Exam Flashcards
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
The var statement
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
When the execution phase begins, JavaScript knows what variables exist and where they are in scope. From the developer’s perspective, the code acts like the declarations were moved to the top of their respective scope. In particular, function-scoped declarations are moved to the function’s beginning, and block-scoped declarations are moved to the block’s start. We call this process hoisting.
The effect of hoisting is that all the declarations get hoisted – raised, lifted, moved – to the top of their defined scope. That’s why the following code works:
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Strict mode
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Closures, scope, and private data
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Partial function application
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Shorthand notation (understanding, not using)
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Modules (CommonJS)
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Pure functions and side effects
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Asynchronous programming (setTimeout, setInterval)
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Testing terminology
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
expect and matchers (toBe and toEqual especially)
Explain to someone who doesn’t know about (but knows everything up to knowing about it) with at least 1 example:
SEAT approach