān yú
Fried fish
传统的 chuán tǒng de
重要的 zhòng yào de
年初一早上 nián chū yī zǎo shàng
New Year’s Day morning
不咸也不淡 bù xián yě bù dàn
Not salty, not light
热衷于 rè zhōng yú
Enthusiastic about
决定 jué dìng
亮点之 liàng diǎn zhī yī
One of the highlights
东南亚风味的美食 dōng nán yà fēng wèi de měi shí
Southeast Asian cuisine
中式糕点 zhōng shì gāo diǎn
Chinese pastries
厨艺大赛 chú yì dà sài
Culinary competition
现场 xiàn chǎng