Exam Flashcards
a study of biological foundations of economic cognition
biological foundations
neurochemical mechanisms and pathways (e.g. neurons)
economic cognition
cognitive activity associated with economic perceptions (e.g. expectations)
the hub, processing part of the brain
selective attention test
missing a lot and we have no idea
levels of analysis in behavioural science
social - organ - neural - brain - circuit - cellular - synaptic - molecular
Scientific research (what’s different)
empirical method
process of scientific research
make observations
think of interesting questions
formulate hypotheses
develop testable predictions
gather data to test predictions
(refine, alter, expand or reject hypotheses)
develop general theories
proposed explanation for phenomenon
must be testable
should try to falsify not prove
how does Y change X ceteris paribus
the cause precedes the effect
there is covariation
no alternative explanation
Talairaach space
general coordinate system of brain
because brains differ
independent variable x dependent variable
stimuli x brain’s response
3D pixel
basic unit
1-5 mm3
brain composition change with age
the volume decreases
blood flow and oxygen - brain’s activity
most detailed
MRI - anatomic sturcture
fMRI - metabolic function