Exam Flashcards
What is convex set? [1-INTRO]
A set C is convex if for any x1, x2 ∈ C, for any lambda [0, 1], it holds that lambda * x1 + (1 - lambda) * x2 ∈ C
What is convex function? [1-INTRO]
A function f is convex if dom f is convex and for any x, y ∈ dom f and lambda [0,1] it holds that
f(lambda * x + (1 - lambda) * y) <= lambda * f(x) + (1 - lambda) * f(y)
What are steps to standardise LP? [2-GEOMETRY]
1 Maximization → Minimization
2 ≤ inequalities → equalities (slack variables)
3 ≥ inequalities → equalities (surplus variables)
4 Negative right hand sides → multiply by −1
5 Eliminate free variables
What is a polyhedra? [2-GEOMETRY]
Convex set that is the intersection of a finite number of hyperplanes and halfspaces
What is an extreme point of polyhedron P? [2-GEOMETRY]
We can not find x,y ∈ P s.t. lambda * x + (1 - lambda) * y ∈ P
[Theorem: Suppose P has at least one extreme point. Then, either the optimal cost is −∞ or there exists an extreme point that is optimal.]
What is basic solution and BFS? [2-GEOMETRY]
Let P be a polyhedron. The vector x ∈ Rn is is a basic solution if
1) All equality constraints are active at x, and
2) Out of the constraints that are active, n of them are linearly independent
BFS - A basic feasible solution(BFS) is a basic solution that satisfies all of the constraints
What is a vertex of polyhedron P? [2-GEOMETRY]
Point x is the vertex of P if there exists c ∈ Rn such that x is the unique optimal solution of problem
min c^T*x subject to x ∈ P
What is the connection between Extreme Pt, Vertex and BFS? [2-GEOMETRY]
If we let P be a non-empty polyhedron and let x ∈ P. Then, these are equivalent
[Property of being a BFS is representation independent] [P has a BFS <=> P does not contain a line (Th)]
When polyhedron P = {x : Ax = b, x ≥ 0} does have a BFS? Let A = [A1, A2, …, An] (Ai: ith column of A) [2-GEOMETRY]
Theorem: Assume that rank(A) = m. A vector x ∈ Rn is a basic solution if and only if Ax = b, and there exist indices B(1), . . . , B(m) such that:
(a) The columns AB(1), . . . , AB(m) are linearly independent
(b) xi = 0 ∀ i != B(1),…,B(m)
When a basic solution is called degenerate? [2-GEOMETRY]
A basic solution x is degenerate if the cardinality of the set {i : a_i^T * x = b_i } is greater than n (more than n constraints are active)
[ Degeneracy may depend on the particular representation of a polyhedron!]
In case of simplex method - θ* can equal 0 → new BFS = current BFS -> Finite termination is not guaranteed: cycling is possible.
What is the standard view of a LP? [3 - Simplex 1]
minimize c^T*x
subject to Ax = b, x≥0
with data A ∈ Rm×n, c∈Rn, b∈Rm (b≥0)
We assume:
*rows of A are linearly independent (otherwise, the constraints are
redundant or inconsistent).
* Requires that # of variables = n ≥ m = # of equations
=> rank(A) = m
What are basic variables in terms of A matrix? [3 - Simplex 1]
The set of columns that makes the matrix A invertible. The rest columns of A are called non-basic variables.
Note - By construction, the non-basic variables are always zero, but the basic variables can be zero or non-zero.
Write the Basic Representation [3 - Simplex 1]
it is on the list == revise it!!!
How do we define the reduced costs vector? [3 - Simplex 1]
Definition: Let x be a basic solution, let B be an associated basis matrix, and let c_B be the vector of costs of the basic variables.
For each j, we define the reduced cost rj of the variable xj according to
r_j = c_j − (c_B)^TB^(− 1)A_j.
when r ≥ 0 - we found the optimal solution! If not - we increase the variables with the negative reduced costs!
note - for basic variables they equal 0
r_B = c_B − (B)^TB^(− 1)^Tc_B
for NBVs:
r_N = c_B − (N)^TB^(− 1)^Tc_B
Theorem: Consider a basic feasible solution x associated with a basis matrix B, and let r be the corresponding vector of reduced costs. [3 - Simplex 1]
1.If r ≥0, then x is optimal.
2 If x is optimal and non-degenerate, then r ≥ 0.
What is the expression for the basic direction? [3 - Simplex 1]
So basically it is the direction in which we reduce the costs (we move as fas as possible)
A(x + θd) = b
Since θ>0 ,we require Ad =0,i.e.,
0=Ad =Bd_B +A_j.
The unique solution is d_B = −B^(−1)*A_j.
The vector d = (d_B,d_N) is called j-th basic direction.
What are key steps of Simplex Method? [3 - Simplex 1]
Identify Basis, BFS
Calculate Reduced Costs
Determine Direction, Feasibility
Adjust Basis, Recalculate
for adjusting the basis - Smallest subscript pivoting rule + for the direction - we select the smallest x_old/x_new fraction