Exam 1.7 The Gospels Flashcards
The Virgin Birth
Matthew 1:23
Take My yoke upon you
Matthew 11:29
Church discipline
Matthew 18
Peter is the Rock
Matthew 16:18
Jesus Came to Serve
Mark 10:45
99 and 1 Sheep
Luke 15:4
Hades and Paradise
Luke 16:25
The Rich Young Ruler
Luke 18:18
The Pharisee and the Publican
Luke 18:11
I and the Father are One
John 10:30
The Upper Room discourse
John 13-16
The Father is greater than I
John 14:28
True Discipleship
Luke 14:26
Do what I say Lordship
Luke 6:46
Do what I say Lordship
Luke 6:46
Came for Sinners
Luke 5:32
Depart from me, I never knew you
Matthew 7:21-23
Send out workers into the Harvest
Matthew 9-10
Matthew 13
Blasphemy against the Holy Spirit
Matthew 12
Which book has the upper room discourse in detail
Good Shepherd
John 10:27
Irresistible Grace
John 6:37
The Vine and the Branches
John 15:5
The High Priestly Prayer
John 17:3
Written so that you may believe
John 20:31
Mary and Martha
Luke 10:41
Which book has the theme: Christ as Man
The Sermon on the Mount
Matthew 5-7
Gentile Rulers lord it over them
Matthew 20:25
The Great Commission
Matthew 28:19-20
Theme of Matthew
Jesus as King
Which book’s key verse is “For even the Son of Man did not come to be served but to serve, and to give His life a ransom for many”?
Theme of Mark
Jesus as Servant
Which book is written to Romans
Which book is written to Gentiles or Greeks
Which book is written to Jews
I am the Way
John 14:6
The Helper
John 14:26
Disaster and Sovereignty
Luke 13:4
Genesis Theme
God’s Sovereign Choice
Exodus Theme
Redemption and Deliverance
Leviticus Theme
Holiness and Worship
Numbers Theme
Disbelief brings Wandering
Deuteronomy Theme
Renewed Covenant
Theme of Joshua
Conquer and Divide
Theme of Judges
Cycles of Sin
Theme of Ruth
Kinsman Redeemer
Theme of 1 Samuel
Samuel to Saul
Theme of 2 Samuel
David’s Reign as King
Theme of 1 Kings
United and Divided Kingdom
Theme of 2 Kings
Captivity of Israel and Judah
Theme of 1 Chronicles
God’s View of David
God’s view of Judah’s King
2 Chronicles
Theme of Ezra
Rebuild the Temple
Theme of Nehemiah
Rebuild the Walls
Theme of Esther
Providence and Preservation
Suffering and Sovereignty
The Fear of the Lord is the Beginning of Wisdom
Theme: Life is Meaningless Apart from God
God loves marriage
Song of Solomon
Theme of Isaiah
Salvation is of the Lord
Theme of Jeremiah
Judgment and Blessing
Theme of Lamentations
Mourning and Desolation
Theme of Ezekiel
Condemnation and Consolation
Theme of Daniel
God’s Sovereignty in History
Theme: The Day of the Lord
Theme: Edom’s Judgment
Social Injustice of Israel
Theme of Amos
God’s mercy on the repentant
Theme of Jonah
The Justice of God
Theme of Micah
Loyal Love
Theme of Hosea
Future Global Judgment
Theme of Zephaniah
Theme of Nahum
Nineveh’s Judgment
Construct the Temple
Theme of Haggai
Judgment on Judah
Theme of Habakkuk
Preparation for the Messiah
Theme of Zechariah
Theme of Malachi
True worship is of the Lord
Theme of the Bible
The glory of God in the establishment of His Kingdom through the redemptive work of Jesus Christ